juice in shit lol !
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
So I've said and have promised myself never again ! Never again shall I date a dancer ! Well my fellow friends juice has fallen hard ! ATF is moving into S.O. and I can't even believe its happing ! And yes its the old one the one that will probly never dance again ! In some of the last few moments of being with this wonderful person I found my self goig into dangorus territory again ! As I was their to give hope I was given hope and as I was their to give love love is what I was given ! I went to give all I had and left with much more ! This will probly be in the end y I will never date a dancer again ! But when life happens it happens ! This is not a good bye but juice needs to get his head lol ya both of them a wake up call ! Lol ! This will be a fun ride and I know that it will but as iny thang in life their is an end date to all thangs good and bad in life ! So I'm going to drive this motherfucka until the wheels fall of ! I only live. Life once and I would rather love and bleed than to have never loved before !
Know one would thank that these to groups would probly make good lovers as in so's for each other but the problem I believe is that we both know the truth about what we are !
If it was a civi it would be much easer just to be mr. Perfect then hide trick daddy down in south carolina lol !
In all honesty I'm putting a 6month cut of date on this ! If I goes to 6months I don't care if it feels like I could do 24 more months I'm cutting my loses and getting the fuck out before the ship blows ! Its only a matter of time !
Most ladies ho because of issues in life and I believe most gentalmen trick because of life issues ! So its only a matter of time before booooom !
The best thang to do is enjoy the moment ! Make some fuckin good memories and run like a little bitch ! Lol !
God, If we did a little work on the story line, we could have ourselves a classic Greek Tragedy
Will Juice find true love?
Will Juice be able to stay away from the clubs?
Will Juice keep referring to himself in the third person?
Good luck, man!
btw, How's that hot babe doing, is she stil in the hospital?...Is she able to walk at all?....
Whatever happens Juice brother, my only advice is just be honest with each other always....
Vince thanks man vince thanks man !
RomeoM I'm dating that girl that no longer will dance and is in the chair now ! Lol !
And that avator just made my week lol !
This post is useless without pics, btw.
If I hadn't done that though, I wouldn't have been surprised if I would have ended up married to one of them. One dancer acted like my girlfriend in the club so much that she laughed with me when some other guys asked her if I was her boyfriend. I guess staying true to a past promise was a stupid reason not to have some fun and go out.
Have fun juice.