Strip Clubs and Relieving Stress for Actual Dating

avatar for Omega22
One good thing about strip clubs that I have noticed is that they relieve stress for dating. I have been trying online dating and I don't feel nervouse when meeting a girl for a first date knowing full well that if she isn't interested then I still have strip clubs. In other words I will still have that access to female companionship that strip clubs provide.

Basically speaking one can try dating different women but have some of the pressure taken off if the dates don't work out. Also strip clubs can help relieve stress from breakups. For example one of my friends went through a breakup so I took him to the Spearmint Rhino here in Lexington and it definitly helped him.

My overall point is that strip clubs are like a safe card. If a date or relationship goes wrong then there is always that female companionship that is provided through the clubs. Even though the strippers aren't actually interested it doesn't take away from the fact that they will still talk to you and will give you some sexual action for a small fee.


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avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Uh, I think you're looking for justifications beyond "it's fun and I want to do it." Just go, stop rationalizing the decision and just enjoy yourself.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Georgemicrodong: I understand what you are saying and I do agree with your comment.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
There is going to come a point where a strip club isn't enough. The girls will blabber on about stars you have never heard of and don't care about. They will bemoan the problems of a twenty something - problems you left behind twenty or thirty years ago. You will wake up one day and say "Crap, I don't have a family." Someday that ATF is going to get up and leave. Lots of things man. Lots of things will happen one never thought of, trying to make a life out of "relationships" in a strip club.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
Deogol: You make a great point and thank you for taking the time to comment. As I always say I appreciate it when people take the time to talk to me. However I am unsure if I even really want a family. I certaintly don't want to ever have kids. So most people may look back and say, "Crap I don't have a family" but not me.

I went on a couple dates thanks to but looking back at it I am actually kind of glad there was never a second date with either girl I went on a date with. The strippers are more buetiful then any girl I could get with on a dating website or meet at a bar.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Hmmm. I think you have deeper issues than strip clubs.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
georgemicrodong: I have been told that I take life too seriously by people for many years. So I guess I do have deeper issues than taking strip clubs too seriously. I do in fact take life more seriously than most people my age. As I mentioned before as well I have clinical depression and strip clubs have helped me with it. They are so much fun!
avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
I'm a big advocate for getting as much out of life as possible. For me that includes marriages, kids, and strippers, not necessarily all at the same time but you can do it that way too.
avatar for boogieknight369
12 years ago
Omega, why you go to SCs is completely up to you. I love them and I don't need to rationalize, they're fun and I can afford them (within reason). I have been out of the dating pool for a long time, but I can totally see how they would help in the dating game. I think I'd have more confidence on a date knowing that if a date went south, I could cut my losses and have some no-strings attached fun with an even hotter chick for a few bucks. As far as the depression goes, see a doctor and get on some meds, I had a tough time a year or so a go and I got on celexa, did wonders for my mood swings.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Hmmmm....sounds like stripclubs & clinical depression is a powder keg waiting for a lit match. If they help that's great, but the potential for disaster seems more likely.
avatar for hard10
12 years ago
I dunno lopaw. I think a good strip club session (+ some extras) would be the best thing for a depressed soul. It's also great for not-so-depressed types too. Thoughts, Omega?
avatar for NOLAStripClubReview
12 years ago
Omega, the other poster is correct - the reason you go to and enjoy strip clubs is completely up to you. I'm not interested in telling people how to enjoy their free time.

However, whatever you're looking for in a strip club (female companionship, insurance for an unsuccessful date, post-breakup therapy, etc.) - you're probably not going to find it. Eventually you'll get tired of the same old questions and conversations with strippers (believe me, it starts to repeat itself). If you don't, maybe you even start to like one of these girls. Then what? You'll ask her out to dinner? Like every other desperate guy in the place. Don't fall into that trap.

Just go to the club, enjoy all of the booze and topless/naked chicks, and when you leave the club - actually leave the club. Don't let that become your life. I like strip clubs because I get to see lots of different topless women in thongs at once. It's awesome. But I'm not going to give up my private life so I can spend more time at the strip club.
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
Omega, you need to get your head on straight. Strippers are sexy, easy and fun. They will give you more action in one lap dance than you will get from most regular women on the third date. Strippers will take your money but you get the milk without buying the cow. Strippers will ruin you for relationships with regular, decent women. Be sure to thank them for it.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
@hard10 -
I hope that you are right (especially for Omega's sake) but the very nature of stripclubs can set emotionally unstable people up for major disappointment if things don't go the way that they were hoping they would. Strippers are so very good at manipulation of both our hearts as well as our wallets, and it strikes me that a clinically depressed person's emotions are that much more vulnerable to their charms. It might start off well, and it might be OK if that person is strong enough to maintain awareness that it is all just a shell game. But I fear that a depressed person will start off good and eventually succumb to illusion and wind up worse off than when they started.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
When you start using strip clubs as a substitute for any emotional state I start to question if there's not a problem going on.

Sexual gratification (on whatever level), boredom, pure entertainment... Those are what I see as the reasons that make sense. Anything beyond that and I suspect it's a less than healthy habit.
avatar for Dain
12 years ago
Strip clubs--IF you get action--are a great way to relieve the stress, or the frustration, of a date. I've used clubs that way. Why get blue balls when you can get off?
avatar for hard10
12 years ago
@lopaw, my reading of omega's posts does not suggest he's emotionally unstable. He's actually quite open about his personal issues, which tells me he is capable of release. I think the real sickos would create problems in a SC, but they'd probably create problems everywhere.
avatar for NOLAStripClubReview
12 years ago
@lhard10: "I dunno lopaw. I think a good strip club session (+ some extras) would be the best thing for a depressed soul."

I think it depends on why a person is depressed. I don't think strip clubs can help a depressed person for the same reason alcohol doesn't "help" a depressed person - because it doesn't actually fix anything. If someone is depressed because of a lack of intimacy or companionship (as Omega alluded to earlier), a strip club is nothing more than a temporary fix. What happens if he runs out of money, or wants to date a stripper or see her OTC and she refuses? Now you have the same problem - except you're out a few grand (or more).
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Now why can't people write this shit on gun permit applications
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"Hmmmm....sounds like stripclubs & clinical depression is a powder keg waiting for a lit match. If they help that's great, but the potential for disaster seems more likely."

Exactly. The first time some skilled seductress takes young Omega for a ride on the pay-me-go-round, he could very well lose his mind or fall even further into depression.

Omega, strip clubs are supposed to be entertainment - nothing more. Guys who take this shit too seriously, such as using clubs as surrogates for other things, end up with nothing but empty wallets and shattered hopes.

If you want to improve your love life, hit the gym and perhaps join some dating sites. Heck, a good workout regimen may also help you with your depression. And for fuck sake stop stressing over dating - there is plenty of time to meet a girl.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Clinical depression + strip clubs = recipe for disaster.

Run, do not walk, to the most capable mental health professional you can find. Deal with the depression *outside* of clubs before you attempt to assuage whatever is missing from your life with naked women and their predatory practices. Going in you current state is like a lamb to the slaughter. You have little to no chance of maintaining or improving your mental health in strip clubs.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

georg, rick, lopaw, jester, jack all have wise advice for you. Don't make anything more out of SCs than the purely transitory pleasures that the clubs provide.

There is a big real world out there. SCs occupy a small corner of the fantasy world available to us. Mixing fantasy with reality is not good for your psyche.
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
I have read all the comments and appreciate the advice. I understand the points everyone is trying to make. Also I have taken in the fact that I need to start taking strip clubbing less seriously. I have actually been doing better the last couple months as I have been going out to the movies and bowling with friends as well as going to the clubs. It used to be only strip clubs that would be the only thing I do when I go out. However I still need to get to the point to where I look at strip clubs as something fun to do and nothing more as many of you have mentioned.

I think strip clubs are good for a person dealing with depression, like me, but only to an extent. As some of the comments mentioned it can lead to disaster which I do agree with. That is why, for atleast the time being, I will not plan on meeting strippers outside the clubs nor give them money for anything more than dances. Not that I wouldn't turn down the idea of dating a stripper though, for example if I meet one at a bar or online dating then I would certaintly give it a chance.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Just think, if you hook up with a stripper with a kid or two, you can have
instant family. :) :)
She can even have the ol boyfriend coming by to visit his kids while you work to pay for their college education because your stripper wife will either be home watching tv or need to work at a strip club where guys will ask how much for an extra?
Then you will really be living the strip club life. Just thinking aloud.

Or if you like young strippers, one day she could tell you she's pregnant. Congratulations daddy. She will want you to pay child support. It's all possible.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
@omega23: at your age, worry about making a name for yourself in them whole wide world. Them wives, girlfriends, or strippers come along for free. When you make them your target: you'll be a loser all your life. Lest you're on the pimp track.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
stripclub + clinical depression = just look how Payer11 ended up

Too be fair to omega though, he is just as much a disaster in the making as Payer11, but will end up there by a different route, and different end result than Payer11. I predict OD'ed on heroin in an alley by skid row somewhere.
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