Do those of you with wives,...
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
girlfriends and significant others *really* consider them balls and chains? I understand that my wife is probably unusual in her toleration for my activities, and that there are women who believe that all strip clubs should be razed and never allowed to open ever again, but seriously, getting all bent because of some glitter or perfume, even if you're *not* fucking the dancers?
Or are you just exaggerating for effect?
Or are you just exaggerating for effect?
And if I don't understand it, what chance do you poor shleps have? ;)
as far as SC go gmd your lucky you got a wife that would go to a sc or let you go. most gf and my past and current wife would bobbitize me if they knew and my crazy ex would slice up the stripper too and burn the SC down. gotta keep the club visits on the down low and out of town so there is no chance of a run in with a stripper while out with the ball and chain
Ball and chain, NO! Conscience, yes.
I seem to keep finding a number of bi-sexual females. Either that or they are finding me from time to time. If a female has fun going to strip clubs and you're married to her, you got it made as long as you can afford it.
Frankly I do not know of a wife who will tolerate what gmd's does, and I'm actually not too sure that I would WANT it to be something that open. I fuck a stripper, pay her, and then she goes the fuck away. The next day I have a great time with my family. I do not really want those two worlds merging together.
One line that made me wait so long to get married is "Men get married expecting the woman not to change, women get married expecting to change the man.
My wife and I had actually been to clubs together before. Now the only time I'm "allowed" to go is for a bachelor party. Man I wish more friends would get married so I could go to more BPs!
lopaw: None whatsoever, I guess. :)
Rick: I've known two, my mom and my sister-in-law, and suspected a few more that just never admitted it. Not that I can blame them in this neo-Puritan conformist society we've devolved into. He'll, *I* don't admit it outside my family and this board. As for the division, I have that, too. My wife doesn't want to meet any of the girls I've been with, and while she sometimes enjoys the stories I bring home, she mostly doesn't need to be told every time my dick gets sucked. And to be fair, for me this is all about the sex. I get all the affection and other accoutrements of a loving family from my loving family. I suppose it might be different if I was to find somebody as special as my wife, but I haven't even been tempted to this point.