
Living Next to a Stripper

Friday, December 10, 2010 2:37 AM
Actually, she moved in three months ago, but until the week of Thanksgiving, was only there one or two days a week. I wasn't completely sure shewas a stripper until this past weekend. Saturday morning, I heard a commotion on my stoop (which we share). A male pleading "Let us get our stuff". I was on my way out and saw a white male with an attractive twentysomething female. The female had big boobs, was wearing a tank top, and had a large tatoo above her tits. She had what was obviously a "stripper bag" (cosmetics, ligerie, etc.) The next day I heard my doorknob jiggling and saw a stunning blonde. My neighbor opened her door and the blonde said "oops, wrong door". My neighbor ? One ugly fuck (I wouldn't fuck her with MisterGuy's dick, and Lord knows that virgin desperately needs pussy). She's about thirty, has an Army type buzzcut, and smokes like a house on fire. She's obviously manic depressive and ADHD. I've already filed one complaint on her. On Thanksgiving morning at 4:40 am, she was having a LOUD discussion with some man on the stoop (she DOES NOT have an indoor voice, she talks LOUD). She also stacks her garbage (lots and lots and lots of beer cans/bottles) on the stoop, only taking it to the dumpster every ten days or so. I'm tired of her.


  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    I had a stripper next door to me for awhile. She shared an apartment with 2 biker dudes. They were platonic roommates, at least at first. She was probably in her early 20s, and naturally great looking - amazing tits and ass, great legs, nice flat tummy, gorgeous smooth skin, big brown eyes and luscious lips. A strapping lass too, probably 5'8" or so. It was fun watching her go up the stairs in her short shorts. But she also had A WHINEY, CRYBABY-GIRL VOICE that I had to listen to as she spent all day on the phone, blubbering about her problems. Basic story: she moved in with these 2 guys when her boyfriend went to jail for drugs, and now her life is hell without him.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    well it would be hard for her to talk with a mouth full of dick and balls. She if she plays
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^^my advice was for bumrubber not dudester and dudester already said he would not fuck the bitch
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Loft living is noisy. Hard wood floors and brick walls make even shoe drop loud. Two strippers upstairs. When they came home from the club, drunk, at 3am, the chatter, noise, music and sex would wake the dead. The boyfriends were into loud group sex, starting as soon as everyone got home. All the time they lived upstairs, I never got one decent night's sleep. They have moved out.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I solved the problem by asking her to move in with me, and she did.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    so how come troop can't have a stripper living next door? actually there's a super hot young chick that lives across the street and down a little from me. she's not a stripper but i've been wanting to meet her and have neveer had the chance. the other problem is that she has this big lunkhead looking boyfriend that runs a lawn/snow plowing service that shows up at odd hours for his booty call. i honestly don't know what she sees in that bozo, she can do much better, she can do much better than me too i have to admit but i would love a shot at her, lol
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I'm shocked to find that dancers are anything but quiet responsible neighbors that make good life decisions!!!!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    A few years back 2 young hotties moved into my neighbor's upper flat. At one point my neighbor told me they were dancers at one of our East side Detroit clubs. I never made it to the club to check them out, but they were a wild bunch. My neighbor regretted renting to them. One cold morning I heard a commotion out in the street and looked out to see one of the dancers getting beat up by some guy so I called the cops. By the time they showed up, they dancer and her friend had left, so I gave a report. The dancers moved out shortly thereafter and my neighbor rented it out to someone less troublesome.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    i believe that I read in a biography the George H.W. Bush and Bar Bush lived in "shotgun" housing (trailer park?) when they first moved to Texas from Connecticut. He was going into the oli business and breaking with his Yankee roots. The structure was a duplex and their neighbors were prostitutes.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I must have met up with unusual dancers when I visited their places years ago. They were relatively quiet. One moved into an upscale townhouse complex and never played her music very loud. In fact she was watching tv with me on one occasion. She was really into the Simpsons for some reason. I do remember one dancer though that had someone leaving when I was showing up and based on some comments she made, she was probably smoking something and probably had someone else coming by after I left. Maybe a more active dancer. I did use protection. She wasn't playing loud music but was smoking something and apparently had a lot of visitors.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I like my neighbors to be quiet. Most are fortunately. One plays his music loud enough that I can hear it inside my house. I'm glad I don't live in an apartment. I remember living in one before and on a few occasions I could hear the neighbors having sex. One winter (I'm hot blooded) I just wore a sweater and left my heat off to see how cool my apartment would get. I heard in some places, the surrounding apartments will stop your apartment temperature from changing too much. Anyway my apartment stayed at a comfortable 54 degrees without running any heat until I overhead the downstairs neighbors saying something about their high heat bill. Ah, they must have figured something out, lol. I had to get an electric blanket after that. I was a college student so I wanted to save money.
  • jester214
    14 years ago
    Superdude, shotgun houses are just small shitty rectangular houses. Put up cheaply as hell. In many cases they are the southern equivalent of a slum. Hard time beleiving G.W. lived in one.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    In my 68 years, I have only lived in an apartment once for about 6 months. So I don't have any experiences with them living next door to me. But on 4 occasions, I have had them staying in hotel rooms next to mine. I am sure the were probably more but these 4 all turned into FS experiences. My son is still living in an apartement. A few years ago a new chick moved in. They met and he invited her out for dinner. During the course of dinner conversation, she asked what he did for a living. He is a LAN administrator for a major company. Yeah, computer guru. He inquired what she did. She replied that she was a porn actress. She then went on to ask him if he would create a web site for her. He could. He had already done a couple. He phoned me wanting my opinion as to wether he should or not. I said "Go for it you might even get laid". Well it never happened. a short time later he saw an eviction notice on her door.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    One theory for the term "shotgun shack" is that a single shotgun blast could take out everyone inside. "You may find yourself living in a shotgun shack... You may ask yourself: well... how did I get here?"
  • Alucard
    14 years ago
    If I lived next to a Stripper/Dancer & I knew that she "Played", I'd try to get some freebies or maybe a discounted interaction. Of course I would not be very happy if she was with "Bikers" or a "Druggie"!
  • CCRiderm
    14 years ago
    As I understand it, a "Shotgun" house is a Southern staple that I know is well represented in New Orleans. It is a narrow house with several rooms aligned so all of the openings are along the same wall. The appellation is applied because a shotgun blast would make it from the front of the house all the way to the back since it was a clear shot.
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