Calgary Stampede Report

avatar for farmerart
Calgary Stampede is in full glory this week and I have been making the rounds of the corporate parties trying to raise money for my nat gas exploration play up north. A couple of hedge fund guys from Connecticut have responded to my bait and I am applying a full court press on them. The guys expressed interest in going to a Calgary SC. Ye gods! Calgary clubs are awful, a black mark on tuscl! No hardcore tuscl horndog would give these clubs a glowing review.

I took them to the biggest club in Calgary. The club is having one of those phony Miss Nude Canada 2012 competitions so I knew, at least, that there would be some hot girls on view for these two guys. The joint was packed with urban cowboys going crazy for the girls. That awful loonie/toonie toss that I hate sooooo much in Alberta clubs was generating huge piles of coins for each dancer. The two hedgies got down and dirty with all the phony cowboys tossing scores of coins at the girls' gaping vaginas.

At the end of the night the two hedgies told me that it was the best night they had ever spent in a SC. WTF! I was bored to the point of immobility. Go figure.


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avatar for Ermita_Nights
12 years ago
Ah, the sacrifices one must make for the sake of one's career. I feel for you. Hope the accounting department doesn't flinch at the expense report. At least you know the boss will approve it.
avatar for canny
12 years ago
Why didn't you take them to a good club???
avatar for sinclair
12 years ago
Is the loonie/toonie toss just something that is done in Western Canada? I have never seen it back East.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
What!! No Stampede to get your $$$$$$$$$$$ Art? LOL
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Loonies are a hazard of business in Canadian clubs, sinclair. I've seen the gals dodging them over in Windsor, Ontario. I remember the one club in Calgary, I went to, Art. I forget the name, but I agree.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
If they have a loonie toss in Canadian clubs, U.S. clubs should pick up on that idea and have a paper airplane toss.
avatar for carl95
12 years ago
I thought this was going to be about the CFL.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
The Oasis in Philly the girls catch wadded up bills in the front of their pulled out/down G strings. I saw a feature dancer (out of Penthouse??) set a shot glass in front of her crotch and tell the crowd whoever landed the biggest bill in the glass got a lap dance at not extra charge. This was several years ago and she was charging $50 per dance. Regular dances were $20. Some drunken jocks were wadding up 5's and 10's LOL
avatar for Prim0
12 years ago
Hey about a share or two each for your friends here on TUSCL? If things go well with your next project, we'd each be getting some $s towards our mutual hobby!
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