
A new way to tip?

Pull a couple bills out of my wallet without looking too closely and hand them over to my dancer. As she's putting the money away, she gets a puzzled look on her face. “Is this for me?” she asks. I look over and she shows me a $10 coupon from my dry cleaners that must have been stuck between the bills. (I'm a very good customer at the cleaners, lol, so I get coupons pretty often). I start to reach out to take it back, but she says, “would you mind…” I just laugh and tell her to please keep it. She seemed really happy about it, too.

I may have found a whole new way to tip!


  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    Nice move.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Thanks, steve, I'll try it sometime.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    $10 coupon from the dry cleaners? You must get a lot of stains on your pants. ;-)
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    The front page preview of this post only goes through “Is this for me?”, so I didn't know what to expect, and honestly, expected something a lot more pedestrian. So on a more pedestrian note ...

    Ever since I goofed once and gave a $50 that I thought was a $20, I never carry anything larger than a $20 into a SC. Singles go in left front pocket (I'm a lefty - that's what I hit most), 5s and 10s in the right front, and 20s in the wallet. If there are too many 20s (rare), the extras go in buttoned back pocket til my wallet runs dry.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    LeeH, I use the same system. Only I am right handed, so I reverse the front pockets.The extra 20s stay in my car. Most clubs are so dark inside that it is almost impossible to see the denomination of bills.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I've told this story before, but I once gave a bartender a "$10". She gave me back change for a $100. I showed her her "mistake". She could have walked away and all would have been OK by me. However, she didn't and proceeded to prove I was wrong. Still good people in this world, even in a SC.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    steve.. considering that she could have perceived it another way, such as you were hinting her outfit needed cleaning, it sounds like it worked out ok.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Yeah, shadowcat, the 50/20 debacle was 80% darkness and 20% stupidity.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Just another reason for me not to tip any more than a $1 for a stage dance. I wouldn't want my coupons to get mixed in!

    "$10 coupon from the dry cleaners? You must get a lot of stains on your pants. ;-)"
  • JackKash
    14 years ago
    Singles definetly in the right front pocket (righty here). Bills lined up in from low to high in wallet, right to left though I think I do need to consider the other pocket if other than than 20s. Maybe the left pocket should be dry cleaning coupons though?
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "$10 coupon from the dry cleaners? You must get a lot of stains on your pants. ;-)"

    They’re good with glitter, too.

    If you happen to leave something in your pockets, they take it out, put it in a little baggy, and attach it to your laundry with a little tag that say “Look what we found!” One day I picked up a suit and the little baggy had a cocktail napkin with the name of a club and a silhouette of a dancer on a pole printed on it, and a phone number scrawled in lipstick.

    14 years ago
    If dry cleaning coupons work, just imagine how effective free cell/smart phone minutes would be!
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Think for a moment of us poor foreigners who visit USA. Every other country in the world that I have visited features different coloured bills for the different denominations. Unless one is colour blind mistaking one denomination bill for another is hard to do. My most expensive SC visit ever was in a really lame club in Wisconsin where I mistook franklins for washingtons!! Admittedly, I got seriously pissed that night and I was an idiot to bring so much cash into the club, but different coloured bills would surely have limited my punishment. I still have nightmares about that night.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    What next tip them with lottery tickets and scratch instant games.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    "cocktail napkin with ... a phone number scrawled in lipstick. "

    Wonder if the dry cleaner copied down the number first. ;-)
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Hey Farmerart...our bills do have numbers in the corners to help you out! And how good are colors going to be under colored lighting where some of the colored bills wont stand out.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    14 years ago
    I'm reminded of the joke where Monica Lewinsky takes one of her dresses to the dry cleaner one day, and asks the old codger at the counter "Could you remove a this stain from my dress?"

    The old timer doesn't quite understand her and says "Come again?"

    Monica replies "No, just tooth paste this time."
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I remember I was at Dreamgirls a couple years ago. We were talking about the other strip clubs around town. I mentioned Kahoots as one of my favorites. She got excited and was talking about how she had a free admission pass to kahoots and has been meaning to go and check it out. I tried to make her feel special about having that kind of coupon but at the time kahoots had free admission pass on their website so it was no big deal...Funny to listen to this stripper get excited about a $10 free admission coupon.
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