Miss USA 2010 - Champion Pole Dancer

avatar for steve229

"Rima Fakih...is a former "Stripper 101" pole dancing contest champion!"


I knew there was something I liked about her...


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avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
The two reasons I didn't watch the contest last night:

1) No stripper pole competition

2) No lingerie competition

Those foks need to keep up with the times

Good find Steve !!
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Phew! So long as it doesn't come out she was a dancer at Bogart's... Bogart's handles what the Univ. of Michigan dorms apparently can't, lol.

I know on the telecast they gave her hometown as Dearborn. I ate at a couple of Dearborn restaurants on Michigan Ave. (the main strip) last time I was in town, including one authentic Middle Eastern place complete with Hookahs. I wonder if she's a regular there?

That said, one of the prizes is a year lease on a NYC apartment with living expenses paid for. Pretty cool.
avatar for DoctorDarby
15 years ago
This is truly . . . a wunnerful country . . . sniff!
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I heard her speak recently, and I guess this incident is being at least slightly blown out of proportion (surprise, surprise!). I guess one of her friends at the radio station was hosting this event in the early morning hours, and she & her friends came down to participate. There was no nudity, and, of course, there was to be no photography/video taken at the event...oh well...

"That said, one of the prizes is a year lease on a NYC apartment with living expenses paid for."

Yea, but she has to live there with two roommates (one is the current Miss Universe), and Trump is all over them while they live under what is basically his roof.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
I guess she was an aspiring actress as well in a 2008 short movie playing a policewoman:

"Miss USA Rima Fakih Stars in Throbbing Justice Video (watch)"

"There is no nudity."

"'What’s amazing is I distinctly remember this: Lee wanted her to wear a more suggestive wardrobe than what she used and she declined that,' Doom says. 'After seeing this stripper stuff, I find it very ironic.'"
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