
No Contract Cell Phones

Friday, May 20, 2011 5:52 PM
Do any of you use a no contract cell phone? (For SC or less nefarious purposes.) I'm looking for one that can be purchased for cash, recharged for cash, and has minutes that won't expire quickly. Nothing fancy, just voice and text. Nothing so expensive that I won't feel bad if I toss it in a recycling bin in less than a year. Yes, this would be used for staying in contact with a few strippers, but it would also be my emergency phone, locked in the console of my car in case I forget my regular one. My regular phone is company provided, so calling or texting dancers on it is less than smart. Any suggestions?


  • sanitago
    13 years ago
    I've had a Tracfone for years. places like Wal-Marts sell models for around $10, you can buy cards to recharge the minutes on them, and the minutes last around six months. you can do all of this for cash, and minute cards can be purchased in most convenience stores (for that matter, you can often find them selling phones too). minutes are moderately cheap (60 can usually be had for around $20) and coverage is pretty good. major downside: you burn more minutes making calls outside of your area code, and that's pretty much any other phone you might contact. still, it's a decent option if you want an untraceable phone you can get for cash.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Yeah I was going to mention walmart as well. The cheaper models ($10) do not have a keyboard for texting but they do have some more expensive models ($30) good for texting.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    don't go with virgin mobile! i have their phone and service, terrible! their customer service is terrible too! you get a phone menu that gives you about 3 options and if you're calling about something other than those options you will be run around in circles forever! i misplaced my phone once, i thought i had lost it so i called customer service to stop my service in case someone else found the phone. i couldn't get through to anyone to tell them to put a hold on my minutes so i emailed them and it took about 5 days to get a response! luckily i found my phone but i learned right there about how lax they really are. i'm trying to use up my minutes and when i do i'm going to switch to another service.
  • WetWilly
    13 years ago
    I used T Mobile's no contract phone for years. The one I purchased was from WalMart, $20.00. I eventaully swtiched to a contract with T Mobile, but the no contract version worked well for a long time. I recommend it highly.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    You could also use your regular phone and install Google Voice so it gives you a second number for free to use.
  • Realist123
    13 years ago
    I use virgin mobile, it's a prepaid cellphone (cost me $30 and has a texting keyboard), i ordered the phone and get $10 cards when I need them from walmart anyone who's serious about fucking young hot things and also having a personal life definitely needs two phones lol
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    a nother phone is a great idea for calling & texting strippers. 2 phones is a good idea
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Fuck no contract cell phones I want a contract
  • joesparty
    13 years ago
    Tracfone. Google Voice is a decent alternative, but then you still have all those calls to/from your GV number on your bill and in your call history, which deleting is a pain, and might still be an issue for your employer. Tracfone, as others have mentioned, can be purchased for cash. You will need to call from another phone to activate (or do it online), and they ask you for a contact phone number, but I just made one up. If the phone gets effed up somehow, it's cheap enough just to buy a new one. A few different models available.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    I use cricket-no contract, pay 45 a month-unlimited phone, text + broadband.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    IMO, a web-enabled no contract, cash based, smart phone paired with Google Voice would be the ideal combination. GV is certainly usable, at least as a phone, on a regular phone, but a web enabled one makes it much easier.
  • RickWood
    13 years ago
    Check out the GoPhone. AT&T network so you have good coverage. Refillable with a card that can be purchased alot of places. $2 a day that you actually talk or text on the phone.
  • Vegeta1on1
    13 years ago
    Boost and T-mobile are good choices.
  • silkypants
    13 years ago
    I have a net10 phone. $.10 per minute and the lowest cost per month I have found ($15). Mine runs on the AT&T network. Customer service is not very good.
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