your 1st ITC experience

avatar for rell
everybody talks about their 1st or their favorite otc experience what was your 1st itc and how was it ?

my 1st ITC happend a couple years before my 1st otc experience.. it happend in 2005 on the world famous block in baltimore.. for all the old school block head it was at the glass slipper which is long gone
i was sitting in a pretty empty club when a dancer approaches me and ask me if i wanted to have fun and rubbing all the right areas ... at that time i was gunho and went for it..
we went down some stairs into a small dressing room with loveseast and sink with a mirror... within a couple mins i busted (got to bust on her ass)and she said keep going i did and prolly 5 mins after that shot my 2nd load.. this time in her mouth ...walked out feeling great and thought thats what it was always like... boy was i wrong


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avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Were you doing her uncovered, or did you cover up again after busting on her ass? I am just curious.

I can remember all of my milestones, from the first tit I touched to my first fuck, and everything in between. I don't think any of them happened at the same time; and they seemed to happen in a natural progression. In other words, I didn't suck my first nipple and then go back a day later and fuck.
avatar for runrdude
13 years ago
I left the club that night wondering how the hell I lucked into that. I wrote a detailed description and thanks here:…

avatar for rell
13 years ago
oh no it was covered ..she offered to do it uncovered but at that time id never done it raw and wasnt picking the sc to be my 1st time

none of my itc expereinces have come even close to the 1st one.. but my otcs have
avatar for Prim0
13 years ago
Still waiting...
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Many years ago at Players Club in Detroit, all the dances were were table lap dances. Some of the babes were quite energetic and I came fast. I was a happy camper.
avatar for DUSA
13 years ago
Mine have all come as a natrual progression I guess you would say. First Hands in pants was at a little divey type clube in Syracuse NY. The usual sales pitch come out back with me you will be glad you did. Sensual first song second song starts and hands in pants before I knew it and was hooked on strip clubs!! First BJ was also equaly surprising in El Paso as near end of first song the pants get unzipped and some light licking starts and do you want another song? DUH!! yeah. First time actually having the full deal was in an earlier post below. Amazed at people who say never happens to them with all the info posted here.…
avatar for quixote327
13 years ago
My first BJ was in El Pas as well.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I got my very first ITC BBBJ at the infamous Memphis Platinum Plus, 90 minutes after the vice squad had just raided the place and passed out 50 citations to customers & dancers.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
My very first ITC HJ was in a shit hole near Covington, KY, about 12 years ago. I don't remember the name of the place or whether it still exists, but I was drunk as hell and to this day it is the most expensive HJ I have ever received. One of many tuition payments made over the years.

My first ITC FS happened about a year later in a dump in Bridgeport, CT, called R Place. It no longer exists anymore. I guess it was too raunchy even by Bridgeport standards, which is saying a lot.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Was at Stir Crazy, which is still my favorite club for now. To be honest, so long ago, I can't say I remember a lot, but I do recall I went VIP and was not expecting what occurred. Haven't been VIP there since. I think they still have it but don't really have an interest in that.
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
Was at Houston Dolls in 2004. On my first visit, I found that extras weren't just on the menu, they were easily had. Financially, and emotionally, I wasn't ready. On my second visit, I saw a stripper I was interested in. We went to to the back room and just a minute into the LD, she flashes the kitty. I went, middle finger first. AsI sank in knuckle deep, I asked if we could fuck. Excitedly, she said "Absolutely !!"

The panties hit the floor and I mounted her. A couple of minutes later, she clears her throat and says "I guess we should discuss price." I told her how much I had and she agreed, telling me to resume.

When I finished, I asked her where the condom should go. She replied "Oh, just throw it behind the chair. There'll be a dozen more before the night's over."
avatar for Player11
13 years ago
While I had been doing otc since 2004, I finally had my first itc experience with a 22 yo married tall Brunette in the CR of a club off Airport Blvd (Houston) in 2007. She was a really good fuck, nice and tight and got me off real good. Since then I have done dancers itc at Centerfolds, Heartbreakers, Sugars (was Ricks South but is now closed), and the Ritz. There are two girls I have done in more than one club. An x dancer I have been seeing for three years (a real keeper girl) was really good at itc. As a matter of fact our first sex experience was itc. Then we started meeting otc with an otc early in the week then itc on the Sat afternoon shift.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
C. Mowes Key Club in WP, early 90's. Sitting in one of those banquet-type chairs off to the side of the room with the dancer straddling me face to face. Everybody in the room likely knew what we were doing, as they had probably done the same thing. Just the way it was done there before the City made them build a (VIP?) stall so it was a little more discreet.

I was pretty nervous, and at one point she threatened to charge me extra if I didn't hurry up and get off.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
my first ITC was at club in South Carolina. cute little blonde spinner was giving me a hell of a lap dance in the couch room. without warning she unzipped, reached inside my shorts and pulled my pecker out. she dropped to her knees beginning kissing the head. she stopped for a moment, looked up at me, smiled and said it would be $100 for bbbj. well, how do you say no to a hot chick who has your dick in her mouth!! she proceed to give me one hell of a bj including deep throat. did not last long as she really knew how to suck dick. told her I was fixing to bust a nut but she continued until I popped in her mouth. she spit into a paper towel she had tucked in her garter then put Mr. Happy back in my pants and zipped me up. never did see her at that club again.
avatar for TABB
13 years ago
EL Paso? I get away with alot more in El Paso then I do in Phoenix. I still haven't been to the seedy club in EP but I'm satisfied with my experience at dreams and Jags. Next time I will try to hit JB lounge, Lamplighter and try my luck at red parrot.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
She unbuckles the belt off, drawers down, cock out and the rest is a blur.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
hasn't happened yet, and with the clubs in my area, it's not likely to happen any-time soon
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Bogart's outside of Detroit. No privacy but who cares. I was just expecting a handjob but I was in her mouth so quick (uncovered) I wasn't gonna stop her.
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
H8S this summer. I posted a detailed review (couldn't figure out how to link directly to reviews). Got all I asked for and more. Could have paid less if I wanted to negotiate harder, but I got my money's worth.

Never would have happened without TUSCL, specifically because of knowledge passed on by VinceMichaels and Samsung1. Shit, I need to go back.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago

I, too, piggybacked on vincemichaels' Detroit knowledge. I once spent an afternoon with him in Bogarts - good guy to hang out with. vincemichaels also pointed me to Subi's. Another good choice, my best Detroit SC experience ever.

Fond memories as I am now exiled to an exploration camp in Canada's north.

avatar for Jackmd
13 years ago
Ah Baltimore's Block was also my first. Club is now closed, Mousetrap. I got some money for my 18th birthday and decided to go to the Block. Sat at the bar and WOW -naked women dancing on stage. An lady came up to me and asked if I wanted some company. Sure. $25 drink. OK. I asked what goes on here. 1) Drinks at bar, 2) Drinks at end of bar 3) upstairs. OK let's try upstairs. We got in the room and before I knew it she was naked and Little Jack was out and in her mouth. It must have taken no more than 2 minutes before her job was done. I figured she earned about $6,000 an hour for her efforts.
avatar for Dain
13 years ago
My first ITC Hj and BJ were surprises. I just expected to jack off (which I had already arranged with the girl), but then all of a sudden, I was attacked. I surrendered immediately.
avatar for rell
13 years ago
and little drain got drained lol.. sorry i couldnt help it
avatar for rell
12 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… at that time i was gunho and went for it …”

You mean bareback?
avatar for rell
12 years ago
no i was covered but i was just gunho about droppin at that time seemed to be alot of money
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