
Chair Preference

Sunday, March 20, 2011 9:27 AM
Do you have a preference between regular chairs and bar/high chairs? If so, why? The bar chairs for me allow for better grinding, but regular chairs allow for sitting in the lap and for more breast action. Just can't decide....


  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    One thing I dislike is when they have table dances but the chairs have wheels on it making it difficult to enjoy the dancer grinding. I would prefer bed dances over any chair
  • 10inches
    13 years ago
    I prefer the regular chair as like to be eye level with the dancers' tits!!! nothing like placing your face between a nice set of big juggs.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I sit at the bar, so bar chairs are the norm. Never had a problem with "action" in them as opposed to regular chairs. A dancer standing between my legs while I sit on a bar stool is much better to me than her sitting on my lap. Sitting on my lap sort of stops her access to a certain part of me that loves attention.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I last sat in a high chair I was 8 years old.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I've seen the action with Clubber and "G" I try not to stare. LOL My personal preference is couch dancing in the VIP. Sex occurs most often back there, though I've had my share of stick-shifting being practiced by the dancers on me at the bar.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    A lot of that depends on the club. At Follies in Atlanta, most reviewers will say that the prefered seats are the high back chairs next to the walls. The dancers can block off the view from behind them and thus make it easier to do some stick shifting, etc. Of course the best seats are in the VIP rooms.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    They have chairs? For lap dances, whatever happens to be handy, and allows me to grope, er...I mean, caress her body most effectively. For sex, etc, the couch in the back room.
    13 years ago
    The worst I've experienced are the wood ones at The Cannonball Cabaret in Brampton, Ontario. Upperback and arm rests are all one semicircle, making dancer straddle VERY difficult.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I prefer a regular chair for action, especially if it's not sticky. Too many sticky chairs in some Detroit bars.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Interesting that of the above nine responses, no one commented about my favorite seating arrangement: bench seating. I find I get far more enjoyment from a dancers company, either on the floor, or in the VIP in clubs that have at least some bench seating. Where I'm from, most all of the clubs have some bench seating along the perimiter of the floor. Some have it as VIP seating as well. Anyone else care to comment on bench seating?
    13 years ago
    I prefer a regular chair but not a barcolounger type with high arms or one that you sink into. Bar chairs are too high for most dancers anyway. The best is when you go to a club that has chairs with no arms, so you can get the best of both worlds ... good grindage and boobs in your face.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Never been benched.
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    I never liked the bed dances. Usually too pricey, but besides that, you can't see as well when you are lying flat and the girl sits upright.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I prefer low slung comfy chairs where there is lots of room to wiggle about. Also love bed and bean bag(!) dances. The bean bag bed dance I got in vegas was a hoot.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    vm, Does that "v" stand for vince or voyeur? :) And yes, "G" is a fave, but haven't seen her in awhile and the bartender isn't sure when or if she is coming in. :(
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I prefer regular chairs to bar chairs. Bar chairs are just too high. I've been to a couple places which have booth chairs like you see in a restaurant. I believe one of those places was a former restaurant, which is probably how it got them. I thought those were wonderful.
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    I watched a girl today give a LD but spent less time in the lap due to the guy sitting in a regular height chair. Of course, if your dancer is short you will never get your money's worth in a bar chair/stool.
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