
Part-Time Strippers

I'm used to clubs that require dancers to work a minimum number of shifts (usually 4) a week, so they're basically full-time strippers. (I remember a fav telling me how she had to pay the club NOT to work one day – crazy!)

My current hangout has a core of full-time dancers, but about half the roster seems to be part-timers. Most work 2-3 shifts a week, but some work as little as one shift a week.

Have you been to clubs with a lot of part-timers? Did you see a difference in the mileage between the full and part timers?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I can't say there's been a definitive difference for me. The general *trend* so far, for me, has been that full-timers put out more than part-timers, but there have been exceptions, sometimes significant ones, at both ends of the spectrum. Of course, the part time classification is based on what the stripper has told me, so the SS quotient in that is probably pretty high, skewing the statistics even further towards the full timers.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    IME the part-timers tend to be more uptight and less motivated than the full-timers. I have never had a meaningful ITC or OTC experience with a part-timer.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    At Columbia Platinum Plus, the dancers do NOT have set skeds. They work when ever they want. Unless you have phone numbers to call them ahead of time to confirm they will be there,you never know who is going to show up. I know some that are there damn near every day. I also have a top favorite that lives and works in VA. She drives down 3 or 4 times a year to see her family. When she does, she works at the club. Every thing is on the menu. At least for me.I know other full timers that are duds. So to answer the question. I find no correlation between when they work and mileage.
  • mikeya02
    14 years ago
    I highly suspect that some part timers have sugar daddies on the side.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    2 recent faves of mine were both part timers.
    1 worked 2 other respectable jobs and only danced about 3 monday nights before she decided to quit.
    the other one had a regular job in a drug store and only worked a few weekends before she too decided to quit.
    i hit it off great with both of them and they both stretched the rules and gave me real good mileage.
    i honestly miss both of them.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I know a couple of dancers who only work two days a week. They seem like they have more fun. Mileage is par for this club.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Part time strippers? I think strippers are described how we refer waitresses because it's all shift work. I don't call them part time or full time. Some strippers work more than others.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I would say that anyone working 40 hours a week is full time. I know some strippers who actually do that. 3pm to midnight 5 nights a week.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    It is nice for customers when clubs have set schedules, but I tend to enjoy clubs that are nice to their dancers and let them work whenever. I think if a club owner is nice to his girls, the girls will be nice to his customers. If a club owner acts like a ROB himself to the girls with set schedules, fees, and fines, then the girls will act like ROBs to his customers.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I know one stripper who used to work full time but now only works once or twice a month because she started going to school. nice to know she is taking her school more serious than her stripping job. Her mileage has also increased because she has that "I don't care" type of attitude about her stripper job because she knows she has bigger and better things going for her in life.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I have never been able to make a generalization about this. The stripper I have been hooked up the last two years itc and otc would probably fit the definition of a part timer. She attends college, got married about 4 mo ago to guy she was living with, works at home as insurance agent (if you believe that), and sees me 2x week (POP $100). I am not sure she dances anymore as she expressed at a session recently "I would rather do this." (meet customers for sex). I do not believe she has many other clients besides me as she has to maintain some kind of imitation of fidelity with the husband.

    IMO the full time ones are probably less inclined to do extras (or otc) and depend more from income on dances, VIP upsell, and tips. Sorta like that gal who wrote Dancers Wealth. When I am visiting club where these gals try VIP upsell $120 entry fee (at my home club I am VIP so nor charge), my comment "honey I have been getting pussy for that or less." stuffs them behind the line of scrimmage in the backfield.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    The club where I met my ATF allowed her to work one shift on Friday. And for that, I am very happy!
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I doubt a lot work 40 hours a week like I do. It probably depends on the club, though. At my favorite club, I would only bet on 3 dancers working that much. But they can set their own schedules, some more loosely than others. They also get girls like my former DATY fave, who comes in once a month, sometimes twice, when she can get out of the house. But the thing about her is I can always get mileage out of her. Now if we could get our schedules to match more often.

    I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention my second ATF, who still comes into my #3 club every 2 months or so, on a vacation from her real job in medical records at a hospital. She is par for the course at her club, although I wonder how much longer she will dance.
  • dodgeman
    14 years ago
    Part time strippers in my area seem to give out way more extras. It's not that they are real part-timers it is just they work at a club until they get fired and move on to the next club. In a few months they are back at the same club. These girls have no problem in going after the regular dancers customers. I have seen many a new girl start fights with the full time dancers because she has moved in on the regulars customer.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    dodgeman makes a good point. Almost all of the cat fights that I have seen, involved a new dancer.
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