
age or boardum

North Carolina
hey all,

after years of clubing & 2 1/2 years of working in clubs. I have found going to a sc is boring & no fun any more. i'll be 41 this summer. So is it age or bordum or have my interests changed.


  • umissedaspot
    12 years ago
    ...or boring clubs?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Quick answer man.....it could low levels of Testostrion....

    Longer answer man......its like a relationship man you have got to spice it up......if your seeing the same girl...spread the love and vise verses......like the guy abouve says maybee the clubs suck.....try new clubs add some adventure.....maybee you don't want to pay so much then try to get discounted to free pussy...make a game out of it......if strip clubs in general is killing you man....then do massage parlors or escorts....I do this to add verity man.....I crave varity man.....juice has a.d.d. man.....and I need to change girls, clubs, places, ways of doing thangs.......so I make a game out of shit......maybee you rush through girls 2 fast...slow down and enjoy her like a flower.....or maybee its time to speed thangs up and plow through those ho's like shuveling snow...........stay with it man...the hobby is gold !......I'm going to be not just a pimp but also a client.....juicystyle
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago

    Sounds like a case of stripclub overdose.

    Like when you eat too much chocolate and you get sick of chocolate. You lay off of candy for a while, but later you find you still want chocolate.

    So lay off of clubbing for a while. Wait for the desire to return. If the desire doesn't return, congratulations, you are cured of the stripclub disease.

    There are worse fates in life.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I get bored at clubs too. For the most part unless one of favorites is there I get very bored. Maybe I'm not bored - just a PL/RIL
  • Dain
    12 years ago
    Use this opportunity to try the finer things of life--real girls, fine restaurants, stage shows, travel, cruises.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Bang - especially if you are working in an SC, it is a matter of been there/done that. You just need some time away. It is not age, as many of the posters on here are 50+. You are bored with seeing the same old thing on a daily basis.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I can't totally comment on your situation but if you've worked the last 2 1/2 years in a strip club, I would think after a certain point, anything other than a strip club would be more interesting. I know in my situation, the clubs have mostly gotten boring and it hasn't helped having less than perfect health for some of that time and it never helps to live in a strip club wasteland, either.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    It's been over 30 years for me, and it still ain't boring. I do take occasional breaks (the last year and a half, visits have been rarer), but I can't think of a time when it has been *so* boring that I felt like I *had* to take a break, or that I might've done with clubbing.
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