Calgary Stampede Report
Calgary Stampede is in full glory this week and I have been making the rounds of the corporate parties trying to raise money for my nat gas exploration play up north. A couple of hedge fund guys from Connecticut have responded to my bait and I am applying a full court press on them. The guys expressed interest in going to a Calgary SC. Ye gods! Calgary clubs are awful, a black mark on tuscl! No hardcore tuscl horndog would give these clubs a glowing review.
I took them to the biggest club in Calgary. The club is having one of those phony Miss Nude Canada 2012 competitions so I knew, at least, that there would be some hot girls on view for these two guys. The joint was packed with urban cowboys going crazy for the girls. That awful loonie/toonie toss that I hate sooooo much in Alberta clubs was generating huge piles of coins for each dancer. The two hedgies got down and dirty with all the phony cowboys tossing scores of coins at the girls' gaping vaginas.
At the end of the night the two hedgies told me that it was the best night they had ever spent in a SC. WTF! I was bored to the point of immobility. Go figure.
I took them to the biggest club in Calgary. The club is having one of those phony Miss Nude Canada 2012 competitions so I knew, at least, that there would be some hot girls on view for these two guys. The joint was packed with urban cowboys going crazy for the girls. That awful loonie/toonie toss that I hate sooooo much in Alberta clubs was generating huge piles of coins for each dancer. The two hedgies got down and dirty with all the phony cowboys tossing scores of coins at the girls' gaping vaginas.
At the end of the night the two hedgies told me that it was the best night they had ever spent in a SC. WTF! I was bored to the point of immobility. Go figure.