In a couple of weeks I will be passing close enough to Baltimore that it would be practical for me to swing by the downtown area one night. It has been years since I've been to Baltimore (probably close to 30) -- My recollection is that there was at one time a "block" (actually, more like a district of a few streets) with many clubs in it. Does anyone know if that is still the case and if it is worth making the trip. Where I will be is in the suburbs and the few clubs in that area appear to be local watering holes with a stage.
Jackson... I lived in Baltimore for 7 years and still get there several times a year, and I personally found the block to be a bit overrated. That being said, it's something you have to check out. Nearly every club extras can be had if you choose the right girl. It's very old school and more of a sleezy experience with hawkers at the front door. If that's your thing, then you'll have a good time... it's wall to wall clubs.. larry flint is usually pretty solid night in and night out, you may want to start with that one...
Thanks . . . good article on the block here…. I do recall from my misspent youth that the Block had a seedy rep even back then . . .
@JacksonEsskay: Yes, the Block still exists and is rather on the seedy side. But it's fun to see it lit up at night. Sort of a SC version of a carnival midway.
After reading your online profile, I don't think you will be too interested in most of the Block. LF Hustler Club on the Block is OK, but for the full gentlemens club type experience, I much prefer Gentlemens Gold Club on the east side of Baltimore. Dancer drinks are not exorbitant like the Block and the dancers will chat with you a while. LDs and rooms are a little pricy, but OK.
Scores and Ritz are two other options for downtown, but I've never visited them.
If you're on the west side of Baltimore, Millstream Inn is your best choice. The dancers are friendly and will chat with you for a while, esp. if you buy them a drink and/or snack. (Very good food here.) Standard LDs are a half step above airdances. LDs are OK if you want a test drive. But if you find a dancer you like, get a VIP room...
For higher two-way LD contact, you can't beat the Player's Club, which is near the Gold club. But be ready for $40 cover for your first visit and it's BYOB.
If you're north of Baltimore, not much there. Goto one of the others I've mentioned.
If you need to stay south of Baltimore (ie north Anne Arundel county), then McDoogals is OK. One-way light to medium contact nude LDs. It's BYOB and a dive. Also, bring your own restroom paper products: They haven't stocked any paper in there in the past 15 years. Fantasies is a neighborhood sports bar with nude dancers occasionally offering overpriced airdances.
I had good time at Scores and Ritz. Next time in B-more I'd probablly give Player's a try. I wouldn't bother with Gold Club based on review (good eye candy but no cell phone policy, over bearing staff etc)
last commentAfter reading your online profile, I don't think you will be too interested in most of the Block. LF Hustler Club on the Block is OK, but for the full gentlemens club type experience, I much prefer Gentlemens Gold Club on the east side of Baltimore. Dancer drinks are not exorbitant like the Block and the dancers will chat with you a while. LDs and rooms are a little pricy, but OK.
Scores and Ritz are two other options for downtown, but I've never visited them.
If you're on the west side of Baltimore, Millstream Inn is your best choice. The dancers are friendly and will chat with you for a while, esp. if you buy them a drink and/or snack. (Very good food here.) Standard LDs are a half step above airdances. LDs are OK if you want a test drive. But if you find a dancer you like, get a VIP room...
For higher two-way LD contact, you can't beat the Player's Club, which is near the Gold club. But be ready for $40 cover for your first visit and it's BYOB.
If you're north of Baltimore, not much there. Goto one of the others I've mentioned.
If you need to stay south of Baltimore (ie north Anne Arundel county), then McDoogals is OK. One-way light to medium contact nude LDs. It's BYOB and a dive. Also, bring your own restroom paper products: They haven't stocked any paper in there in the past 15 years. Fantasies is a neighborhood sports bar with nude dancers occasionally offering overpriced airdances.