I am very dismissive of the terrible SCs in my home province of Alberta. Any dedicated horndog hobbyist should never set foot in these useless clubs. but..............
I just love one particular club in Alberta - it is the Rig Pig in Nisku. Nisku is a grim, gritty industrial town; existing primarily to service the drilling industry but also other oil service companies. The Rig Pig has been around for decades servicing the guys who work in the area. The club is awful - no lap dances, mediocre food, seriously weird men's room, gravel parking lot, bare cement floors, etc.
The decor consists primarily of the identifier signs of different drilling rigs plastered over virtually all wall space. I can sit for hours and reminisce in my mind of past events in my life as I look at the signs for rigs that I have used in the past. The rig that just drilled an $8,000,000 duster for me has one of its signs up there. And the boys that come here? These are my people, the guys with whom I have spent my entire working life. I connect with these guys right at a gut level, something that I don't experience at any other club.
The motto of the club is: 'Red Neck And Proud Of It'.
As a SC this place is purely pathetic but many happy (not THAT kind of happy) moments have been spent here.
Art - I haven't been there but this one might rival it.
Visit Ushuaia’s[Antartica] lone strip club (the Tropicana, still there), and run into the always odd and colorful characters who initially came here in small boats against the advice of virtually everyone.
sometimes i look at porn and tuscl site at work when i am stressed out. I monitor what goes in and out of the network so getting caught is not my concern.
Ermita, rednecks come in all shapes and sizes...and location. I'm asian, lives in texas, and I go hunting and drink moonshine once in awhile when I travel back to louisiana.
Yeah Art. Once I was down in West Virginny, white-water rafting and I flew into the state capitol there, Charleston. After a great time on the river, I was back in Charleston and I hit one of the clubs, there. Damn, this place was a dump. The only good thing about it was this fine Southern blonde who gave me a great HJ upstairs.
last commentVisit Ushuaia’s[Antartica] lone strip club (the Tropicana, still there), and run into the always odd and colorful characters who initially came here in small boats against the advice of virtually everyone.
I, however, frequently leave feeling happy and dirty. And no, not that kind of "dirty."