Just wondering about the places for legal prostitution or areas where it is prevalent enough to minimize LE bust.
Amsterdam - legal along with recreational drug use. hash brownies, etc. Done at outcall locations. Parts of Nevada - out in the middle of nowhere and expensive Tijuana - I think it is illegal but LE risk is minor because it is so prevalent. Mostly limited to latina women and higher risk of disease. Windsor - next door to high mileage detroit strip clubs. several casinos around. must be done at your hotel room.
Do someone has experience of places(like Sheri's, Chicken's)near Las Vegas.? Are they complete ripoff, or do they provide legitimate services in couple of $$$s.
Check out the FKKs in Germany. They look awesome, and they're legal. I haven't tried them yet, but plan to in the near future.
Regarding Sheri's, I went a few years ago. I was, in a word, disappointed. This was my second outing at a Nevada ranch (first near Reno). In both instances, the girls are NOT as pretty as you'd think they would be, and in fact, look mostly haggard, out of shape, tired, and depressed (and I can see why, based on their working hours and conditions). The ranch buildings are w-a-y out in the middle of nowhere (at least one hour drive in most cases), are small and run-down like from a trailer park, and the rooms the girls work in are messy, to say the least. The prices they provide on their menus (and there really are menus they show you) are extremely high - in the neighborhood of $300 - $600 for the basics. You can negotiate down, but you're starting high to begin with, so it can be a chore and dampens the experience.
In short, Nevada brothels are highly overrated, and although legal, they're surprisingly not very fun. For stateside pleasures, I much prefer AMPs - they're everywhere, usually include a table shower and massage by a pretty Asian girl, and extras can be had in the $160 - $240 range, including the room. And after a couple visits, you become a 'regular' which means you can dispense with the extras request, haggling, and upfront payments. They let you just enjoy the experience and expect you will tip well at the end.
I haven't been much worried about it. Houston area SC's that are extras clubs have given me enough to handle no need to find it out of town. The prob has not been finding pussy in a SC, but which gals to do. Its just a matter of money and YMMV.
"Tijuana - I think it is illegal but LE risk is minor because it is so prevalent. Mostly limited to latina women and higher risk of disease."
It's legal in Mexico. Prostitution is decriminalized & regulated at the state level there. Where regulated, prostitutes must be at least 18 years old, be registered, pay for & receive health checks, and carry their health card. It cannot be done in public though many cities have a red light district or "zona roja." -----------------------------------------
"I'd say Bangkok and Manila (Angel City) would be a couple of cities to visit if you're looking for some action."
True, but it's technically illegal in both places. I personally wouldn't want to get caught breaking the law in southeast Asia. -------------------------------------
Quebec & Ontario provinces basically tolerate prostitution as long the solicitation for it is not made in public.
Also just read that prostitution is legal everywhere in Netherlands not just Amsterdam. My source is wikipedia so I am not 100% sure it is correct though lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P…
Wouldn't it be funny if the Netherlands wins the world cup? great way to promote their prostitution industry lol
Here are the stats in prostitution in netherlands study by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2000 estimated that there were a total of between 20,000 and 25,000 prostitutes in the Netherlands. Approximately 32% were Dutch, 22% were Latin American, 19% were Eastern European, 13% were African , 6% came from other countries from the European Union (aside from the Netherlands), 5% came from Northern Africa and 3% were Asian. Approximately 5% of the prostitutes were male, and another 5% were transsexual. An encyclopedia article published in 1997 claimed about 1,300 men are working in homosexual prostitution, and almost none in heterosexual prostitution.
Yea, prostitution, brothels, and pimping is all legal in The Netherlands. Prostitutes must be over 18, and clients must be over 16. Prostitutes must register & pay taxes there.
Anyone know of website for an prostitution agency in netherlands? I know windsor has executive choice agnecy and they have a website with pictures and info on each of their escorts. I don't like the idea of window shopping for a hooker in netherlands.
Don’t forget Australia. Besides legalized brothels ( which are everywhere ), it’s a great place to visit and probably a great place to live. Bondi beach reminds me of the California beach culture during its golden age in the 50s and 60s.
The Netherlands is tired of being the pimp and drug dealer for the rest of Europe. Or, maybe the rest of Europe is tired of them. Regulations are gradually coming into play to moderate the drug and prostitution industry. I believe I read that the Amsterdam red light district is being closed.
The UK has a thriving escort industry. You won’t find ( many ) brothels in the UK, other than massage places, but there are a wide range of options available online for visiting individual providers in their apartments. Providers are from all over the world.
Mark94 didn't bump this thread. It was a spammer posting spammy links. I reported it to founder, he deleted the spammer, but once a thread is bumped it stays bumped even if the junk profile is deleted.
It's happening a few times per week. The spam profiles are now targeting ancient threads. I just report them.
Yes legal in the Netherlands. I would know, I live here. Not just Amsterdam … if you want a quick blow/sex and go for $50 then sure visit the red light district. Much better to go to one of many sex or swinger clubs. You pay more at a sexclub but you get a room (with jacuzzi if u pay for it) and usually a hot chick from Easter Europe (Romanians seem to be plentiful). Couple hundred euros for an hour of fun. Of course you can cross the border into Germany for an FKK (which are still closed btw due to Covid … Holland is open) and in the FKK you find the same Eastern European girls, but a lot more of them just like more clients. Plenty of reviews on this site for the FKK’s. Germany, Holland, Tijuana, Bangkok … do you like Eastern Europeans, Latinas or Asians? :-)
last commentRegarding Sheri's, I went a few years ago. I was, in a word, disappointed. This was my second outing at a Nevada ranch (first near Reno). In both instances, the girls are NOT as pretty as you'd think they would be, and in fact, look mostly haggard, out of shape, tired, and depressed (and I can see why, based on their working hours and conditions). The ranch buildings are w-a-y out in the middle of nowhere (at least one hour drive in most cases), are small and run-down like from a trailer park, and the rooms the girls work in are messy, to say the least. The prices they provide on their menus (and there really are menus they show you) are extremely high - in the neighborhood of $300 - $600 for the basics. You can negotiate down, but you're starting high to begin with, so it can be a chore and dampens the experience.
In short, Nevada brothels are highly overrated, and although legal, they're surprisingly not very fun. For stateside pleasures, I much prefer AMPs - they're everywhere, usually include a table shower and massage by a pretty Asian girl, and extras can be had in the $160 - $240 range, including the room. And after a couple visits, you become a 'regular' which means you can dispense with the extras request, haggling, and upfront payments. They let you just enjoy the experience and expect you will tip well at the end.
It's legal in Mexico. Prostitution is decriminalized & regulated at the state level there. Where regulated, prostitutes must be at least 18 years old, be registered, pay for & receive health checks, and carry their health card. It cannot be done in public though many cities have a red light district or "zona roja."
"I'd say Bangkok and Manila (Angel City) would be a couple of cities to visit if you're looking for some action."
True, but it's technically illegal in both places. I personally wouldn't want to get caught breaking the law in southeast Asia.
Quebec & Ontario provinces basically tolerate prostitution as long the solicitation for it is not made in public.
Check out:
for other places worldwide.
Wouldn't it be funny if the Netherlands wins the world cup? great way to promote their prostitution industry lol
study by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2000 estimated that there were a total of between 20,000 and 25,000 prostitutes in the Netherlands. Approximately 32% were Dutch, 22% were Latin American, 19% were Eastern European, 13% were African , 6% came from other countries from the European Union (aside from the Netherlands), 5% came from Northern Africa and 3% were Asian. Approximately 5% of the prostitutes were male, and another 5% were transsexual. An encyclopedia article published in 1997 claimed about 1,300 men are working in homosexual prostitution, and almost none in heterosexual prostitution.
Or, if that's not what you are looking for, try this:
It's happening a few times per week. The spam profiles are now targeting ancient threads. I just report them.