It's been a while since our last Hottie v. Hottie Survey . . . Frankly, I was short of ideas, and what I came up with is kinda lame (but, after all, these surveys are really mostly about looking at pictures of naked women, right?). In this edition, we are testing to see how well dancers choose their stage names. Be advised that the survey is NSFW.
<span id="take-survey" style="display:none;"></span>Take the <a href="…" target="_blank">Online Survey</a>
last commentsabrina is easily my favorite
Only got 3 right, but proudly that included Angel and Sabrina...Angel is in the 8 to 9 range and eminently doable IMHO....
You might get a kick out of how I arrived at Michelle. Just think of the First Lady.
Nearly half the respondents though Khloe looked more like a Veronika.
Most thought that Brazil looked more like a Sugar or a Maya.
Angel looked more like a Roxie.
Alex should have gone with Dixie for her stage name.
Sabrina was spot on with almost 50% agreeing that was the right name for her.
Michelle was the hands down winner with 58% getting her name right, with Courtney close behind at 56%. Tabitha also choose well, though she could have been a Zoe.
The clear favorite regardless of what name you though she should have chosen was Sabrina (44%).