Paris Report Part Trois

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
I had spent two weeks in Paris, totally loving the art and the food and the sights. But I found I missed my favorite dancers and the strip club atmosphere. So I decided to check out Larry Flynt's Hustler Club (see my review), which was reputed to be the best American-style club in Paris.

The Hustler Club was an easy walk from where I'm staying, being located right off the Champs-Elysees in a very good area. I got there about 11 PM (it doesn't open till 10 PM), and it was not crowded. The club has a round glass stage in the center of the room, and if you go downstairs you can get an even better view of the dancers from below. If the dancers had been totally nude it would have been even better.

The dancers were all white Europeans and were all attractive. But I was told that during the lap dances you cannot touch the dancers. You can't touch the titties? This is Paris? I might as well be clubbing in Virginia with GoVikings.

You can't touch the dancers and it is against the rules to exchange phone numbers with the dancers. That really cramped my style.

Even worse are the prices. The cover charge is 30 euros ($40 US), which includes a drink. Additional drinks cost 20 euros ($30 US). I'll never complain about $8 beers in US clubs again. A public topless lap dance is 35 euros ($50 US) and a private dance is 70 euros ($100 US), and I chose not to indulge since I believe contact would still be minimal. A half-hour in the Champaign Room cost 570 euros ($800 US). For $800 in Detroit I can get a couple dancers to come to my house, vacuum my rugs and wax my car before having a three-way with me.

The atmosphere of the club also lacked something. American strip clubs are kind of funky and maybe a little dangerous. But the Hustler Club of Paris seemed just cold and clinical.

I miss the good old USA!


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avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
There's no place like home.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
bleh yah that place doesn't sound like a good time at all, unless you've got Arod monaay.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
How does the average French woman compare to American women (minus obesity epidemic) in the looks department? Do they really not shave their legs/armpits over there?
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
sinclair nailed it. Do tell.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Is this Europe or Texas?
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
"A half-hour in the Champaign Room cost 570 euros ($800 US). For $800 in Detroit I can get a couple dancers to come to my house, vacuum my rugs and wax my car before having a three-way with me."

That part of your review made me burst out laughing at my desk at work. C'mon home and stimulate OUR economy. And our strippers....
avatar for SnakePlissken
13 years ago
If I were you, I would give up and visit the Louvre.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I just saw a blurb on the internet today that the French are going to ban ketchup in school cafeterias. No ketchup! Enough said.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
sinclair: "How does the average French woman compare to American women (minus obesity epidemic) in the looks department? Do they really not shave their legs/armpits over there?"

I don't know about the shaving, since I haven't gotten that intimate with any French women. But the average French women beats the average American in looks. It isn't just the thinness, although French women tend to be skinny. It's the way they dress and act. Women out on the street dress attractively and wear coordinated outfits. When you see a fat, sloppy women in sweatpants, she's probably a tourist.

I'll try to post a couple pictures of French women in my profile.
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