TUSCL Feature for Sticky Review?

avatar for harrydave
A recent excellent review of Adelita's I read in the past few hours convinced me that TUSCL should have a feature to make certain reviews Sticky.

A Sticky review would be displayed at the top of the list. Who would decide, members? Maybe a "Make this review Sticky" link, with enough votes, would make it happen. And maybe there would be an expiration date so it doesn't stay forever.

Anybody like or dislike this idea?


last comment
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i read that adelita's review too. it was a good review but because things can change and ymmv i think the current format of the latest review at the top is the way to go.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
TUSCL hall of fame
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Naw. Leave things the way they are. If you see a review that merits notice bring it to the discussion board.
avatar for LeeH
14 years ago
Too much opportunity for abuse. It's bad enough that we get shill reviews; let's not add shill stickies to the problem.
avatar for sinclair
14 years ago
There are not enough members making it a habit to flag shill/useless reviews; in the same vein, few would go out of their way to sticky a great review.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
I can only see this being abused. The reviews would have to be heavily monitored to keep this honest. Besides, as someone else mentioned, things change over time. When I'm contemplating going to a new club, I want the most recent information at the top.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
ditto leeh &jack
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
sticky as in reviewing our semen sure why not they swim a mean fight
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
OK, I concede the point that there would be big potential for abuse. And for probably half the clubs out there, they are in a state of flux, so the club conditions may change and a sticky review may become obsolete pretty fast.

Glass half full, glass half empty.

I guess I consider TUSCL to be this great resource, with quality information, but with the quality often obscured by crap. We see that often with newbies asking basic questions and not bothering to browse the reviews that are so obviously available.

But the only way to make quality rise to the top is to have judgments of quality, and that takes consistent attention, either by individuals or through some decent collective mechanism. This might be difficult to achieve.

But I stand by my basic (glass half full) observation. There are good reviews, containing very useful information that wont go quickly out of date, and it would be a service, at least to those who bother to read, to get those reviews to the top of the list.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
hd: That would seem to indicate that a thumbs up/down, with a one vote per user limit, and a "most helpful reviews" link, would be more useful than a sticky review.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
yeah, maybe finding a way for members to highlight reviews that are very informative and useful overall rather than trying to identify the same but by club. a way to say 'this is a good model for club reviews.'

agree that per club reviews can become out of date or be tied to specific days or shifts.
avatar for Notsosly
14 years ago
Yeah... what georgeMD just said. "Helpful" vs. "Not Helpful" is a nice way to filter. Much like this discussion board, it would be nice if we could sort on helpfulness, or in chronological order. Maybe if they get more than 10 "Not Helpfuls" they get minimized, and have to be clicked on to be seen. A 3rd button could be "report" which would set a red flag as a shill report. Could/should also limit these buttons to VIPs.

Just ideas here that I've seen on other comment boards. Obviously founder would have to do all this. And who knows if he wants to!
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