Did a bill board ever intice you to a satrip club?

avatar for shadowcat
Many years ago one in Memphis led me to the Platinum Plus. Times are a changing.

New Law Limits Signs for Adult Entertainment
Updated: Friday, 01 Apr 2011, 8:40 AM EDT
Published : Friday, 01 Apr 2011, 8:40 AM EDT

myFOXDetroit.com Staff

LANSING, Mich. - A new Michigan law that took effect this week limits signs and billboards that advertise for adult entertainment or other sexually oriented businesses.

The goal is to crack down on the public display of sexual images that some find offensive. The legislation was sponsored by Detroit Democratic state Sen. Tupac Hunter, and the changes took effect Wednesday. Billboards and signs visible from outside an adult business can only display words, numbers and trademarks under the law.

The Detroit News reports that topless club owners question the constitutionality of the new regulations.

Adult businesses can be fined up to $10,000 for violations. Hunter says he'll push the city to enforce the fines


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avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
Just the ones on the southbound side of the Florida Turnpike that go on for hundreds of miles. It was some kind of strip club/diner. It really wasn't worth the trouble.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I was just under 18. The boot camp bus took us down the road.

Les Girls and Body Shop.
Nude Girls Here (arrow pointing down)

Worked for me.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
A few years ago, I was lured in to a club that caters to truckers and highway travelers in Georgia along I-75 toward Florida. It was one of those "Butt Naked" signs, and they were suggestive to say the least, and borderline raunchy. I wondered about complaints from all those soccer moms heading to FL with the kiddies. I guess there must have been because on a more recent trip, the signs were toned down. The clubs are still there, but they're not being advertised as graphically nor as frequently.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
I have long been a proponent of the good corporate citizen approach. SCs located near a residential neighborhood should voluntarily tone done suggestive outdoor billboards. It gives the community groups and their political supporters a target and a cause. A more modest billboard will not cause a drop in business, but will save the club owner's legal fees. The liquor industry lost a billboard fight years ago in Detroit. SCs are even more vulnerable.

Of course, there is a right to commercially protected free speech. No business owner likes to be told how or when he can advertise. If SCs give on the billboards, is this the beginning of surrendering everything?

No business wants to fight an expensive battle that will result in defeat and bad publicity.

avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I don't care how it's advertised. I would never go to a "satrip club." It's not the way I roll.
avatar for Fenster
14 years ago
Two billboards in Dallas advertising for (now-defunct) 'Obsession' had a picture of a reclining blonde in a skinny red dress. One had a caption that read "Because not everybody wears jeans", and the other read "Who says Dallas is flat?" If a kid didn't already know what a strip was, he wouldn't be able to tell from that. It was actually classier than a billboard in a suburb that had a huge "NAKED" above a much smaller "Furniture". Try explaining to the kids how furniture could be naked, and why they would advertise it that way.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
Never, ever go to a club without checking it out on TUSCL first.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Much more of a nuissance is the advertising presumably allowed in Ontario. When I emerged from The Cannonball Cabaret, several advertising cards for multiple local spas were left on my car. Far more were strewn about the ground of the parking lot. Looked awful, and if I was a neighboring business I'd be ticked with the garbage blowing about.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I know when you drive up to Detroit from Ohio, Subi's Place has a billboard in sight of the highway. Here in Ohio though no strip club I know of has a billboard.
avatar for LoneLurker
14 years ago
Back in '89 or so I saw one for Thee Doll House in Myrtle Beach. Definitely lured me in; got my first table dance.
avatar for xpando
14 years ago
Trademarks? Thats seems like a pretty big loophole.

"Lapdances, Full Service, Leave Happy!" (tm)
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
In Orlando many years ago, my SO and I met another couple for dinner on the OBT. At dinner one of their sons asked, "What's a face dance, Dad?" He had seen it on a sige beside the OBT.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I was driving down US 75 towards Topeka on my first solo Kansas trip when I spotted a billboard for the club that is now Club Orleans, but it had a different name then. I had to stop and check it out, but it was a waste of time. I wish I remembered what the name of it was.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
Samsung, I recall a few strip clubs in Ohio advertising on billboards, but not any in the last five years. Cleveland in the 80's and 90's had a lot of the clubs in the Flats advertising. Kahoots when it first opened had advertisements on a few billboards, so did a former club named Sirens. Most now limit advertising to the radio and the alternative newspapers.
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