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Hooker 'turns into donkey', court hears

A MAN caught having sex with a donkey stunned a court on Monday by claiming that the animal was in fact a hooker he pulled from a nightclub.

Sunday Moyo, 28, from Mandava township in Zvishavane, was charged with bestiality on Monday.

Zvishavane magistrate Mildred Matuvi heard how Moyo was found by police officers on routine patrol performing a sex act on the animal inside his yard just after 4AM last Sunday.

The donkey, which had been tied by the neck to a tree, was lying on the ground.

Although he was not formally asked to enter a plea, Moyo admitted committing the crime but told the magistrate an enthralling tale which had the court in stitches.

“Your worship, I only came to know that I was being intimate with a donkey when I got arrested,” he began.

“I had hired a prostitute and paid US$20 for the service at Down Town night club and I don't know how she then became a donkey.”

The magistrate remanded Moyo in custody to October 27 and also ordered that he be examined by two government psychiatrists.


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avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Douchester was one of the donkeys regulars for $150.
avatar for crazyjoe
13 years ago
That gives new meaning to Donkey show
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
YIKES !! Shape shifting prostitutes ? Morgana Le Fay with one of Merlin's spells. Ahh, that Merlin, ever the trickster.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
LOL. It sucks when you take out one thing and she becomes something else. I've had a couple of those over the years. Jack Daniels might have been involved in those incidents.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Does this remind anyone of a bad blind date?
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
At least he didn't make an ass of *himself*.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
You know, there was that one horse-faced dancer...
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I've met that horse-faced dancer !!
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
Yes, vince, she had a nice body, but the neighing got annoying, don't you think?

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I fucked a donkey I mean stripper
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Why hasn't policeman chimed in yet and threatened to bust anybody off this board that is thinking about fucking donkeys?
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I'v herd & seen ugly strippers but this takes the cake
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Yes, and she kicked, too, steve229 :)
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Vice TV had a bit on the Asses of Colombia
(not for the faint of heart)…
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I bet she had a nice Ass
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
He didn't just go out for a piece of ass. He took the whole damn thing.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Cop to donkey: Why the long face, ma'am?
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