Ahh Detroit

avatar for silkypants
I had an excellent visit in Detroit mid week. I am an absolute PL and Detroit was a bit of a challenge. Remember, all posting on this site are fictions in nature.

My Detroit visit by the numbers:

Nights 2
Clubs 2
Dancers paid 12
Numbers of lap dances/songs 41
HJ 3
BJ 2
FS 1
Total cost $1700
Happy endings 1 :(

Another very expensive weekend and great learning experience. I got a rant coming on why the Detroit clubs are not rated higher. I actually thought I was taking a risk going to Detroit because it had no top ten clubs. Detroit rocks. Reviews to follow.

Best lines that I can remember:

Three times I heard: “I have a medical marijuana card.”

Dancer opening line while dancing on the bar: “I want to suck your dick”

Me: I want you to be aggressive
Dancer: Can I choke you?
Me: I don't think that is a good idea.
Dancer: Hmm, can I choke you lightly?
Me: Still I don't think that is a good idea.

Dancer: Careful, you will eventually reach cotton
Me: What if I had asked for FS?
Dancer: I would just go into the dressing room and make it work.

Worst decisions I made:

Not negotiating and getting three for $100 dances instead of the $25 dances.

Not going to cash machine to get a dance from a better than Bree Olson lookalike. I am still touching myself over that one.


last comment
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
WOW, you spent $1700 in ONE week in strip club's? must be nice to have that kind of $ that you can afford to spend in the club.

can i go with you the next time you go?
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Impressive scorecard. Assume the happy ending was the FS??
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
Sounds like you had a good time. Only thing that doesn't sound good is only one happy ending... for HJs I don't know if I really consider it an extra unless it's HJ to completion. Same for BJs, unless it leads to FS. :)
avatar for troop
14 years ago
from my viewpoint it seems like you didn't receive much return on the money spent but it also seems that for the most part you're satisfied so that's all that should matter.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I can't wait for my next trip to Detroit (now that I have a Cialis prescription)!!
Anytime, farmerart. I'll warm up the dancers for ya. LOL Congrats silkypants on a fine trip.
avatar for buzzer68
14 years ago
Well done...hopefully my trip to Myrtle Beach next month will look very much the same!
avatar for victor2
14 years ago
What clubs did you visit?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
Silkypants. You had sex three times out of twelve dancers. (I don't consider HJ sex, just foreplay). I am assuming your BJ's and FS were different dancers. So you were scoring 33% of the dancers. That's an impressive score in anybody,s stripclub book. Way better than my average score. Sounds like you had a great time. Congrats.
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
<I'm not worthy!>

Holy crap! Batting .333 is an amazing value for $1700 to me. Although that would represent at least three _good_ SC visits for me, sounds like you could make it happen with much less next time.

If you get time, please PM me with a club name. Road trip soon!

It's interesting with Michigan being medical MJ friendly, that dancers would advertise that they have a card. To me that sounds like code for, "take me OTC, buy me weed, and you can go all the way."
Given the lurid descriptions of Detroit clubs I've seen here, I would have expected the average to be more like .999, instead of a third that. Forthat kind of cash, you could have gotten at least 5 or 6 happy endings, from at least a BJ, in a few of the clubs locally. Is the OP's experience atypical?
avatar for domiandray
14 years ago
the dude just has to plan better. spending that type of cash should more be like 12-14 happy endings, especially from what i read about the det/inkster clubs. my only regret was not checking out that area during my last vacation as i instead opted for the platinum plus in columbia, sc.
I would have cummed on the hj : )
domiandray has it right. I did zero planning because I did not believe Detroit could be this easy. I have never negotiated for a dance/extra fun because it hasn't been available to me. In Minnesota, Montana, TJ, Indy and Central Florida I did no price negotiation. The dancer/entertainer offered me a price for a dance and I took that price. I think it is called no haggle pricing.

Now I go to Detroit and find I can look at some pretty awesome rides, but there are no prices. So instead of deciding which rides I wanted, I took a whole bunch of test drives. Most rides didn't work for me but I had a lot of fun and I didn't have to make a big commitment and get stuck with a ride I didn't like.

Next time I will have my price sheet from this trip along with a better idea of what kind of ride I am looking for.

As for the batting average Detroit is tee ball not baseball. Almost all of the misses you are calculating are because I didn't swing. Some didn't play ball and that is fine. Remember, most of the time it costs more to put the ball on the tee.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Yeah good point about the batting average of Detroit being tee ball. For example one dancer at Hustler told me "$100 for a BJ until you cum". I said "lets just do regular $25/song dances" since spending $25 felt cheaper than $100. We ended up doing 4 songs anyways so I would have been better off if I just swung and accepted her initial offer of $100 for a BJ. She gave me her number afterwards and said she does full body massages outside the club. I did not have time to call her though.
avatar for yardapesbb
14 years ago
IMHO for the same amount you could have gone to Reno and had your pick of 3 legal houses without all the hassle.
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