I must say that all the states where I have gone clubbing it has either been full bar or full nude. The laws were written so that there was no particular advantage to a BYOB club. So I am looking to tap your experience. If you have multiple answers say which one you think it reasonably should be.
1. Do you have to declare your alcohol at the door? Do you maintain possession of it?
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
I drink very little so if I bring anything to a BYO it is a sweet wine or a light beer to share with the ladies. I prefer a dark beer and a dry wine for my own consumption. Keeping it simple avoids messing with mixers etc. I even try to find a screw top for the wine so I can take any left over home. I have never had to declare any where and drink very little saving for the dancer. If they don't know you they are reluctant to drink from an open bottle.
BYOB clubs are always a favorite with me—especially in Texas. I don’t like to drink beer in a club; I prefer to bring my rum. If I can’t bring my rum, I like Vodka Gimlets, and most strip clubs don’t make these well. Moreover, in most states, it seems clubs can’t sell booze if it’s all nude. I also find that there is better mileage and more extras available in a BYOB club; my favorites are in Harlingen, Houston, and Philly. However, I visited a BYOB club in Des Moines a while back that did not permit me to bring in the rum; no other BYOB club has ever expressed a concern.
As to your questions about mixers and set-ups, I’ve never noted anything but glasses and ice—bring your own.
Cover charges are usually $20—a little more than a full-bar topless club; but you can save quite a bit on the bar tab, especially if you are sharing your booze with the ladies.
The staff involvement with intoxicated clients is similar in a BYOB club to a full bar club; one should always be on good behavior in a club or you’ll get bounced no matter how the booze was acquired. Take a cab.
A liquor store next door is not important; be prepared. However, if it’s a full nude—no booze bar like the ones in my home town, a bar next door is imperative.
Laws very greatly from state-to-state and from county-to-county; read the postings, check the web site, ask a local.
There was one nude club that had a byob policy before the management changed and messed it all up and changed that. My last visit was in 2010 and I have no plans on going back since it is no longer nude. Before the economy turned south in 2008, the club charged more for admission sometime like $15 or $20 than the current club does. Derriere's at Myrtle Beach I believe charges $20 or $25 but there is a 3 to 5 dollar discount available. It is byob. Too far away for me to routinely visit. It is fully nude. I like watching pretty nude dancers. I like it when I can bring a few beers with me, maybe up to 6 or slightly more if I plan on staying for a number of hours or have a beer to offer a dancer. The high cover charge is more than offset with being able to bring in your own beer. At the former nude club closer to me when it was byob, before 2008, it was packed every weekend and some guys would come in groups with a large cooler full of beer. It was a party atmosphere and the huge parking lot the club has would fill up late at night. Things died off in 2008 with lots of layoffs, then club management changed really fucking things up and getting rid of the nudity all together. I heard the club is still open but they are running a huge club that I heard is empty for the most part. Someone thought offering something for everyone and selling liquor and then doing away with the nudity would attract bigger crowds. I think they couldn't have been more wrong. It sucks not having any decent nude club near me anymore when state law allows it.
In Iowa, they have BYOB nude dance "theaters" (because they meet the Iowa definition of a theater, that's how they get to be nude). Most of the ones I've gone to there charge a high cover, generally about $20, which is sometimes called a "parking fee", which is essentially to make up for the fact they can't sell alcohol, although a couple have a separate building or part of their main building which serves as a liquor store. Most of the ones I've gone to only allow beer or wine (no hard liquor), and at least one of them only allows canned beer into the "theater", although that one will let you leave your bottled beer by the door (and they always have a bouncer there, so it's secure). Before my doctor got in the way, I always brought my own beer with me unless it was the one club which had a liquor store on premises (largely because I didn't want to drink Bud Light like everyone else).
Texas BYOB clubs are pretty relaxed if you ask me. You could bring any type of alcohol ranging from natural ice to Johnny walker. I know most clubs enforce patrons to get ice so they could charge 2 to 5 dollars. I once tried to go in with a soda to a club and it wasn't allowed. I explained to the management that I'm drinking soda because I'm the DD. Manager said no its against policy but you could have water. I said okay, then the waitress responded back saying do you want bottle or glass. I said glass then the waitress said it will be 1 dollar!!! I just walked back to my table.
BYOB clubs in the East usually offer higher mileage that clubs with a liquor license. They have the advantage of not having to be under the watchful eye of state liquor authorities, and they're not constantly threatened by a license that can be yanked. So the clubs that don't serve alcohol usually serve a better dance. Given the choice between beer and boobies, I'll choose boobies. I mean, after all, I can touch the beer at home!
Since I drink lightly at clubs, I don't care. I'm fine with the BYOB clubs and I'm fine with noes with full bars. When you'e drinking 2 drinks a night at the most they're the same.
1a. Do you have to declare your alcohol at the door?
1b. Do you maintain possession of it?
Varies but location. Some clubs you keep it with you, other clubs have dedicated 'beer' storage areas.
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
Usually $20 cover. You get to come in the club and usually that's it.
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
I don't know. In hick-ville most people are BYO-ing cheep beer.
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
IMO, that sounds overly complicated.
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
I don't know. In the clubs I'm familiar with, they try to cut you off from your supply when you reach a certain point wheter you're heading for the door or still kicking it.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
Really not sure since BYOB isn't my thing, but in the clubs I'm familiar with, distance to the nearest beer barn is not an issue. I'm pretty sure a deliver option would be illegal in my state.
Vanity in Columbus used to be BYOB and they allowed you to bring in Pepsi products but not coca cola products because they sold those ($6 for a diet coke). Vanity has now changed to a full liquor club and no longer does BYOB.
last commentAs to your questions about mixers and set-ups, I’ve never noted anything but glasses and ice—bring your own.
Cover charges are usually $20—a little more than a full-bar topless club; but you can save quite a bit on the bar tab, especially if you are sharing your booze with the ladies.
The staff involvement with intoxicated clients is similar in a BYOB club to a full bar club; one should always be on good behavior in a club or you’ll get bounced no matter how the booze was acquired. Take a cab.
A liquor store next door is not important; be prepared. However, if it’s a full nude—no booze bar like the ones in my home town, a bar next door is imperative.
Laws very greatly from state-to-state and from county-to-county; read the postings, check the web site, ask a local.
1b. Do you maintain possession of it?
Varies but location. Some clubs you keep it with you, other clubs have dedicated 'beer' storage areas.
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
Usually $20 cover. You get to come in the club and usually that's it.
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
I don't know. In hick-ville most people are BYO-ing cheep beer.
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
IMO, that sounds overly complicated.
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
I don't know. In the clubs I'm familiar with, they try to cut you off from your supply when you reach a certain point wheter you're heading for the door or still kicking it.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
Really not sure since BYOB isn't my thing, but in the clubs I'm familiar with, distance to the nearest beer barn is not an issue. I'm pretty sure a deliver option would be illegal in my state.
Vanity has now changed to a full liquor club and no longer does BYOB.