Dallas Texas SC Dress Code...

avatar for thegodfather
I will be in Dallas Texas in a couple weeks for work. Could some of you kind Dallas folks key me in on Dress Code for some of the clubs there. (if there are any) Looking at the Fare/(CR) BDD. I will be in that general area. I usually wear jeans (couple frayed holes) and t-shirt most of the time, but I know some clubs have certain rules...

Thanks in advance!!



last comment
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
The upscale Houston clubs do require collared shirts, but I've seen manual laborers go in St. James, after a day in the sun mowing lawns.

With that said, Houston is a blue collar town, Dallas is a white collar town. People in Dallas feel that they are superior to Houstonians.

Wear a collared shirt.
avatar for wallanon
13 years ago
I was going to suggest having a collared shirt with you just in case. Some of the "upscale" clubs have shirts you can borrow, but it's not a given. I generally have a spare shirt and whatnot around anyway because you never know what craziness is going to happen when hitting new territory.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
No shoes. No shirt. No service.

If you have to ask if you're not dressed appropriately, you're probably not. No one is telling you to put on a tie. But would a golf shirt snd a decent pair of pants kill you?
avatar for thegodfather
13 years ago
Thanks for all the input!! I will bring a golf shirt to cover my ass! Love the site BTW...
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Bring pants to cover your ass. With any luck, one of the ladies will be using the shir to cover your dick.
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