Your Experiences with BYOB Clubs
I must say that all the states where I have gone clubbing it has either been full bar or full nude. The laws were written so that there was no particular advantage to a BYOB club. So I am looking to tap your experience. If you have multiple answers say which one you think it reasonably should be.
1. Do you have to declare your alcohol at the door? Do you maintain possession of it?
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
1. Do you have to declare your alcohol at the door? Do you maintain possession of it?
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
As to your questions about mixers and set-ups, I’ve never noted anything but glasses and ice—bring your own.
Cover charges are usually $20—a little more than a full-bar topless club; but you can save quite a bit on the bar tab, especially if you are sharing your booze with the ladies.
The staff involvement with intoxicated clients is similar in a BYOB club to a full bar club; one should always be on good behavior in a club or you’ll get bounced no matter how the booze was acquired. Take a cab.
A liquor store next door is not important; be prepared. However, if it’s a full nude—no booze bar like the ones in my home town, a bar next door is imperative.
Laws very greatly from state-to-state and from county-to-county; read the postings, check the web site, ask a local.
1b. Do you maintain possession of it?
Varies but location. Some clubs you keep it with you, other clubs have dedicated 'beer' storage areas.
2. What are you charged and what do you get for it?
Usually $20 cover. You get to come in the club and usually that's it.
3. Presuming that they charge extra for mixers how are they served? In a partly filled glass or in a bottle/can? Reasonably speaking, what would you expect to pay for something like a tonic water or club soda or even bottled water? Should they include more complex mixers like Bloody Mary Mix and Margarita Mix or just stick to the basics?
I don't know. In hick-ville most people are BYO-ing cheep beer.
4. Should they include more complex setups like, for example, a tequila shooters kit with shot glasses, lime wedges and salt? Or is that over complicating things? What would you regard as a fair price for something like that?
IMO, that sounds overly complicated.
5. What if anything does the club staff do if you are leaving for your car intoxicated? Bear in mind that depending on state laws there could be a serious liability issue involved.
I don't know. In the clubs I'm familiar with, they try to cut you off from your supply when you reach a certain point wheter you're heading for the door or still kicking it.
6. Is it important to have a liquor store located close? If so how close is acceptable? Would a delivery arrangement with a local liquor store be a nice feature?
Really not sure since BYOB isn't my thing, but in the clubs I'm familiar with, distance to the nearest beer barn is not an issue. I'm pretty sure a deliver option would be illegal in my state.
Vanity has now changed to a full liquor club and no longer does BYOB.