15 Things You Didn't Know About Strippers

avatar for Shamrock211
This data has been painstakingly compiled over my 10 plus years in the industry.



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avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I would have to disagree with most of those fifteen things although the reading itself was funny as hell.
avatar for rrbill
13 years ago
Actually, they are all sweet and innocent, with hearts of gold beneath their scanty garb.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Good for a laugh!
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
number 18 had me dying LMAO
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

I kind of thought they were all spot on. I think his percentages were too low in fact, ESPECIALLY #18
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Well that's ok Motorhead.

And #18? I had to go back and look. I found #18 to be very untrue. Where are you from again?
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Please don't die, he didn't mean it
avatar for chimark
13 years ago
I found it very funny, and while I didn't agree with all of them the one about the strippers going 2 sizes to large when doing breast implants, I tend to agree with as fairly accurate! the crying statistic I certainly don't have a clue if that happens or not, but I still laughed when I read it!
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