
I try to visit clubs when I'm traveling. I had the benefit of visiting the St. Louis area frequently for a while. With the quantity of clubs on the east side, I sometimes would visit 4-5 clubs in one night. As a result of all my trips, I have 166 reviews for 80 clubs and my VIP access goes to 2018. I just noticed that it will expire on my 70th birthday! I know Shadowcat is still going strong and is that range, so I'm trying to use him as my role model.
last commentMine expires Feb4, 2019. I'll be 77 then and I plan to still be clubbing. :)
I wouldn't say my good friend, shadowcat is my inspiration, but he is one helluva guy :)
Maybe Founder should have another "Top Ten" category: Members with the most accumulated membership. Shadow and Sandy, you guys, and the other eight deserve it!
I am only 42 and already have 93 reviews of 70 clubs and my VIP membership doesn't expire until December of 2017. I wonder if I have a I travel a heck of a lot.
One of my goals here is to review 100 clubs. Truth be told, I've probably been in over 100 clubs since joining tuscl, but I tend not to write a review when I do not stay long or see enough to provide meaningful intel to the readers.
Keep going strong sandy and shadow! I hope that I am still out there doing my thing when I reach your ages.
Money is ageless: If you got the money honey she got the time!!
Damn, I'm a rookie! I can only get through 67! That said, sc is the godfather here.
I hate St Louis
I still think membership should be by payment ONLY, NOT via reviews.
I didn't know reviews accumulated lol. Been holding onto some reviews as I thought it was month to month! Lolz