VIP's, Cheapskates, and Code Words
New Jersey
Done thirty five+ years in joints and never bought a VIP. (Rip-offs for suckers-no bang for Buck). Have weakend and bought an occasional Lap (half of which were quite nice). For the same (or much less) money I can get washed, massaged, and the rest of the icing on the cake total package in my local MP. But for the first time in my life a sultry right-down-my-alley Go-Goer is sorely tempting me to take the plunge. A notice on another board has her providing explicit services above and beyond the call of duty. Told her I had the pleasure of a LD with her. 'In VIP we can do a little more-well a LOT more.' Then she told me she really is a VIP 'specialist'--implying that only the uninformed bother taking her for a simple LD. Gotta love that saying it w/o really sayin' it stuff. That deuce (let's face it-lot of money for a working man) is burning a hole in my pocket.
I would make fun of her: "I think it's the desperate vibe you put out. You should work on that." "Well as women get older it gets harder to meet guys for sex." "Have you considered spending more time in the gym?"