
Strippers That Would Rather Drink Than Dance?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:48 PM
i guess i could have titled this thread "lazy/drunk strippers" too. i've been wanting to bring this up for a long time and it always slipped my mind, until now. when i go strip clubbing, my usual modus oprendi (did i spell that right?) is to not approach a stripper and wait for her to come to me. there have been several times over the years when i was in a club and i've sat and watched strippers just sit at the bar or a table by themselves, with other strippers, or a customer, just drinking and not making any money. depending on how they played me, i would most likely have been interested in buying dances/spending money on many of them. but it seems that they are just lazy and don't want to earn their way or would just rather drink. i discussed this with a club owner that i know and he agreed with me that they're just stupid and lazy. has this happened to you much? your thoughts?


  • highroller23
    14 years ago
    While my experience consists of about 5 months, still I have noticed this to be the case in a few clubs, but I think there are a lot of factors that go into it. I am more like you and I at least want the girl to have had a reason to come over to me (even if it was just to make money) than for it to be because I was waving my hands for her to come over. My buddy on the hand, will stand up, point and motion to whomever he wants. I guess it all depends on what each one of us want or want to spend. In terms of the girls though, I agree, that to a large degree it is laziness, but sometimes it is the girl's demeanor or maybe even manager's request that the girls don't be pushy and they may have misconstrued the meaning. I have now had two occasions in just the last two weeks, where I had a girl come over to me and she sits with me. One, she gave me one dance and quit, despite my affirmative to the liking. She later said she didn't want to be pushy. Then last night, I have a girl come over to me and we sit and talk for about 2-3 hours with no dancing. Finally, I asked and she said it was because they were told not to be asking guys for dances. I mean, I might not have believed her, but no one would sit for 3 hours and make nothing. However, I think most times, I think it is what you said. I have really found management to be a huge issue. I can now really tell when the management is good someplace and where it isn't. Even the overall vibe is evident. I am sick of the clubs with the girls that line the bar doing nothing. You know, I understand the job and everything else, but so do they. I think that is where this site in particular has really helped me out. No more wasting time at the stupid clubs with the lazy girls!
  • rockie
    14 years ago
    I've had some great dances from a couple of dancer's who could be labeled "lazy/drunk strippers". I'll usually nicely tease them about their retirement from lap dancing, or whether I'm on the club's customer "shunned" list and see where the discussion goes from there. I've been nicely entertained by a couple of dancer's who lost their sale 'mojo", but still could rock my world.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    There is also the possibility that they are waiting for their regulars/sugardaddies or have already made enough to take a break. After all, they are in the club a lot longer than us.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    This is sometimes why I like sitting at the bar. More dancers will approach you.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I see them text messaging all the time. Just like the idiots who text while they drive.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yup sinclair.. that gives me the inspiration to make up a joke. how do you cripple a stripper? take away her cell phone.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    It's modus operandi. :) "has this happened to you much?" Not really. While laziness explains a lot of this behavior, there are some dancers that simply get tired of being rejected and/or are shy & just want to take a break for a while, which I understand...even though it can be frustrating. There are also some places where dancers would be discouraged from soliciting customers for fear of breaking some (non-existent?) solicitation law. I know this used to be the case in Quebec, and there are even some dancers from that era that are still around today acting as if those restrictions were never lifted.
  • Jmoney007
    14 years ago
    i have noticed this trend too. in the black clubs, the girls just sit there and do nothing, hell they act like they don't even want to be there and to me this type of attitude is a huge turn off to me. while some will be with the regulars, others will just sit there and ether look bored or chat with other dancers, you would think that they would at least try to approach a new face, but no. sadly they will sit there and look uninterested, my modus operandi is like troop's, i like it when the dancer comes to me because it makes me feel special, if i have to approach them it makes me feel like a PL and if i feel like a PL then my whole night is ruined, i have approached a few dancers and each time i did the lap dances from them ended up being lame, but on the other hand when they approached me, the lap dances were better and the dancers seemed more into it and that makes me and my dick happy.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I've seen this at very nearly every club I've ever been to. I even see this at the one juice bar I visit once in a while. At some clubs, you have to go up to them if you want a dance and sometimes, if everyone rejects them, what can they do? That said, most of the time when you see them not doing dances, it's because they're lazy (and possibly playing with their cellphone). One particularly frustrating thing they do at the club I visit most often is they get done dancing on stage, and then they hide upstairs in the dressing room til they have to dance onstage again. One I wanted a dance from once even said she'd come around and do one for me, but she forgot all about it later.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    jmoney nailed it about dancers acting like they don't even want to be there! that's an attitude i usually see in the smaller clubs, and dandydan nailed it on the dancers that dance then hide in the dressing room!
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I am a drinking man. If a stripper has good conversation chops and wants to drink on my dime and chat for a while I will run with it. I also have a very aggressive nature. I won't sit alone at the bar very long before I go hunting among the girls too shy, lazy, bored, drunk etc. to approach me. Occasionally a girl tells me I am too "scary", but this approach gets me to the VIP much quicker than waiting for the girls to approach me. I am an old guy and don't have as much time left to waste as you young guys!!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Anymore, strip clubs aren't even the destination, they're just a convenient place to meet, greet and try out new contacts. So that means I've gotten lazy, especially given that at one club, there are more girls who will provide take-out than ones that won't. I do sometimes go ask, if it's someone who interests me, but for the most part, I just wait for them to approach me.
  • Jmoney007
    14 years ago
    damn i knew i missed something in my last post, it was that thing that Dan mentioned where the dancers dance then run back to the dressing room, this pisses me off, i understand that they might want to take a break before approaching anybody but its ridiculous when they come out the back and dance then go back and stay without making any rounds. ok, i understand that some guys may just be looking and don't want to be bothered and they just came there to maybe relax and i understand that the women get tired of getting turned down every time they approach a potential customer, but honestly that's no excuse for them to sit there on their lazy asses and text and chit chat with their so-called friends, i have cut back on going to clubs because of this attitude, im not judging the whole club based that alone but i have cut back on going to space out the time frame between visits. i know that some people say a tip goes along way but i have tipped and they still go back into the back room and stay after they dance, and this happened more than once so i don't do stage tipping anymore, ill just wait till they come to me and only if they deserve it will i even consider a tip(however i do leave big tips if they make me blow a load in my pants)
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