We have enough entries to begin the voting. If additional entries are made (send me a private message with a link to the website where you found your choice for the contest), I will post them in a separate survey (with a link at the end of the first) so that those who have already voted on these can vote on the new entries.
<span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Help us find the <a href="
http://kwiksurveys.com/online-…" target="_blank">perfect 10</a>
last commentJackson, thanks for doing/trying man....
6.07 Courtney
6.37 Chevy
6.53 Ashlyn
6.71 Kiera
6.77 Brianna
6.82 Teagan
7.53 Honey
7.57 rfcookie
7.59 “Unknown†(as indicated above, possibly a ringer)
7.74 Danni
My "Perfect 10" is the totality of a woman. Which includes her looks, intelligence, wisdom, personality, sex appeal, comfort with her sexuality and most important her ability to be emotionally intimate. Mix all these qualities together in a positive way & I'll see & experience a woman that I'd LOVE to be with, NO matter what walk of life she comes from.
Blah, blah, blah. Given the impossibility of judging anything *but* physicality in this medium, I think we can take it for grated that all we care about for this exercise is the eye candy factor. Unless, of course, you've divined some magical method for evaluation the "...intelligence, wisdom, personality, sex appeal, comfort with her sexuality and most important her ability to be emotionally intimate" from a static image? If you have, patent it and market it. You'll be fabulously wealthy.
What the hell put a thorn in your side???!!!
In describing my Perfect 10 I was referring to REALITY, not an Internet picture. If I could figure out if a woman had my desired qualities from a static picture I would INDEED be fabulously wealthy. I'd send you a penny for your patent suggestion.
Your penchant for pompous posturing and tendancy to peer down your no doubt noble nose at the rest of us who don't share your lofty standards and enlightened viewpoints.
Chevy and Dani, WOW!!!
mjx . . . concur on Chevy
Danni -- 7.71
Honey -- 7.60
"Unknown" -- 7.40 (possible ringer)
rfcookie -- 7.38
Teagan -- 6.77
Ashlyn -- 6.62
Kiera -- 6.40
Chevy -- 6.24
Bianna -- 6.21
Courtney -- 5.71
rfcookie had the most "10" votes
Jackson, I had forgotten how funny that movie was!!!! Great stuff...But, this quest for the grail continues....
Stones/Dave Matthews talkin bout Honey....