
Ever seen a drug deal go down ITC?

Atlanta suburb
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 1:05 PM
I did once about 8 months ago. The dancer that I was sitting with, pointed it out to me. Fat, white chick, around 30 years old came into the club and took a seat at a table. 2 dancers joined her. After a short talk they went to the dressing room. Fat, white chick came out and left the club. One of the buyers came over and asked my dancer if she wanted any. It sure blew my perception of what a drug dealer would look like.


  • Moose42
    12 years ago
    Haven't seen any deals happen, but I have seen girls try to do their thing after getting high. Both times they were smashed from a downer (not pot) and could barely walk and talk. One time was on the Block (Baltimore) and I quickly walked out because she was the only good-looking girl in the place -- no way am I getting extras from a chick that I know just used. The other time was at a relatively up-scale place in Baltimore. She ordered some food and spilled much of it on herself because she lacked the coordination (drugs tend to do that). The food absorbed whatever she took, but everyone knew she was plastered. Never saw her again after that; too bad because she was absolutely stunning.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    No. I've had dancers point out the pharmaceutical reps in the club. But never seen a exchange of money product. And the 3 guys I've seen DO look like the stereotype.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    Yes I've seen it many times
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I've seen it a few good times.....I agree with motor
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I seen it happened a few times. Once in AZ and 3 times in El Paso. They all went down in the bathroom 2 times was for weed, other was for oxy and the last one was for cocaine. I had a couple of people asking me if i wanted some pot/cocaine/LSD.
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I haven't actually seen the deal go down, but have had dancers point out dealers a time or two. And I'm with motorhead, they looked the part - scary mofos. I have seen, however, some pretty messed up dancers on occasion. Either it's alcohol, drugs, or some combination. In any case, they could barely stand up and had that wasted glaze look in their eyes. They can be quite liberal for lapdances, but if too far gone, you might find yourself catching her as she falls to the floor or on the receiving end of a hurl.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Regularly happens like you describe. Based on what I've seen, most don't want to actually exchange goods right out in the open, though I've seen that happen occasionally, too. I try not to notice. :)
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Never seen it, never had it pointed out to me & I don't look for it. I have MORE important things to observe. LOL
  • sandman96
    12 years ago
    Witnessed one first hand. A hot blonde was giving me a great ld and another dancer came over talking on her cell and they made their arrangements. After our first dance she was out the door, came back in about 15 minutes and apologized for having to leave and gave me a free ld.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I'm sure they do but I focus on the tits and ass
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "but I focus on the tits and ass" Is that all?
  • BadBitchesOnly
    12 years ago
    Saw a bitch rat out another bitch and reported a drug deal/use to club mgmt. Cops came and the rat bitch said she saw dancer snortin blow. Come to find out the dancer bitch was just putting her contacts in her white contact case. Rat bitch was a friggin moron and dancer ended up kickin her ass later. Don't assume what you think you saw is what you saw.
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