What are they doing with our IDs?

avatar for bumrubber
While entering a club sometimes they ask for ID - driver's license - and then disappear with it for a moment. What the hell are they doing with it, that they can't do right in front of me?

Some clubs make you sign in, to prove you were there and get a sample of your signature/handwriting in case you deny CC charges.

Some clubs do it to keep track of troublemakers. Even regular nightclubs in Canada and Europe scan driver's licenses. But I've never seen this in the US (probably because Americans wouldn't tolerate it).

Anyway, WTF are SCs doing? And why only SCs? Any ex-bouncers or managers here that can tell us?


last comment
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Only police and pharmacists ever ask me for ID.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
There a few SCs in Edmonton (out here in Alberta) that require ID scanning before entry. These are clubs that have had problems with underage drinking, violence, or other rowdy behaviour in the past. The Alberta Gaming and Lottery Commission (liquor licence regulator) has insisted on this for bad actors. I refuse to submit to this. I have not experienced this intrusion anywhere else in Canada in my SC journey - Vancouver, Toronto, all non-Edmonton SCs in Alberta.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
club roj in fremont ohio scams driver's licenses. i didn't like the idea of it but let them do it because i wanted to check the club out. i even asked the guy why and he couldn't answer my question other than he was just doing his job. turned out i wasted my time that night and i don't intend to go back because of the id scanning.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
club roj in fremont ohio scams driver's licenses. i didn't like the idea of it but let them do it because i wanted to check the club out. i even asked the guy why and he couldn't answer my question other than he was just doing his job. turned out i wasted my time that night and i don't intend to go back because of the id scanning.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
ooops double post.. shrug
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago

A few wobbly pops in the belly, troop??
avatar for troop
14 years ago
itchy trigger finger.. lol
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
Before Vanity got their liquor license it was a nude BYOB club that required you to buy a membership. They would scan your license into the computer system. Pretty invasive of privacy and the other nude BYOB club (Private Dancer) does not require that.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
The first time I checked out one of the Rhino's here in LA they scanned my drivers license. Like troop, I was also not told why. On subsequent visits they didn't do it again. Still, I was worried that I might start getting some advertisements or crap like that in the mail. That's all I need for the SO to see something like that!
avatar for bumrubber
14 years ago

People can spam me or send me all the junk mail they want. But given SCs' shady associations, I'm more worried about identity theft by the mob or something.

The thing is, even if there's nothing on a driver's license besides a name and address, they can combine it with information from elsewhere to get what they want.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I get that (only once), I turn around and leave.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I don't recall ever being scanned at an SC but one nightclub in Cleveland did so and later I started getting promotional mail from them. Not really a big deal, just more junkmail.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I'll just leave. They have no legitimate reason IMO to get that information.
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
Unbelievable, what are now TransUnion? I just simply show my VIP card when entering (free adm and no charge for VIP rm) - the gal does not even read it. She will just wave me on, smile, and say "Have a good time sir."
avatar for texastraveller
14 years ago
They don't tell you that they are going to scan it beforehand. It happened to me once, and I never went back to that club. I really don't like a strip club having my info, who knows where that info goes and how it's used.
avatar for drewburner69
12 years ago
I just got my licence scanned in a Connecticut SC - I did not like the idea - but I guess they had some problems with underage drinking and fake ID's. I had been to a club earlier in the evening where the bouncer was refusing to admit some under 21 year olds - I will be PO'd if I get a Xmas card from them.
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