Atlanta Strip clubs that do extra's?

avatar for Kprince
Going to atlanta for a bachleor party, wow, didn't know they had so many strip clubs here! Can anyone recommend a place that
A) Does extra's? Like the clubs in detroit where you can either get a bj or fs for 150-300?
B) Has top notch talent comparable to spearmint rhino where you can at least grab some tits and ass even if no extra's are allowed?

I realize that these are most likely two separate questions, as I doubt there is one club that can provide both, such as the penthouse club in detroit!



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avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I recently did an article for TUSCL on Atlanta strip clubs. The articles section has a bug in it and my article is MIA. But you can still read it by clicking on my name and then my.t articles. That may help.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
I would also suggest using the private message (PM) feature to communicate about extras. I think TUSCL has become more explicit over the past year or so, and notwithstanding our debate about whether LE pays any attention, I just think that kind of information is better left to PMs.
avatar for Kprince
14 years ago
Hey thanks shadowcat, great article! I guess follies is the place to go, but for eye candy I assume pink pony and cheetahs? Do either of these places do more than just an air dance? I'm from chicago and I'm familiar with air dances, haha. Since cheetahs and pink pony have the hottest girls I was wondering if anyone could just answer if they even offer a grinding lap dance where your hands can roam and grab some t and a? thanks!

avatar for blsn628
4 years ago
Kprince as of 2021, in the VIP dances with some of the girls, hands CAN roam. Didn’t try FIV but it IS still covid times
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
Try da truck stop
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
I know this is a really old thread but wow at the title! Is it that the OP got tired of extras with strippers and has moved on to needing an entire building to do extras?
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