
Crazy asshole at the club Friday

Sunday, February 6, 2011 7:26 PM
I was sitting in Brass Flamingo on Friday afternoon. A female customer was highly intoxicated and kept dancing really seductively stageside AND got onstate a couple of times to make out with dancers. It was good. She was seated at the bar, and when I walked over to order a drink she acted like she knew me, and we talked/flirted/made out for a while. Then the asshole arrived. Older Italian guy wearing a thick gold chain and a Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned to the waist. The girl was shaking her ass when HSG(Hawaiian Shirt Guy hereafter) asked her "How much?". She told him he couldn't afford her, and that shoulda been that. But no. This dude was persistent. He insisted he COULD buy her, and that's when her Billy Bob Thornton-looking buddy got involved. Next thing I know there's a redneck and a Guido comparing money rolls and chest bumping. WTF? They both got thrown out. What kind of MORON solicits a guest at a strip club? Everybody knows you solicit THE DANCERS. Oh and I got the girls digits. LOL


  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Your female "customer" just sounds like a dancer in on her day off. I see it all the time.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    You mean this Friday afternoon? I was there, too, but did not notice what you said...
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Try that in Detroit and her boyfriend will shoot you in the parking lot.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    neng, he is talking about Brass Flamingo in New Port Richey, Florida, not the Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy.
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    Got it...
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    @shadowcat---I got a dancer vibe from her, but she insisted I met her at the head shop where she works. I've gone to head shops, but I don't remember her, nor have I gone to head shops in Pasco county. She was definitely comfortable on stage, so I wouldn't be surprised if she is ex stripper or future stripper. LOL @nengneng---I should've been more specific. It was interesting. I was hoping no gunplay took place. A semi-mafioso and a redneck are likely to have guns. And mine was in the car.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Sometimes the customers are more fun to watch than the strippers.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    You meet some interesting characters at a strip club. Last weekend, I was sitting at the bar and went to the bathroom. When I got back 2 minutes later my drink was gone and two asshole customers were sitting in my spot (female and male customer). So I just chill out for a while standing away from them away figuring I would leave soon. I saw a dancer come over to approach the male (maybe asking for a dance). Next thing, the female customer and dancer exchange some words calling each other "bitch" or "slut", and the female customer gets into a fight with the dancer. A bouncer broke it up but both were pretty big size women and they kept going at it. I think they were fighting over the male customer. The two customers got told to leave, the dancer got fired then rehired within the same hour. Fighting used to be an offense they automatically terminated you for but too many dancers were getting fired so they consider it on a case by case basis on this club now.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    I love crazy asshole fridays. I think strippers should all be into anal.
  • TommyMoney
    13 years ago
    All's fair in love, war and strip club mongering. And, oh yeah, strippers should not only be into anal, but bukkake, too. Make it so, Number One...
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    3 girls in a week and now this? Man, you are one lucky dude. How come this type of stuff never happens to me? :(
  • bigdude012
    13 years ago
    BTW what is a head shop?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    A store that sells smoking implements and accessories for marijuana
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    ^^^^ it is potheadpl after all.
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    I doubt my streak will continue. But it's fun while it lasts. LOL
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