Maliah Michel Is The Number 1 Stripper In The WORLD

avatar for jackslash

Does anyone agree that she's Number 1 ? The photos show a girl with a huge ass! Rappers seem to love her, but I would not spend a dollar on her.


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avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Not for me either. I thought that the photo looked familiar so I went to the TMZ link in the article and found it was actually at the Atlanta Dimonds. Great reporting! I didn't think it was news worthy when I saw it there. Just another rapper throwing around some PR money. I guess if blacks want to support those kind, it is their business.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
As a guy that loves ass on his strippers, I would have to say she looks pretty good (although she's a little too thick for me). Not number 1, but I definitely would be tipping her.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
For me, not even close. I can name at least three local girls who beat her on looks alone. I'm betting most of the posters here could do the same.

But, there's no accounting for taste, and I'm certainly not going to begrudge anyone their preference for this one.
avatar for overnights
13 years ago
I hope that she wiped her butt really good before putting her crack on that pole :|.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
she's good looking & has a nice body. but that ass has to go
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
If they don't have that Olivia Wilde/ Megan fox look they will never be my number 1.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
What is with the stockings in the pic with the "stacks" all over the stage? Looks like below the knee is attached mechanically.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"The Number 1 Stripper In The WORLD"

Was there a vote? Did we miss it?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
For $5000 I hope NE-YO got OTC with Maliah, otherwise he's just another typical dumbass pathetic loser like us.

And no we didn't vote her #1 Stripper.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@pabloantonio: Shit, I've spent about 5 grand on my CF/ATF/SB over the last *year*, and I got a hell of a lot more than one OTC out of the deal.
avatar for jc8891
13 years ago
She is kind of cute. Definitely not #1. I agree there are better looking girls at the local clubs.
avatar for samsung1
13 years ago
She is a little too thick for me
avatar for dabiggtipper
13 years ago
Some of you guys are crazy, this is the number one stripper on the black major strip club scene. I won't spend 5000 on her because I don't roll like that but if I saw her I would get a dance from her. She has great body but for some her ass is to thick. I understand some are limited,and probably would have trouble getting around that ass. She wouldn't dance at your local mid or low club anyway, so you would never have a chance to spend a dollar on her anyway. Last but not least if your local club has hotter chicks then her they need to get out and go to a major club to make more money.This chick makes over 150,000 a year and im more than sure they don't.
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
I'm not sure that #1 stripper and most attractive stripper mean the same thing. I don't know what #1 stripper means. I do know I just went out to lunch and at the restaurant there were at least 4 customers who looked better to me than this chick.
avatar for outside4
13 years ago
Not my style.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
A Dancer who would get my Vote for #1 in the World, likely DOESN'T exist in the "real world"! Just in my mind! LMAO
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