Things you normally don't see at the Club:

avatar for HB13
-Full Cop in Uniform kicking the PLs out of the club during closing time.

-Gay Guy sitting around in the club (Crossed legs, green painted nails, his voice, & clothes). He just took up bar space, and sat in PL chairs while they stood up to go tip the stage dancer (maybe he wanted them to sit on his lap).
A friend asked a dancer: "He's probably your best customer." Dancer: "I hate that guy."

-Church group of girls raid the club and deliver a flower with self-aid cards to all the dancers. Cards said turn to Jesus for salvation (or something to that extent).


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avatar for basketball
13 years ago
Saw a dude at a former high mileage club dressed up as a woman.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
As a former sc employee. All of you woun't beleive the things's I've seen & hered. All the strippers/dancers here on this site will agree with me.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I have recently become friends with an employee at a club. He has told me of a few recent stories. But then, so has my ATF, favorite now, other dancers, owners, husband of a dancer, barmaid, etc...

Lot's of stories out there!
avatar for johnnymapalo
13 years ago
I saw a homosexual with a gold dyed stripe in his hair one time at a strip club. He was working there and kept going back to the girls dressing room. As he was going in and out of there all night, I caught him trying to make eye contact with me a few times. Faggit, I do not go to strip clubs to flirt with men. Bitch, keep your gay eyes to yourself!!!
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I was thinking a dancer offering to buy a customer a drink. I'm glad I haven't noticed any of the other things.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
HB13 reports gay guy number 1. Very likely steve229.
johnnymapalo reports gay guy number 2. Very likely mikeya02.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
To all you guys who seem to be so afraid of a gay guy hitting on you, I suggest you take lessons from a girl. They've been dealing with unwanted advances from guys for, well, as long as there have been guys. From my experience, they just say "no" a lot; throwing a bossy fit and reacting violently hasn't been a very common occurance, IME.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
A guy came up to me and said "you're a homo right?" I said "no". He said "yeah you're a homo". I said "sorry to ruin your gay fantasies, but you're going to have find someone elses dick to suck". His name was Dougster.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
@GMD - the psychological term is projection, isn't it?
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@steve229: I see that mikeya02 just accused me of being gay, by "projection" that must prove my assertion that he is gay. Correct?
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@steve: Why yes, I think it is.
avatar for chukko
13 years ago
I've had another customer who I've never met pay for 2 of my dances with a dancer. Suddenly I was sitting with the dancer and the next moment she tells me that the guy over there in the corner that she know offered to pay for 2 of my dances. I said sure! Hahaha. It was during a night when Trina Michaels was performing. I think that they were just trying to move me away from the stage or encourage me to buy more dances from her. Low and behold, I didn't, but I enjoyed the 2 free dances.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
chukko - that has happened to me twice at Follies. Once just yesterday. I think that in both cases the buyer was just trying to impress the stripper with his money.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"I've had another customer who I've never met pay for 2 of my dances with a dancer."

Couple of under 21 guys in the club, easy to spot because club makes them wear these embarrassing oversized t-shirts with a no alcohol symbol on the front. My fav at the time tells me the club also charges some ridiculous cover charge (like $50 each) for anyone under 21. I imagine that after paying for cover and buying their overpriced beers, they didn't have much of a budget remaining, and they sat alone gloomily while the dancers ignored them.

I felt sorry for them and during the next 2-4-1 paid my fav to go over and give the "yutes" a table dance each. The look on their faces when she stuck her ass an inch from their faces was priceless.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
correction - overpriced cokes (~$8)
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Careful Steve, Douchester may take that to mean you are gay.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Two whats?
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
Oh, excuse me, your honor...Two YOUTHS.

(good catch, lol)

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I have never seen a gay cop inside a strip club
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
@txittyfan: according to steve's theory of "projection" mikeya is indeed gay. But, mikeya's given alot of tells about his "alternative lifestyle choice" for quite some time now.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
*yawn* Back to the op, I once saw a miserable little prick being bitch slapped by the smallest girl in the club for shooting his mouth off. Yup! His name was Dougster.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
You're playing catch up, Mike. But I guess when you have a tortoise brain that is as much as we can expect from you.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
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