Is anyone reading books on how to pick up strippers?

avatar for RomanticLover
Is anyone reading any books on how to pick up strippers? Have they helped?


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avatar for CrazzzyEd
19 years ago
Save the money on buying a book and just offer it to the stripper. Picking up the stripper is the easy part, getting rid of her and the damn book is the hard part. If you are already a customer than its all about the money anyway and if you are not a customer than she already has enough stupid men wanting her time that its going to take you a long time to be more than just a friend. Its either about money or drugs and no matter how good of a guy you really are or how great in bed you have convinced yourself you really are will either of those have a greater effect on getting her to go out with you than the money or drugs. Forget the book and wait till you can take her to see the movie.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I read such books. Yes, they are indeed very helpful.
avatar for ssewarrior
18 years ago
RL is writing a book. I'm convinced
avatar for RomanticLover
18 years ago
For some but not others
avatar for RomanticLover
18 years ago
How often do you spend time with strippers outside the club for free?
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