
Good times in bad clubs.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:23 AM
One of the things that makes it so difficult for me to write a review is that I haven't noticed much correlation between how good I consider a club to be and how much fun I had there. I've had some of my best times in clubs that I thought were terrible. I met my ATF in a place that I think is pretty bad (and deservedly get a lot of poor reviews) and I had a ton of wonderful times there. Now I can't believe I used to hang out there. I can think of at least two other clubs that I visited (once each) in western PA that I wouldn't rate any higher than a 3 and that's being generous, yet I had exceptionally good times in both places. Anyone else have similar experiences?


    18 years ago
    Golfer, I don't think I actually asked her the question. But it sure was going through my mind. For months afterward as a matter of fact. I believe that's the only time that I've ever had to spend a couple of hours trying to get lipstick stains off the crotch of my pants in a motel room. I sure am glad I noticed them before heading home (lol.)
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Once in a while I'll hit a club like that too. I've found that there are definitely diamonds in the rough. Some of the girls just don't realize that if they went to Vegas, Tampa, Atlanta, NY, etc. they could be making a fortune doing less. I was in a club in Alabama, don't even remember the name of it, hole in the wall, looked like crap, almost afraid to stop in (by myself). Got up the courage, stopped in and it was like I expected, couple of pool tables, redneck crowd, ugly girls - tatoos were a priority over dental work lol All of a sudden this drop dead beautiful tall blonde walks over and sits next to me. First thing she wanted to make sure of was that I wasn't a cop. After offering to show her whatever would prove that to her (lol) she relaxed and spent 30 minutes talking with me. She then took me back to the VIP area where no one was getting any dances and gave me a really good topless dance for $10 and asked if I wanted more dances. lol I did and she did. I told her the same thing, what in the heck are you doing here. Then I found out that her boyfriend was the bartender lol WOW I left soon after that.
    18 years ago
    AN, one in particular really sticks out. I pull into this tiny club on route 22 about 15 miles east of Monroeville. When I finally figure out where the door is (it took awhile) I walk in and the place is like a small barn with a rough wooden stage in the middle. I'm the only customer and there's only one dancer in sight and she's a real fatty. So she goes up on stage and I sit down to watch (there's no bar or anything, just a stage surrounded by chairs) because there's no where else to go anywhere near there and I'm a little curious, I mean it can only get better right? She finally finished and I'm about to leave when an absolutely sensational girl walks out. One of the best looking dancers I've ever laid eyes on and she's exactly my type. And she turns out to be really nice and very friendly too. I spent about an hour with her back in a corner getting private dances, there's nobody else around, and it was one of the best times I've ever had in a club. And probably the only time I've ever really wanted to ask, "what are you doing in a place like this?" This girl coulda made a fortune in a decent place. Maybe she eventually figured that out, although there weren't any other clubs in the area so maybe she didn't have much choice. Or maybe they did a lot of business on weekends, who knows? Anyway it was one of the best times I've ever had in one of the worst clubs I've ever been to. It's why I can't resist stopping by little places like that once in awhile. Call it curiosity.
  • nothumbs
    18 years ago
    I've had good times in some bad clubs too. I think that the point of the review is to give a little feedback on the club. If the club "sucks" but there's one good girl who works there, that counts. If a club sucks and there's 15 good girls who work there, that counts more. I guess the point is, if you have a good time there and others reading the review could reasonably expect to have a good time too, I wouldn't call it a bad club.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    FONDL, welcome to my world. If I were to rate DC clubs compared to some of the better places I've been none of them would get better than a 4 or 5. In some ways the comparison is unfair since DC is handicaped by no LDs. Still, the DC format is basically nude go-go on a 5' square stage with old run down decore and overpriced drinks. Not a lot to recoment it, but I almost always have a good time. In DC I think it is because I am a regular. My minimal tips go a long way. In other clubs I'm just another guy who buys a few dances and goes. One exception was in Barefax in Ottowa. Probably the best time I've ever had in a club, and it was a good club.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Probably my favorite "bad" club is Sasnak in Topeka Kansas. (Sasnak is Kansas spelled backwards.) They usually only have 4 or 5 girls, and they all seem to be fuglies. It's actually mostly a pool-playing bar which happens to have strippers and most of the people who go there only play pool. But the dancers and staff have always been nice and friendly, and the lapdances are only $10. It's usually a place for me to stop whenever I go visit a buddy of mine in Kansas. I don't know if I'd recommend it to anyone, because Topeka has better, classier looking places with better girls, but it's always been good to me.
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