A club Hero!
At a club today, I found a new hero. No idea who this big spender was, but he provided a most excellent service. Seems he enjoys the, shall we say, large sized women, and kept them all to himself. Whoever you are, THANK YOU!!!
An old friend of mine is real skinny himself but a total chubby chaser. He married a thin hottie but had flings with obese women for years. It was always weird and gross having to watch them making out and groping each other. We've been SC'ing a few times and every time he goes for the chubby girl with the big boobs. I wish I could bring him with me more often!
Interesting comment, "Just be because *I* am overweight and ugly, doesn't mean I want to hang with overweight, ugly women." I wouldn't call myself "ugly", but I do have a biker "look". Some dancers like that. As for the overweight part, I can say that since I have dropped 50 pounds, I have a better time in clubs. vm has seen my latest favorite.
I DO, however, dislike women with sharp corners, IE: bones sticking out. They have to have curves, not corners!
I don't have any claims on her, but she is a certified favorite. Now if I am there, that would be HANDS ON, but for just me! :)
Now, I enjoy petite dancers, as well. I can only recall one time that I found a dancer who was too skinny and bony for me, and I did not much care for her personality, either. I think Clubber was right in his original post. I also agree with jackslash. The people with different tastes help to distribute the demand around. For example, I am primarily interested in Caucasian dancers. I appreciate the patrons who like the other ethnicities, so that I get approached by more of "my type." I like the weight distribution about the way that it is. I would not want to see everyone lose a bunch of weight.
Then again, I think shadowcat is probably right about campaigns by management being able to have a strong "slimming" effect on their dancers by encouraging them to slim down and by replacing them with slimmer talent. My thoughts on that are that the market will probably know what to do. If there is enough demand for a certain weight range, then let them stay, and let those patrons distract the dancers you don't like. Otherwise, if there is not enough demand for a given weight range, then let those dancers slim down or get out. However things work out, I think I will still be happy.