
Vegas hotel room strippers

After hitting the vegas strip clubs we want to get a couple of girls back in our suite for stripping not escort. Anyone have any recommendations for agencies or specific girls? any other tips?


  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    FONDL you know that I'm much to much of a gentleman to tell such a thing lol She was naked, clean, blonde, busty and hot. I'll let you figure it out - plus she was afraid I was going to call security. not that I would have taken advantage of a woman in distress lol
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I agree, it was a very well put-together post. It positively wreaks of common sense, something that is often in short supply concerning these issues.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Robofan: You should email the Founder to offer to turn that into an article for the site. Sort of like the Guide to Baltimore's Block linked on the home page. He put out a call for submissions here a couple of weeks ago.
    18 years ago
    Golfer, don't keep us in suspense like that. What did you do?

    I've only ever had one related experience - once in a high-class hotel in Mexico City I had a woman turn to me in an elevator (we were the only two people in it at the time) and ask me if I wanted to party. I said no. She wasn't my type.

    I can also confirm that if you ask an escort to do less than normal she will be only too happy to do oblige.
  • transform
    18 years ago
    Wow, thanks everyone for all the help. I realize that the agencies could be a total scam, but I want to get at least 2 strippers back in the suite that are comfortable with each other. I'm not sure of any other reasonable way to accomplish this without droppping a few K to lure SC girls back to the hotel. There are some national agencies which might have a reputation to uphold, so maybe that would be safer against bait & switch and rip offs (??). I definitely will check out bigdoggie.net. any other sites that are similar?
  • robofan
    18 years ago
    Been to Vegas more times then I care to admit so here is the low down.

    As you walk down the strip you will be handed flyers by strangers advertising strippers who will come to your room. These are bait and switch up sell agencies. Avoid at all costs unless you enjoy being ripped off. In fact avoid any agencies while in Vegas I can’t tell you how many horror stories I have heard or read about Vegas agencies.

    As far as going to a strip club and finding a stripper who is willing to come back to your room its possible but be prepared to spend large amounts of money. After all it’s Vegas and they can get guys to fork out hundreds of dollars for some time in the VIP rooms how much do you think they are going to ask to come back to your hotel room?

    Many of the upscale casinos have security posted at the elevators. What they require is that you show a room key or key card to get past. So just meet your lady or ladies in the casino lobby or one of the casino bars and accompany them to your room. No problems no hassles. Another tip, if they are going to call your hotel room when they arrive at the casino you must give them your real name. The casinos will not put a call thru to a room number only the caller must know the name your registered under. Cell phones get around this. Don’t worry about how they are dressed most of the strip casinos have at least one hot trendy night club and the women coming and going from there will be dressed a lot sexier then any working girls. Again it’s Vegas and they all know the routine.

    Ten years ago some of the more upscale conservative casinos would not let escorts in until late at night usually 2 or 3 am. This no longer seems to be the case. I see them in the casino from 9 pm on. Just go to any of the casinos bars and look for good looking women sitting at the bar alone or in groups having a drink usually coffee and playing video poker. It is my experience that the non working women hang out in the night clubs at night and the escorts at the casino bars. Make eye contact smile and she will take it from there.

    My advice is to do your research on independent escorts who are willing to role play and tell them you have a stripper fantasy or go down to the casino bar explain what you want find someone willing and set something up for later. In any case it will be a whole lot cheaper to find an escort willing to play stripper than a stripper willing to play escort. I know that you said you didn’t want an escort but asking an escort to do less than she is used to is a lot easier than asking a stripper to do more and believe me as soon as you ask her to come back to your room she will be convinced your asking for more. Remember avoid the agencies. They will send someone to your room but the price they quote will be to just get her to the room everything else will be up sell. By the time your done you could have spent the night in the VIP room.

    Enjoy and report back.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    My experience has been that hotel security may harass single women who they suspect but they will not stop or harass a couple walking through the lobby-no atter what the woman may look like. Also, the smartest escorts dress more conservatively when heading to an outcall than most young women do when they go out for a night of clubbing.
    And I only call the smart ones....
  • lotsoffun201
    18 years ago
    Since I live in Las Vegas, I can answer this with complete confidence......As of late, there is a serious crackdown on prostitution in Las Vegas aimed at the SW's and the Casino Girls. There are stings everywhere right now. As far as dancers going back to your room, while this does happen, it is much more rare than you think. You would have to go to the clubs during the daytime unless you really want a girl to come back to your room at 5:30 in the morning. Be prepared to spend A LOT of money as well. If a girl leaves her shift early with a customer, they can be accused of prostitution, so they will generally not risk it.

    The agencies are considered to be bait an switch operations and it is recommended that you stay away from them as well.

    As far as bringing girls to the room......As of late Harrah's properties have a zero tolerance policy so forget it if you are staying at one of their hotels. Local independants who post on some of the well known boards are a better "bet" in Las Vegas. You must escort them to the room with you at most properties as well.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Chitown I had a similar experience back years ago in the Tropicana back when the old golf course was where the MGM was, dating myself here lol. I was checking into my room, key into lock (keys then not cards) opened the door just as a very pretty busy blonde walked out of the bathroom dressed in nothing but a towel which was twisted in her hair lol She smiled and said hello making no attempt to cover anything. I said hello. She said well I'm finished with round one and all clean and smooth would you like to be round two? lol I think she had just finished up with one of the hotel staff. They had upgraded my room so I don't think he knew they were using this room this quick lol
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    If you are with the person in question they will never be stopped if you have your room key. If they try to come up by alone, they might get stopped and you might be asked to come down and get your guest. The casinos turn the other eye. What they do not allow is the hookers who troll for customers inside the casino. I think that's where you will see the difference. The other comment was right 90% of the strippers and all the escorts will do these shows. I would suggest going to bigdoggie.net and picking out one of the LasVegas independent strippers from the board or their ads and calling them. Meet them in a bar at your hotel and walk up with them to your room, tell them what you want and so it will be lol
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Transform - almost every single stripper and/or prostitute in Vegas will do a strip show in your room for a few hundred an hour. Just ask one and ye' shall receive. Too many to recommend...
  • trojangreg
    18 years ago
    The call girls who are making it in Vegas do not dress like hookers. They are very discreet and dress very nicely not slutty. They know not to bring attention to themselves. It is not hard to have one come to your room. I usually stay at Caesar's and they sometimes have elevator monitors but if you do not flaunt it it usually is no problem. Also a girl will tell you if they cannot come to your hotel because they have been banned. Caught in the act so to speak.
    18 years ago
    With so many young women today dressing like hookers, I would think it would be very risky for a hotel to question a man and young woman heading for a room. What if the guy's really rich and the girl turns out to be his daughter or trophy wife? Sounds to me like a law suit just waiting to happen.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    The last ime I was in Vegas was in the late 90s, when they were trying to cultivate an image of a family-friendly "Disneyland II". Now that they are back to, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," it might be different. Hell, for all I know, they have since put in express elevators for the hookers to use. But when I was out there in 1999, they had burly guys standing at the elevators, checking to make sure all people getting into the elevators had room keys. To my way of thinking, this could only have had one goal--to keep hookers from going up to rooms unescorted. I suppose you could escort the hooker to your room--but I've heard of people in the better hotels in resort towns like Cozumel, Cancun, Cabo, , etc. being asked to leave for that type of thing.
  • transform
    18 years ago
    uh, are we talking about the same city?? preventing strippers/escorts from coming up to a room would kill their rep.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I've only been to LV on business, not pleasure, but my recollection from staying at hotels on the Strip is that they have security posted to ensure that only guests get on the elevators to the guest rooms--probably to guard against this very thing. I'm not sure what the policy is re "guests of guests."

    I have a colleague who loves a particular hotel on the Strip. He and his wife go for a week four times a year. On one visit, he opened his room door just in time to see a whore riding a john. For his ten second free porno, the hotel comped that entire stay (including chips and a tab at the hotel's several restaurants) PLUS the next visit out there.

    To think, some people pay to see that stuff....
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