Last week at Oasis in Atlanta, I got a dance from a shot girl. The shot girls are not, strictly speaking, dancers, although they do sell combination shots/table dances for $15, and also do VIPs. The shot girl (from whom I later got an outstanding private) told me that she had to charge an extra $50 for the money the club lost because she wasn't selling shots--but she almost instantly backed off of that.
At a local (ESL) club I have been frequenting, the waitresses are available for privates--but at $100 a dance. THis is a fact I just stumbled upon; I had never heard of it in the club, and the waitresses do not make it known, although they will admit it if asked. One dancer told me, in response to being asked, that because she is happily married, she lists a price of $250 a dance--as a deterrent to selling dances (She was cute, but not so much that I wanted to call her bluff. So I suppose the "deterrent" had its desired effect.).
What experience do others have of dances being provided by staff other than the designated dancers?
I was in a Nashville club and the girl who just did it for me was our waitress. I kept hinting about a dance and she sort of just laughed, guess she thought I was kidding. I told one of my friends that I thought she was hot and that I'd like to have a few dances from her. 5 minutes later he comes back with her and says that she will be glad to dance for me but only in the VIP. No problem since that's where I wanted to take her anyway. She charged me the same as the other dancers and finished the dances off in great fashion, on her knees in front of me. Best dance I got in that place.
I was wondering whether shot girls are necessarily independent in other cities. That whole arrangement of a freelancer selling pre-poured drinks off a tray doesn't seems like the kind of thing a liquor control agency would give the thumbs up. And yet I've seen it done at regular dance clubs, too. With or without lap dances, it seems like a dubious practice.
You've got a point Chandler but a couple of facts will generally preclude the Alcoholic Beverages Commission from coming down too hard on SC shot girls. First, the shots they sell in a strip club are about 95% flavored mixer and 5% alcohol. Secondly, most of the customers who buy the shots don't actually drink them-they just get the dance. A strip club does nothing that it won't make money on. Shots are no exception.
CTL: The shot girl who tried to charge you more because the club was losing money if she wasn't on the floor was yanking your chain big-time. Shot girls have to buy the shot trays from the club. The club has already made it's money on the drinks as soon as she hits the floor with her tray of shots. Weather she sells them or not is of no consequence to management. Dancers tend to get annoyed with shot girls, waitresses and back rub girls doing dances since they don't have to pay a house fee to come to work.
years ago I got a great dance from a barmaid. it was a slow day in the club, we had been chatting for a while and I decided to ask. she said sure why not. topless dance, good touching both ways for $20. wish i could remember where it happened.
The shot girl in question went around the club with a wooden frame that looked like a test tube rack. It was filled with long cylinders (looked like long light bulbs) filled with various shots. As part of selling the shots, she did a table dance. It sometimes included her pretending to fellate the tube in which the shot was contained. The shots were of the kinds of very strong liquers that younger people like...Hypnotiq, Goldschlager, Jagermeister, etc. I told her I really wasn't interested in the shot, but I wanted the table dance. She told me that she was required to sell the shot, but that she could drink it. So she did. This seemed to be common, and I think that by the time we hit VIP, she was pretty well lit. I also think that was to my advantage.
I have never been to a club with a shot girl, so can anyone explain what they do? I mean, I assume you buy shots of whatever from them, but is that all they do, at least in theory?
Anyway, to answer the original question, one of my old favorite clubs used to allow the waitresses to give private dances, but then they had an incident and that was the end of that. Annette was the name of the waitress/dancer. I keep expecting her to just turn up somewhere.
At the St Louis Clubs run by PTs there are no shot girls but the waitresses can give table dances if they wish to. They can also give private dances but if they do they must pay the club the same nightly maintenance the dancers do and since they may only do one they add the maintenance cost to the price of the dance.
At my fave club, only the dancers can give dances. The rest of the "staff" are large, ugly men with crappy attitudes and few remaining teeth. I think I'll pass on a dance from them.
Favorite club has shot girls. Shots are $8 & come with a dance & tips are expected. Over the years some of the shot girls have given outstanding performances, some with their tops off but mosly with tops on. There is one current shot girl who has given me rather mild dances but I have seen her do rather more wild dances with guys she knows. She's a pretty, tall & slim girl who told me she was going to start dancing has not done so yet. Said she wants to get a boob job first. I have supplied $$ to her w/o shots for the boob job as I defintely want to see her start dancing!
I can't remember being in a club that even had shot girls any time within the last 10 years. The last time I was that was in DC in a club that no longer exists and they didn't have private dances. Maybe it's because I usually go clubbing during the day and the clubs only have shot girls at night? Or maybe most of the low-brow places I go don't have any at all. Anyway I've never had a dance from anyone other than a dancer nor do I ever recall it being a possibility.
The shot girls in a lot of Michigan clubs do lap dances. Usually, the price is the same as the strippers', and you don't have to buy a shot. Also, shot girls here have more freedoms than the strippers. They don't need to go onstage for roll call or bachelor bashes, and they aren't watched as closely as the dancers. One of my favorite local high-mileage lap dancers is a shot girl who takes full advantage.
last commentI told one of my friends that I thought she was hot and that I'd like to have a few dances from her. 5 minutes later he comes back with her and says that she will be glad to dance for me but only in the VIP. No problem since that's where I wanted to take her anyway. She charged me the same as the other dancers and finished the dances off in great fashion, on her knees in front of me. Best dance I got in that place.
Anyway, to answer the original question, one of my old favorite clubs used to allow the waitresses to give private dances, but then they had an incident and that was the end of that. Annette was the name of the waitress/dancer. I keep expecting her to just turn up somewhere.