
Talk is Cheap

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Friday, April 6, 2012 4:18 PM
If one clubs enough, one starts to see a “general” pattern of behavior when it comes to dancers – I specify “general” since like all customers are not alike, of course, not all dancers are alike. One pattern that I have “personally” noticed that kind of really annoys me is when a dancer is trying to entice you to get a LD or go to VIP and they tell you how good they are and what they are going to do to you and how this is going to be something you have never experienced before, yadi yadi yadi. My “personal” experience has been that these kind of “dancers” are often full of s*** are rarely deliver on what they promise – and I think they know it and are just BSing us/me. I have often been more pleasantly surprised by dancers whom don't brag about “their skills” and when it comes time to perform they let their actions/dancing do the talking. Anyone have any thoughts on this promising the moon and not delivering thing?


  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    Yes, agreed. If she says she's the best in the club, that's a red flag.
  • jackattack107
    12 years ago
    One of my rules is I don't take girls who ask about V.I.P. to V.I.P.. So far it's worked really well for me.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "One pattern that I have “personally” noticed that kind of really annoys me is when a dancer is trying to entice you to get a LD or go to VIP and they tell you how good they are and what they are going to do to you and how this is going to be something you have never experienced before, yadi yadi yadi. My “personal” experience has been that these kind of “dancers” are often full of s*** are rarely deliver on what they promise – and I think they know it and are just BSing us/me." Exactly! This has been my experience too. They are indeed full of shit & are deceivers & likely to be ROBS too!!! I avoid these Dancers like the Plague!!! LMAO "I have often been more pleasantly surprised by dancers whom don’t brag about “their skills” and when it comes time to perform they let their actions/dancing do the talking" This is just the way it was with my 2 Ex-ATFs & my present ATF. There was NO bragging, just outstanding & stellar performance in the VIP. That CERTAINLY contributed to these women becoming ATFs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @Alucard, I think these dancers would/should fall under the category of ROBS - not necessarily b/c they out and out steal our money, but b/c they fall way short of what they were promising. I think some talk the talk but can't walk the walk (i.e. they just don't got the talent) but most are ROBs b/c they have no intention of delivering what they promise, even if they are capable of it, and just want to make the most $$$ for/with the least amount of work.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Please see PM Papi_Chulo. THX "I think these dancers would/should fall under the category of ROBS - not necessarily b/c they out and out steal our money, but b/c they fall way short of what they were promising. I think some talk the talk but can't walk the walk (i.e. they just don't got the talent) but most are ROBs b/c they have no intention of delivering what they promise, even if they are capable of it, and just want to make the most $$$ for/with the least amount of work" Precisely! I agree 100%!
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Whenever a dancers brags about herself "being the best in the club" or tells me she will rock my world in the VIP it's an immediate turn off.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    If she's talking about VIP before we've done the first tier (table dance or couch or whatever) dance that club offers then I'm probably not interested.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    If she's talking about VIP before we've done the first tier (table dance or couch or whatever) dance that club offers then I'm probably not interested.
  • wwpmi
    12 years ago
    Oh, this is sales 101, there are those who sell many only one dance and only one time and there are those who sell a few many dances all the time. I think there is a saying about buffalo's fucking other buffalo's that fits:) Anyway I found out long ago about truth in advertising, most of all if it "sounds to good to be true then most likely it is false advertising". I now like it when a unknown dancer over sells me at the bar. I simply say "show me something here and now to support your position that you will rock my world". Very few people know me well enough to even know my world to then even "rock it". This stage (SC) is all about presentation and the closing process, they sell and close us we are either a repeat customer or not. This is why the worse service and food is found in tourist locations and the airports.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "This is why the worse service and food is found in tourist locations and the airports" I thought that Bad service & food at Airports was because we're a CAPTIVE audience. We're NOT a captive audience in a Strip Club. We can make a choice, assuming the "Lower Brain" is NOT controlling every thought & decision! LMAO
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    wwpmi has the right approach. Before I ever take a dancer, that I do not know, for a private or VIP session, I tell her to convince me first. It's not 100% fail proof but it sure eliminates a lot of ROBs.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    "Talk is cheap" Not according to Law Enforcement. My approach is telling the girl, look the dirty solicitations are only going to have you arrested. If you want to do it then we dont need to say a word.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Bang ! Pow! Pop!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You know gatorfan the old saying: "Actions speak louder than Words" is true in Clubs. Especially when the Words are NOT followed up on!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    But words are what Law Enforcement entraps and arrests them on. When was the last time an undercover cop received an actual blowjob.
  • iniquitous
    12 years ago
    I love those dancers who come explaining to me why I should buy a LD from them and how worth while they can be .... just bullshit back with them lol I ended up fucking a few hot ones that way.
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