NFL lockout is over. Strip clubs rejoice.

Atlanta suburb
Cowboys Training Camp Begins Tomorrow--Local Strip Clubs Rejoice
SA(San Antonio) will get full two weeks of training camp
The Dallas Cowboys arrive at the Alamodome tomorrow for the start of training camp, and the first workouts are set for Thursday, 1200 WOAI news has learned.
The quick schedule for training camp was revealed after the NFL Players Association ratified a new ten year collective bargaining agreement with the league and its team owners, officially ending the 136 day lockout.
The Cowboys say they will hold their first practice at 10AM Thursday, and two-a-day practices, open to the public, are scheduled through August 10, with the exception of the two Sundays, when no morning walk through is set.
The Cowboys will remain in San Antonio until August 10th, meaning the city will still receive the full two weeks of training camp. The team will break camp the day before their first pre-season game, and all practices after that will be at Cowboys Stadium.
As you might expect, the happiest people in town, possibly next to City Facilities Director Michael Sawaya, who has been juggling potential training camp dates for weeks as the lockout dragged on, is the operator of local topless bars.
At Rick's Cabaret, manager Joshua Brooks, says the Cowboys camp attracts the same demographic of young men which are their prime customers.
"Actually, the Cowboy camp is a lot better for us than most events," Brooks told 1200 WOAI's Michael Board. "It last for a lot longer than most events. The NBA Finals will last for three days."
Brooks says the Cowboys bring dozens of young men with money to spend to San Antonio, and many of them are his customers.
"Staff members, training, anybody who is on the staff, we get lot of people from the Cowboys in here," he said. "Lots."
Brooks says he expects that this will be some of his busiest two weeks of the year.
"Two of the main things that a young male wants...sports and women," he said. "We have people happy. People are in a celebratory mood, and the Cowboys are in town."
Once upon a time, some of the NFL had some pageantry connected to their games. Once upon a time, the Dallas Cowboy would start playing. Then the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders would take the field to dance in a great choreographed routine.
Now, the only choreography involved is when the Cowboys lose in the last minutes so that the point spread is covered. The owners get their cut, so dothe gambling interests, and the NFL Players Associations pockets money for their retirement fund. If you think this lockout was a true grievance, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. The NFLPA just wanted a bigger cut of the gambling cut.
is it me, or does anyone else here think it would be more than a bit odd to be watching football on TV while a good-looking woman is getting naked on stage in front of you? I saw something similar when I was at a club recently. all through the stage shows, there was a guy setting at a table, head down, texting away on his cell phone (not hard to notice, as the light from the screen was the brightest light not on the stage). I thought he was out of his freaking mind. I don't go to a SC to watch TV, I go to watch the women shake it, followed (possibly) later by a LD.
It is odd indeed with a good-looking woman on stage, but many times I have found myself watching TV when there was no one on stage, or a not-good-looking woman.
but that's only because i've only been going to strip club's since 2009.
i'll make it happen this year, you better believe that.
naked women, vikings football, AND alcohol? damn, i won't be able to control myself. :)