If you are, or were, a dancer, and you had a giant wart or mole on your lady parts, why on earth would you not have it removed? I don't mean a little "beauty mark", but a blemish more than a half inch wide, and at least that high. This is definitely one dancer I wish had obeyed the requirement to keep covered up.
Not a stripper but a similar sight. A young woman wearing a scoop neck dress that revealed 3 or 4 black hairs growing between her breasts. You would think she would either have a hairs removed or not wear a low cut dress.
gmd - I too have had to bite my tongue a time or two when spotting a nasty bit of anatomy in a woman's lower extreme. A particularly bad one was a serious wart or skin tag growing just to the side of a woman's anus. It had been someone I was dating and I spotted this half-inch projection of rectal flesh while dining at the Y. It curled, reminding me of a witch's nose. I suppose had she been a stripper, clipping that bad boy would have been in order.
When I was in SF years ago, I did OTC with a dancer who had tags "down there" that were similar in size and shape to smallish male genitals. I told her she should have them removed, and she said she was saving up the money to do that. Good plan!
Perhaps magicrat will remember this dancer. He got a couple of lap dance from her also. She was a favorite that had quit working to have a kid. She had just started working again, having had her baby just 6 weeks prior. She still had a tiny bit of baby fat. I asked her if she was still lactating because I didn't want to get a mouthful of baby milk. She said no, so we went to the back for some dances. As soon as my hands found her tits, I also found something that didn't feel normal. She had a bump right next to one of her nipples. It was the same size and shape as a nipple. It felt like a nipple. I could not bring myself to suck on them. I have seen her since and the bump is gone. It must have had something to do with her pregnancy. gridget told me that, that happens some times. YUK!
These stories are almost enough to make you want to stay home and jerk off to porn instead of running the risk of running into something freaky out in the real world. As far as I know, mainstream porn doesn't feature women with extra nipples, mini-dicks growing out of their crotch or warts on their pussy.
I once went for a lap dance with a girl who had a mole on her cheek, and it worked for her, in a Cindy-Crawford sort of way. Turns out she was covered in moles, most approaching the size of a dime and hard. She had at least a half dozen on her breasts. I could feel them as she rubbed against me, breasts to chest, breasts to face. How I missed them before I agreed to a dance I'll never know.
Somehow I always end up getting LDs from a dancer with a back full of hard moles or skin tags. I have seen them around the anus and the vagina. :^( Dermatologists don't know what causes them (rumored to be from irritation from shaving and clothes rubbing), but they can cut them off. Unfortunately most people would just end up with a scar.
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