As someone married to one of those "nerds" it is very simple for me to understand. And I bet mr m00t would echo this. He is surrounded by very shallow people who always want something from him - praise for their idea, to pick his brain, funding for an idea, to know what his next project is......etc. Maybe she just "let's him BE" and likes doing things with him. And, for those who have not experienced it, (which from the posts must be almost everyone on here but Alucard, there is NOTHING as hot as great sex with an intellectually stimulating partner. After all, the brain is the biggest and strongest sex organ we have.
I, of course, love my own. There are other that I like too. juicebox69, minnow, Clubber, lowpaw, to name a few. The reason that I like them, is because they are easily identifiable with the user name.
Photos of nudes are free for the taking and do nothing for me. I realize that some users chose names that are hard to duplicate with a photo. But they could get a little more original than a nude photo.
"Photos of nudes are free for the taking and do nothing for me. I realize that some users chose names that are hard to duplicate with a photo. But they could get a little more original than a nude photo."
Speaking of unique photos - I liked sinclar's old picture of the Sinclair Oil logo (with the dinosaur).
I'm old enough to remember seeing those around as a kid, but I guess they are still around in the West
I like mine, but enjoy most of those of my fellow TUSCL contributor's avatars. Juciebox's is very different and JacksonEsskay's is unique as is Motorhead's. But the one's that really baffle me are those without an avatar at all. Would love to see what FarmerArt would come up with.
And yes, Motorhead, there are still Sinclair gas stations out west. Filled up at one in Utah just a week ago or so.
last commentpabloantonio's
troop had a really great one, before he got his ass banned.
Mikey thanks makes me lol every time 2
I like drac red head : )
Vincemichaels when he has melongirl on there haha
SC's cat! ;)
I also like Dougster's
I like the juice box. Makes me smile
And I like Shadow too. I love cats. Dogs - well not so much. Too scary
I like juice's for the simple reason. it looks like he is running away from all the paternity suit's filled against hime by escorts & dancers
Hands down, vm. But, I rather have hands up on MG!
Mine sucks since founder took out the motion, although it still works in the picture area.
I tend to like pabloantonio's as well.
What Bang69 said, lol!
As someone married to one of those "nerds" it is very simple for me to understand. And I bet mr m00t would echo this. He is surrounded by very shallow people who always want something from him - praise for their idea, to pick his brain, funding for an idea, to know what his next project is......etc. Maybe she just "let's him BE" and likes doing things with him. And, for those who have not experienced it, (which from the posts must be almost everyone on here but Alucard, there is NOTHING as hot as great sex with an intellectually stimulating partner. After all, the brain is the biggest and strongest sex organ we have.
mrs m00tpoint
Oops. Sorry. Somehow I posted in the wrong discussion. Mea culpa.
I, of course, love my own. There are other that I like too. juicebox69, minnow, Clubber, lowpaw, to name a few. The reason that I like them, is because they are easily identifiable with the user name.
Photos of nudes are free for the taking and do nothing for me. I realize that some users chose names that are hard to duplicate with a photo. But they could get a little more original than a nude photo.
Shadowcat, everyone likes nudes but you're right about something different. Think I will change mine.
OhioVoyeur, I think your current avatar, Nikki, is by far the best one out of all of your avatars.
"Photos of nudes are free for the taking and do nothing for me. I realize that some users chose names that are hard to duplicate with a photo. But they could get a little more original than a nude photo."
Speaking of unique photos - I liked sinclar's old picture of the Sinclair Oil logo (with the dinosaur).
I'm old enough to remember seeing those around as a kid, but I guess they are still around in the West
I like mine, but enjoy most of those of my fellow TUSCL contributor's avatars. Juciebox's is very different and JacksonEsskay's is unique as is Motorhead's. But the one's that really baffle me are those without an avatar at all. Would love to see what FarmerArt would come up with.
And yes, Motorhead, there are still Sinclair gas stations out west. Filled up at one in Utah just a week ago or so.
OhioVoyer's avatar girl is HOT! I like Juice's as well.
Leave it to the m00tpoints to answer a simple question with 500 words. Anyhow. I like shadowcat's pussy pic.
Did some one say juicebox69 ?
Thanks 4 all the love guys
I like my own avatar it's large and makes the Gators proud
I like mine. Reminds me of the way one of my first favorites looked when she first spotted me.
Minus the fangs of course, lol.
Juice has a funny one too.
Go Gators!
Oops! Me bad.
I'm with 23cambyman. I like vincemichael's melon girl pics. BTW, you're not allowed to vote for your own avatar(s).
Are you saying gators are proud to be cock suckers?
I dig the following: Bang (lol, looks like che), vm, SC, pablotony, SuperDude, lopaw, gator and of course Juice....but, Stiletto is the best
LOL, Clubber. I like shadowcat's. I am a cat person, it's reflected in many ways. I prowl the world in search of . . . .
troop had a really great one, before he got his ass banned.
huh? and when exactly did that happen?
i left on my own for several reasons that i see no resason to get into here.
btw.. a certain fool might like the fact that you like my avatar.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn ! Boooooooooy !
Hey Troop, as you can see, some things never change around here.