
Can't win for losing

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:57 AM
Funny anecdote from a recent review of Inner Room Cabaret: I'm waiting on a girl and another girl come up and I say "I'm waiting for a dance". And she "says that it not my question I was just saying Hello". Next girl comes by I have some polite conversation and she asks for a dance. I said I'm waiting on someone and she goes off on me. Lets me to man up and let her know and not waste her time.” Strippers – there's no pleasing them, lol. [view link]


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Oh well, typical Strip Club. Although Inner Room has been on my Top Ten list for a long time. Anytime I'm in that part of Florida on the Space Coast, I'll stop in during the day. Mileage is great and there always several fine babes working.
  • muchfun
    13 years ago
    In past I also told dancers I'm not attracted to at all I don't wanne dance immediately and was told several times not have been asked how rude I am and so on. One time I answered just don't waste your time and go to somebody else. In the second I was in an very hard discussion about my attitude, how rude I am... It was late in the evening and was thinking by myself to fight such discussions I would go into a relationship and expect sex from time to time I told her if she believes I go to a strip club for such a discussion next second I answered myself no took my expensive coke and just runned away. When I passed the door I noticed she followed me and told the bouncer to make shure I leave. I have to add I didn't liked the club from start one and had also seen no girl I'm interrested in and planned to leave the club 10 minutes later anyway emptied my coke. I don't take the risk once getting bounced from a club I like now.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    I've had the same contradictory attitude from dancers a number of times. I finally realized there's no pleasing them all, nor expecting a rational/courteous response to an obviously well intentioned verbal exchange. So, I now split the difference. If a girl walks up and doesn't come straight out and ask me if I want a dance, then I'll chat with her for maybe a minute or two. At that point, I make a decision to have her stay or not. If not, I'll say something like, "Hey sweetie, I'm enjoying our conversation but won't be getting a dance at the moment, in case you'd like to talk with other customers." She's then free to stay or go, with most usually going after a pleasant thanks. It's still not to say you won't occasionally get verbally dressed down by a depressed/angry dancer, but hey, I can't make everyone happy all the time, so I don't let it bother me. An appreciative girl will be along in a few...
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Strippers are dumb. Have you just figured this out now, steve?
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "and she goes off on me. Lets me to man up and let her know and not waste her time" Should we wear a sign that says: 1. "Not interested in a Dance now" 2. "I'm waiting for someone" 3. "Go away PLEASE" LOL
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I'll take a sign, Alucard. How much are they?? LMAO
    13 years ago
    Still awaiting my first encounter with the pay-it-forward dancer: "No, no! I'll take less so the next girl can have more." I'm not going to hold my breath as to when this finally occurs.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    You say NO and then she asks "Are you gay?".
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    The quickest way to miss off a dancer is to tell them you don't want a dance within the first couple of seconds they walk up to you, before they've asked. Customers who do are usually screamed at or on their way home depending on the mood of the dander that night. Seen it a million times.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Oh for gods sake I hate this auto correct. Miss - piss Dander- dancer
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Well Stiletto25 the Dancer "might" have her Dander Up! And be Pissed! LOL I haven't made a sign yet Vince, I'll let you know how much they sell for after I determine my costs & overhead! LMFAO
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Alucard: Just make sure club management gets their cut!
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    The answer to all your problems: Huh? HUH? (pointing at speakers) I ... You ... Say Huh?
  • steve_ny
    13 years ago
    It is polite to balance it out. You don't want to sit and talk for 10 minutes before you explain you are waiting for someone. I usually wait for after the intro and tell them as they sit. But I know it ducks, I have received serious attitude from the ducking massage woman and it misses me the duck off! Auto correct does suck.. The real problem is that you are sitting around waiting fo the girl, this wouldn't happen if you just circle the girl continuously until she leaves the other guy or just send the waitress into the VIP to go get her.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    New rule no means no all of the time not when the woman or stripper feels like it
  • Dolfan
    13 years ago
    I've found the reaction to a prompt rejection I get varies from club to club. At places like Tootsies it generally results in a positive response, usually a thanks and kiss goodbye. I've never seen a dancer visibly upset by it, much less had one chastise me. However, up the road a bit at the more intimate clubs they've stopped just short of sticking one stiletto in left ball and the other in my right eye. The inverse is also true, the girls at Tootsies won't hesitate to relay their displeasure with wasting their time, and the girls at the smaller joints usually seem perfectly content shooting the shit for 30 minutes and walking away with nothing. I've tried Rod's approach with mixed results. I had hoped to meet in the middle and piss everyone off a little rather than some a lot and some not at all, but doesn't seem to have lessened the variance in the response at all. I've made also some efforts at avoiding the situation by generally not looking very welcoming, and just approaching dancers I'm interested in and asking if they'd like to keep me company. It's was effective, but it really took the fun out of it and is pretty hard. I mean shit, I'm boozed up and surrounded by naked women - I'm not fucking Val Kilmer, I don't have the acting skills to pull off that kind of deception. I'm not loosing any sleep over it by any means but I find it very curious, enough so that I've started intentionally experimenting. One of the girls at a club I visit regularly picked up on it and started to wait for new or visiting girls to approach me and then come ask me about their reaction to getting turned down, she's as intrigued by it as I am. Unfortunately, she doesn't really give a shit how or when she gets turned down so she's no use in satisfying my curiosity. She's a great stripper though, so I don't turn her down... And if you're still reading this novel Stiletto, where's your idea of balance? Is it simply before you've asked that pisses you off, or is it only within a few seconds? Any tips for exuding the air of disinterest, or at least prompting a dancer to "pop the question" promptly? What pisses you off about it?
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    I think a lot of women take it as personal rejection when really, sales is a huge numbers game.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @dolfan- I usually ask someone within three to five minutes if they want to dance. I don't camp out but I don't just fly by asking "wanna dance". I think a good balance would be saying your hellos and if you know right away you don't want to dance or you're waiting for someone, just say it. Id say hello though, and then move on. Most girls will be ok with that. It rarely happens but every once in awhile I will get someone who says no before I've even said hello. Im very quick and I have a rebuttal for everything. I mean everything. You say no in one second and I have ten things to say back that will make you say "ya know, I think I will try one". If you've been nice and a dancer is too sensitive, it isn't your fault. If you don't want to flat out say no right away but you want her to know you're not interested, don't make eye contact when she's speaking. I know that sounds crappy but eye contact equals interest. If you truly have a stage five clinger, you're going to have to just going to have to tell her to get lost.
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I have a t-shirt that says "don't let me waste your time". I wear it under my light zip-up jacket, and unzip when unwanted dancer approaches.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I have a T-shirt that says "I Support Single Moms." It has a sillouette of a stripper on a pole. I do wear it to strip clubs sometimes. (It was a gift from a dancer a few years ago.)
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I have one that says "I am a blow job just waiting to happen". Yeah, a stripper gave it to me.
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