
?s on extras and otc

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:57 PM
hi..im new and learning... a few ?s for the experts: 1) do u ask about extras before going in the vip room or once in there? 2) I assume extras are the price of the vip room + extra.. that can be quite expensive, no? 3) can you get thrown out for asking about otc activities 4) Is is inappropriate to ask about otc? 5) if u set up extra..do u prearrange how u will finish 2 not make a mess thanks


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Yes, yes, yes, yes, condom.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Over to you, rickdugan
  • troop
    14 years ago
    LOL art!
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    This brings up a question, what do you consider an extra? How much extra depends on the club and the city. In most clubs extras are normally touching tits, sucking nipples, and maybe feeling her up a bit. It can go up to a lot of stroking on the outside of your pants. About 90% of dancers that offer extras go this far. From there it can go clear up to hands in her pussy, DATY, a hand job, blowjob and full sex. The latter extras are very rare, and occur at less than 1% of the clubs. Extras are far more prevalent than OTC. I would say that less than 5% of all dancers do OTC, and those that do, many you would not want to take up on, due to various issues the dancer may have. Extras are a lot more prevalent than you may think, and if you act right and know how to work things you can get extras in most clubs. Before visiting, I suggest reading many reviews of clubs you are interesting on visiting. You can get a pretty good idea on how extra and OTC friendly a club is from the posts here. Be on the look out for information on which dancers to look for, and which to avoid. Forget about the VIP area, aften called a champagne room. If extras exist then they exist in the regular private dance area. The VIP area is ripoff. Now to your questions. 1) This depends on the club, along with the vibe you are feeling from the dancer. At clubs that are well known for extras you often don't even have to ask, the dancer will normally bring extras up before you even ask. Most of the time, though, you will need to get a few private dances first, then drop a few hints. Normally if you are going to get extras, the dancer will let you know verbally after a few hints, i.e. "You can touch me as long as it's not between the legs." If she doesn't let you know by now, then asking her about extras has less than a 25% chance of success. 2) Not always, but in most cases they want a bit extra, don't worry they'll let you know if they expect a tip, and how much. I have found that most dancers only offer extras if they know they will be making some good money, which usally means a lot of songs. If they know that you will be going for say $100 worth of dances, then many will ask for only a little extra cash for extras, and many won't want more. Which is why when visiting a new club or when I see a new dancer I like, I will tell the dancer before the dance that if the dance is good I will be getting at least 3 songs. That usually works quite well. 3) Yes, but in most cases unless you are really, really rude you will normally just get told "I don't do that." Now if you keep asking, you will likely get tossed out. One gotcha though. Because it's the end of the current election cycle, in many states the Bible Thumpers are out in force, and politicians trying to placate them are gunning for clubs. So many clubs are being overzealous in keeping all activities tame and are cracking down on dancers, and as such many dancers are cautious about guys they don't know. 4) In most cases it's not inappropriate, but can depend on the club the rules in the city, and how close to an election you are. You may see a lot of replies to this from dancers disputing this, saying things like is "stripping is entertainment and not about sexual gratification," or "extras are what is ruining the profession." This is pure BS, dancers know that a lot of customers visit only for extras. In some clubs that is the only reason to visit. Some even complain that they are at a disadvantage because they don't do extras, and in some clubs this is true. If that is the case if and they don't like it, then they shouldn't dance there. In most clubs dancers who don't do extras do as well or better than dancers who offer extras. They just don't give dances to the guys who expect extras. A lot of guys who don't want extras and just want to spend time talking to and looking at beautiful women. 5) Yes, I wear cotton briefs, not boxers to catch any wetness that may occur. However a lot of times I don't have to worry. In clubs that are known for extras there is often condoms available in the restrooms to keep you from making a mess. The dance room if it's a cubicle with only you and the dancer may also have tissues or paper towels to aid in cleaning you up. Some of the dancers will also carry paper towels, tissue or condoms. Sometimes the act of getting condoms can get you extras. For instance about 15 years on my first visit ever to 2001 in Tampa, about 15 to 20 years ago, which at the time was known for a lot of action in the club. So when I saw the condoms in the restroom but didn't have any change, I went to the bar asking for change for a $1. One of the dancers at the bar asked me, "You need some condoms don't you." I answered yes, and she practically followed me into the bathroom. When I exited the restroom she grabbed my by the arm saying something to the effect of, "now that you have the condom, why don't we head back and get some use of it." She was a 9 on the smoking hot babe meter, so I asked her name, and recognizing it from the club and readily agreed. Needless to say I didn't make a mistake in this case, and left quite satisified.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    The Cliffs' Notes version of the above is available on Kindle.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Seriously rl, didn't I just say that? :)
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Yes you did. My wordiness strikes again.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Although when I started the post there was no answers yet.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    "In most clubs extras are normally touching tits, sucking nipples, and maybe feeling her up a bit." Are you serial? Or have I been operating on the wrong definition of "extras" all this time? I thought "extras" were what happened beyond the norm and cost more. Even in conservative Atlanta, the rule seems to be that you can touch anything but the kitty, and half the dancers waive that "rule" if you charge them up enough. And none of that costs more.
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    Surely an extra is a sexual act such as a HJ, BJ or FS?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    lg: That's always been the context when I use the word, and on those occasions when the objects of my desire use it.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Choosing the right club is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. A lot of this depends upon the club and the region you are in, so do your research first. Heavy extras are very common in some areas and not so common in others. Same holds true with OTC, and in fact sometimes OTC fun is more common than ITC in clubs where ITC activities are monitored. There is a lot of good intel right here on this sight, so read, read, read and pick a club with care. Now as to the specific questions: 1) do u ask about extras before going in the vip room or once in there? Before. A lot of girls have generic "you'll have fun" or "it will be extra private" lines that will hint at much but deliver little. Negotiate upfront and don't worry about offending anyone. If she is offended, then you weren't going to get the good stuff anyway so who cares about how she feels about the question. 2) I assume extras are the price of the vip room + extra.. that can be quite expensive, no? Typically, yes. 3) can you get thrown out for asking about otc activities In the wrong club yes. Like I said, do your research regarding the club and region. You want to be very discreet anyway, not only for your sake but for the girl. Many of the girls that do OTC work in clubs that frown upon it, so discretion is key. 4) Is is inappropriate to ask about otc? This is a stupid question. If you are worried about sensitivites then you should avoid asking anybody about whether she will fuck you outside the club. This ain't the rotary club and she's not your girlfriend or sister. Some girls might find it offensive, others may be receptive. Be discreet and if a girl gets offended then move on. 5) if u set up extra..do u prearrange how u will finish 2 not make a mess A condom.
  • 10inches
    14 years ago
    extras vary by dancer/club. at the club i frequent, sucking nipples, squeezing titty or rubbing butt is considered normal part of VIP. every dancers does it so no big deal. most have rules about playing with the kitty. as long as they tell you up front, then i'm okay with that. hj or bj is definitely an extra that requires a tip. have been offered fs only a few times ITC but never partook because i'm not sure about hidden cameras.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    If you want extras...stay out of Columbus Ohio...I could happen but your chances are about one in a million...if that.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Prim0, that is true, Columbus Ohio is one of the worst places in the country for extras, although occasionally you can find a dancer who does OTC, but most are looping for Sugar Daddies. There are several clubs that offer extras that are up to Lee H's definition of extras., within an hour and a half of Columbus, which is why I don't frequent Columbus much.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    10inches, that is the norm at the clubs I frequent also, but I have found that in most of the country, anything other than the grinding is considered an extra, because a dancer can get in trouble for anything past that, and even in some cities can get arrested for grinding.
  • Kimi
    14 years ago
    I have a friend who inquired twice about it, at least that's what he told me. Both times, a simple "I would fuck you so hard" during a lap dance made the girl start talking about what she could and was willing to do.
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