
Indianapolis Smoking Ban

Strip Club Nation
Monday, May 28, 2012 9:15 PM
Woohoo, no more smoking in Indianapolis strip clubs starting Friday June 1st. I can't stand coming out of a strip club reaking of cigarette smoke and coughing from the secondhand smoke. [view link]


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Well that is 1 less indication for a serious SO to notice. LMAO
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Nice. I wish PA would fix our smoking ban to cover 100% of clubs, not some do some don't depending on a bunch of loop holes.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I HATE this too. During the day, I can tolerate it, because it's never crowded, so the smoke isn't heavy. However, one time I went to this club on a Friday night, EVERYONE was smoking, even the strippers. It was so bad I only stayed an hour. In Virginia, you can smoke in some clubs, but others you can't. Pretty much the same as mjx01 said.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Some Detroit clubs have a smoking bar. I hate this because if I want to scope out the dancers sitting there, I have to put up with smokers. Ugh. In some other Detroit clubs everyone is smoking without regard to the law. Who would ever imagine that people would disregard the law in Detroit strip clubs?
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    Jack, I can just see the headlines. "After an 18 month investigation, FBI raids a Detroit-area strip club and arrests the owner on charges of allowing smoking on the premises." TV news would show girls being hauled away, covering their faces in shame after being caught smoking in the club.
  • travelguy10
    12 years ago
    Ok guys, I have a problem with this. I am a considerate smoker and always ask people around me if they mind. The "danger" of second hand smoke has pretty well been debunked as a government hysteria campaign. Smoking is a legal activity that generates billions of tax dollars. My problem with these bans is that it is a slippery slope regulation of a legal activity. Most of the lobbying for these bans is done by anti smoking groups that are funded by the Federal govt.'s shake down lawsuit against the tobacco companies. I can just hear the court arguments. " Yes, big tobacco, we appreciate the tax revenue and want you to continue but give us the money to waste on false advertising reviling your industry and seeking to further marginalize your customers. Pay up or we get rough!" What legal activity is next? If you are so disgusted by smoking, let the market decide. It is the right, sans regulation, for any club to declare itself smoke free.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    "What legal activity is next?" My hypothesis is: abortion. Let the markets decide, right?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Travelguy. I'm a non smoker but I also consider myself a Libertarian and feel the government should not intrude because as you said, "what's next". I would be upset if they took away my Big Mac. Having said that, not all smokers are "considerate" smokers. Before Michigan banned smoking there was one instance where a cigar smoking took the seat right next to me. Now, I've been going to clubs long enough that I can a handle a little cigarette smoke, but why should this guys rights supersede my confirm in a seat that I enjoyed fir several hours. It's a tough call. But Michigan has had the ban for 2 years and as it turns out, it's not a big deal. Dancers and customers have figured out a way to step outside.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Confirm = comfort
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    You know, I go or have gone to many many places in my 60+ years. And guess what, if I don't like something there, I leave and don't return. Travel guy has it correct. That said, I do smoke cigars, and I am considerate of others. For those that share sinclair's view, open your own non-smoking club and leave the rest of the f%$#@ alone! Not so nice to hear one not be so considerate of others views, is it? OK, off the soap box.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    Yes!!!! I won't come out of Dancers or The brass smelling like smoke anymore! Lovin it! Not much else to say.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Lets see now. What else can we ban to make strip clubs better. 1) Boners 2) Loud music 3) DJs 4) Pool tables 5) Free buffets 6) Mens room trolls 7) Bouncers 8) Valet Parking 9) Pat downs !0) Couples 11) Lesbians 12) Under 21 years 13) Table dances 14) Lap dances 15) VIP rooms 16) Dwarfs 17) Soft drinks 18) Alcohol 19) Nudity partial or total 20) Short pants 21) Hoodies 22) African Americans 23) Going commando 24) Bustin a nut 25) Pimps 26) Illegal drugs 27) Cover charges 28) Fugly dancers 29) Rock & roll 30) BBBJs 31) Fucking Are we having fun now?
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    You forgot low stages, high stages, uncomfortable chairs, couches without arms, cell phones, tattoos, piercings, fake tits, old white guys, Muslims, Hispanics, the Russian mob, rappers, rain makers, hats, sunglasses, motorcycle helmets, gay men, fat people, ugly people, non tippers, car mechanics, Republicans, and Democrats.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Maybe the best solution is just to stay at home. :)
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc, When married, a lot of your list is "banned" at home! :)
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Now if only Brad's would lower the dance prices :)
  • Prim0
    12 years ago
    We ban smoking because it is an activity that can be harmful and annoying to others around us...hmmmm. Maybe we should ban strip clubs as an industry that can be harmful to the dancers and patrons and annoying to those who have to live near them. Be careful how some might apply your logic to something that you think should be ok for YOU to do but other groups may find harmful or offensive.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Clubber - Tell me about it! LOL. I was married for 27 years.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc, 42 next month for this boy! For those of us old enough to remember when smoking was completely acceptable, don't bother to read this. For the youngsters, understand how the left works! Back in the 50's, the trend I recall was that advertising came under fire. Nothing more. Of course when the removal of ads from TV was done, the left move to their next step, and continue till today. The left would NEVER succeed at anything if their true intentions were offered at the start of their "campaigns". We Americans have always loved our freedom, but given the YEARS that the left has eaten away at them through incrementalism, dumbing down the populous, and a complacent and agreeing media, we will eventually lose them all!
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "We Americans have always loved our freedom, but given the YEARS that the left has eaten away at them through incrementalism, dumbing down the populous, and a complacent and agreeing media, we will eventually lose them all!" Well said Clubber. As I said earlier, it's a tough one for me. On one hand, as a non-smoker, I selfishly enjoy the Michigan non-smoking ban. It's a delight to go to a club without having to be bothered by smoke. I hated the stench the smoke left on my clothes. Many a winter night did I leave my jacket in the car so I wouldn't have to ruin it by bringing it into the club. And when that cigar smoker sat at table next me, I just got up and moved. I didn't ask him to put his cigar out. It was his right to smoke, so I moved. Didn't like it but I did. I strongly hear the argument about what is the next freedom are we going to lose. Will the Christian right lobby to ban strip clubs? Will the Michelle Obama food police force me to eat my vegetables each day? But I understand too, that there cannot be TOTAL personal freedom. Would you want you neighbor to set up a 20,000 watt speaker system and blast rap music into your home 24/7? Should we eliminate all speed limits? Banning smoking is indeed a slippery slope. However, in 1955 the percentage of smokers in the US was about 57%. Today, it's about 20%. 5-1 wins a baseball game.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Mh - true. There are less smokers today but your statistices apply to the general population. The numbers of smokers in bars, including strip clubs, is much higher than the general population. The owners realize that alcohol & smoking go together. That is why so many strip clubs are also "Cigar" bars". That is also why many owners choose to ignore the law and allow their customers to smoke. "fuck it. I'll pay the fine". They don't want their smoking customers leaving early.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Clubber: You'll note that the right hasn't exactly fallen all over itself repealing any of those encroachments into our liberty, even though they've had effective control of the government on a number of occasions. The only difference between the right and left in this country today is which hand they use to steal our money and slap us down.
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