Results for It's All About the Benjamins Part Deux (The Good Stuff)
It's All About the Benjamins, Part Deux (the Good Stuff)
Each response will be reported as follows: # who would pay/# who would not pay average amount
In the Main Room of a club, how much would you pay for:
A dancer to sit and talk with you for 15 minutes? 12/55 $11.25
A table dance (air dance and clothed)? 21/35 $7.90
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 34/22 $11.94
In a semi-private VIP area, how much would you pay for:
An air dance (clothed)? 16/40 $11.25
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 28/28 $15.71
A lap dance (topless and one way)? 40/16 $19.00
A lap dance (nude and one way)? 44/11 $22.44
A lap dance (clothed and two way)? 21/35 $19.28
A lap dance (topless and two way)? 56/0 $23.48
A lap dance (nude and two way)? 55/1 30.27
In a private VIP area, how much would you pay for:
An air dance (clothed)? 9/39 $12.22
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 19/29 $15.78
A lap dance (topless and one way)? 30/18 $20.33
A lap dance (nude and one way)? 33/15 $23.33
A lap dance (clothed and two way)? 21/27 $21.42
A lap dance (topless and two way)? 46/2 $24.89
A lap dance (nude and two way)? 46/2 $34.14
How much would you pay for the following extra services inside the club:
A handjob? 30/5 $44.33
A blowjob (w/ condom or oral dam)? 30/5 $62.16
A blowjob (bareback to completion in mouth)? 30/5 $88.16
DATY (perform oral sex on the dancer)? 10/24 $46.50
69? 12/22 $72.50
Full service (intercourse) with condom? 28/5 $119.82
Full service (intercourse) bareback? 8/25 $150.62
Anal sex with condom? 14/19 $148.21
Death Wish (anal sex bareback)? 3/30 $116.66
How much would you pay for the following extra services outside the club:
A handjob? 18/15 $61.11
A blowjob (w/ condom or oral dam)? 25/9 $75.00
A blowjob (bareback to completion in mouth)? 29/4 $91.03
DATY (perform oral sex on the dancer)? 12/20 $68.33
69? 16/16 $93.75
Full service (intercourse) with condom? 30/2 $165.33
Full service (intercourse) bareback? 7/24 $157.85
Anal sex with condom? 16/15 $171.87
Death Wish (anal sex bareback)? 4/27 $137.50
Girlfriend Experience? 29/4 $246.72
Each response will be reported as follows: # who would pay/# who would not pay average amount
In the Main Room of a club, how much would you pay for:
A dancer to sit and talk with you for 15 minutes? 12/55 $11.25
A table dance (air dance and clothed)? 21/35 $7.90
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 34/22 $11.94
In a semi-private VIP area, how much would you pay for:
An air dance (clothed)? 16/40 $11.25
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 28/28 $15.71
A lap dance (topless and one way)? 40/16 $19.00
A lap dance (nude and one way)? 44/11 $22.44
A lap dance (clothed and two way)? 21/35 $19.28
A lap dance (topless and two way)? 56/0 $23.48
A lap dance (nude and two way)? 55/1 30.27
In a private VIP area, how much would you pay for:
An air dance (clothed)? 9/39 $12.22
A lap dance (clothed and one way)? 19/29 $15.78
A lap dance (topless and one way)? 30/18 $20.33
A lap dance (nude and one way)? 33/15 $23.33
A lap dance (clothed and two way)? 21/27 $21.42
A lap dance (topless and two way)? 46/2 $24.89
A lap dance (nude and two way)? 46/2 $34.14
How much would you pay for the following extra services inside the club:
A handjob? 30/5 $44.33
A blowjob (w/ condom or oral dam)? 30/5 $62.16
A blowjob (bareback to completion in mouth)? 30/5 $88.16
DATY (perform oral sex on the dancer)? 10/24 $46.50
69? 12/22 $72.50
Full service (intercourse) with condom? 28/5 $119.82
Full service (intercourse) bareback? 8/25 $150.62
Anal sex with condom? 14/19 $148.21
Death Wish (anal sex bareback)? 3/30 $116.66
How much would you pay for the following extra services outside the club:
A handjob? 18/15 $61.11
A blowjob (w/ condom or oral dam)? 25/9 $75.00
A blowjob (bareback to completion in mouth)? 29/4 $91.03
DATY (perform oral sex on the dancer)? 12/20 $68.33
69? 16/16 $93.75
Full service (intercourse) with condom? 30/2 $165.33
Full service (intercourse) bareback? 7/24 $157.85
Anal sex with condom? 16/15 $171.87
Death Wish (anal sex bareback)? 4/27 $137.50
Girlfriend Experience? 29/4 $246.72
topless, one-way LD = about $20 average
(w/ $20 the norm for most clubs I've been to with this option)
nude, one-way LD = about $20 average
(w/ $20 the norm for most clubs I've been to with this option)
topless, two-way LD = about $25 average
(w/ $25 in the only clubs I found with this option)
nude, two-way LD = about $30-35 average
(a resonable premium for premium service, but slightly higher
than what I've paid in the few places I found with this option)
So then, how much is what we're willing to pay influenced by the typical prices we encounter in the clubs we frequent?
Keep the surveys coming!
@Jack: that's also an intriguing question. My former regular club is "the only game" within a hour radius. IMO they couldn't charge more than the $20 per one-way nude LD if they tried. In this case at least, there is aparently a lack of demand. But, I agree it could go either way.
Not scientific? It's on a computer! :D
I would guess the margin for error is +/- $1000 or so on each question :D
I also agree with looneylarry that a dancer survey would show higher $$$ . . . but I wonder whether it would show a preference for more or less contact, that is, would the dancers rates go up proportionally to the amount of contact or exponentially. My guess that is that it would be the latter (for example, if X is the amount for an air dance, a one way dance would be X + Y, but a two way dance would be X + 3Y or more, not 2Y.
The survey is not ramdomly selected from the total population, but I would think it not meant to reflect the total population. In this case it's fair to restrict to sample populat to fellow strip club hound. So again, it could be a scientic survey.
The only question would be if 50-60 surveys is enough to stitistically represent the total population of strip club hounds. I don't know the answer to that. I wouldn't know how to estimate the total population of strip club hounds. However, I've seen matser's theses approved with 10 samples out of a target populat of a few thousand.