Inspired by the Beach Boys 50th Anniversary Tour, this edition of HvH features an East Coast Girls v. California Girls competition. Bragging rights to the Coast with the hottest dancers. Props to mjx01 for suggesting some of the contestants.
<span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Take the <a href="…" target="_blank">HvH #8 Survey</a>
last commentAnd where does Karen work?
I don't think it would have made much difference in this case, even so, but it's always better to limit superfluous information in questions like that.
But Ariel. OMFG.
Like gmg said - Damn!
GMD -- next will be north vs. south and I will take your suggestion about not identifying the region before requiring the vote.
We have enough for a report, but I am on the road and have limited web access, so it will have to wait until tomorrow evening , , , keep the votes coming!
Russian Import (east) 55.36 % v. Stephanie (west) 44.64% Winner: East Coast
Karen (west) 89.47% v. Suri (east) 10.53% Winner: West Coast
Ariel (east) 38.60% v. Vanessa (west) 61.20% Winner: West Coast
West Coast wins 3-1 (and by match play and in the overall voting thanks to Karen's commanding lead over Suri)
The left coast did well in the overall poll as well, taking gold, silver and bronze
Holly( west) 28.81%
Vanessa (west) 22.03%
Karen (west) 15.25%
Ariel (east) 13.56%
Russian Import (east) 10.17%
Amanda (east) 8.47%
Stephanie (west) 1.69%
Apologies to Suri who got left off the last question . . .my bad.