Do those of you with wives,...

avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
girlfriends and significant others *really* consider them balls and chains? I understand that my wife is probably unusual in her toleration for my activities, and that there are women who believe that all strip clubs should be razed and never allowed to open ever again, but seriously, getting all bent because of some glitter or perfume, even if you're *not* fucking the dancers?

Or are you just exaggerating for effect?


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avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I do not discuss SC activities with wife, co-workers, civilians any more than US Government would discuss what goes on at secret underground bases or area 51 with civilians or anyone other than need to know military with the necessary security clearance.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
The last time wife and I discussed this was the time she found a Ricks Cabaret mug in my car as we had just left the house to dine out. She had us turn around and go home and then I heard it shatter as she smashed it on the driveway. Needless to say we did not go out to dinner that night. Get the picture?
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
My wife is an ex-stripper. She is jealous when I go out with the boys.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
Sadly, gmd, is is all-too-true in my case. Most women I've talked to seem to HATE stripclubs with a passion, and most wives/gf/SO's especially detest them. It apparently has something to do with insecurities and other things that I myself don't fully understand.

And if I don't understand it, what chance do you poor shleps have? ;)
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
One more reason I'm glad I never got married.
avatar for dw.buck
14 years ago
ball and chain because you cant do the same things as you did when you were single, and it doesnt always mean sex or SC. just hanging with the guys, going to sporing events, bars, playing cards, doing your hobbies, camping, outdoor activities, extreme sport and extreme activities, shyt the lists goes on. the nagging, complaining, negotions, fights, just to do an event get out the house to do what you want do. even when you take them what do you get again back to the nagging, complaining, negotions, and fights cause she is pick one... uncomfortable, tired, pissed off, not having fun, not girl friendly environment, restroom facilities dirty, pms, doesnt like someone there etc.... to many variables with girls. damn let us be us and support or be quiet.
as far as SC go gmd your lucky you got a wife that would go to a sc or let you go. most gf and my past and current wife would bobbitize me if they knew and my crazy ex would slice up the stripper too and burn the SC down. gotta keep the club visits on the down low and out of town so there is no chance of a run in with a stripper while out with the ball and chain
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Actually, my wife knows I have gone and do go. What she doesn't know is to what extent. She has been with me a number of times, but only to a club we were invited to by the owner.

Ball and chain, NO! Conscience, yes.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
I'm not married but I can imagine one of the biggest things a wife might not like is her husband spending hundreds of dollars in strip clubs instead of saving for something they can both enjoy. I can easily see why a husband might try to hide finances if he still wants to visit strip clubs. Then some wives and females are so strict in their sexual view points that they think you're cheating if you even look at other females. Then there are a few that think you are cheating if you're routinely seeing the same female again and again. I heard some females are more concerned about their guy getting emotionally attached than if they were just fucking her and didn't care one bit about her.

I seem to keep finding a number of bi-sexual females. Either that or they are finding me from time to time. If a female has fun going to strip clubs and you're married to her, you got it made as long as you can afford it.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
what player said.

Frankly I do not know of a wife who will tolerate what gmd's does, and I'm actually not too sure that I would WANT it to be something that open. I fuck a stripper, pay her, and then she goes the fuck away. The next day I have a great time with my family. I do not really want those two worlds merging together.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I think its a power thing for the SOs. If we can get sexual satisfaction (FS, BJs or whatever turns you on) from another female then how can they hold it over us around home?

One line that made me wait so long to get married is "Men get married expecting the woman not to change, women get married expecting to change the man.

My wife and I had actually been to clubs together before. Now the only time I'm "allowed" to go is for a bachelor party. Man I wish more friends would get married so I could go to more BPs!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Player, Ohio, dw, shark, Prim0: I truly cannot imagine being married to someone who needed to exert that much control over my doings. I can't imagine being attracted to someone like that in the first place, or staying married or together once I'd discovered that she'd been concealing such an attitude. Jealousy and insecurity are easy to understand. What's harder for me to get is tolerating it to the point of getting married, and then referring to the "ball and chain" as if it were something unavoidable. I get that we all make compromises, and that it's often *worth* giving up some things to get other things we want more. What I don't get, is making those compromises and then *not* getting anything in return. I thank the gods that I never did that.

lopaw: None whatsoever, I guess. :)

Rick: I've known two, my mom and my sister-in-law, and suspected a few more that just never admitted it. Not that I can blame them in this neo-Puritan conformist society we've devolved into. He'll, *I* don't admit it outside my family and this board. As for the division, I have that, too. My wife doesn't want to meet any of the girls I've been with, and while she sometimes enjoys the stories I bring home, she mostly doesn't need to be told every time my dick gets sucked. And to be fair, for me this is all about the sex. I get all the affection and other accoutrements of a loving family from my loving family. I suppose it might be different if I was to find somebody as special as my wife, but I haven't even been tempted to this point.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Outside this site, discussing strip clubs is like a well kept military secret with me and only discussed on a need to know basis if someone else brings it up first. If I was married, I could make up stories if I needed to but hopefully I would not need to. One story might be the need to take some customers out to dinner for a business meeting to discuss a business project. One of my first visits to strip clubs started out like that. What really happened was that my bosses boss wanted to go and didn't want to go alone so he took me. He also took a supplier of the company who paid cover for both of us and for a pizza. We did not discuss business though.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
not my world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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