
What are signs that a Stripper may be intersted in you personally?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 2:55 AM
I've been to 1 club about 7 times in the last 6 months.I met one dancer the first time there and got a few dances and then went back in a few months and got a few more.About the sixth time there she gave me her number so that i could call her and find out if she was working next time she was in town.About 6 weeks later was in town called and she was working.She has been dancing a while,going to school because she is getting older and realizes she needs to have alternate plan because she is getting to old for many of the guys.Was in club for about 6 hrs spent less than 500.00 for her for some dances and drinks,and during the whole six hrs she never left me except to go to restroom.I asked if i gave her the 500.00 to meet outside the club,so she wouldn't have to work if she would be happy.She said that she preferred to keep it at the club and if she did meet it would be a 1000.00.Does this seem like there is an opportunity for more than a club customer once she gets to know me better and feels more comfortable or is she strictly tolerating me because of the money thing.Also how much money is an attention getter to spend on a dancer at a club.I would be interested to hear some different perspectives on this.


  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Dude, I'm probably one of the least cynical guys on this board, and even I think you're being played.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    If she asks for money, the only thing she's interested in is your wallet.
  • Jpac73
    14 years ago
    She likes the fact you are spending money on her, and she even had the nerve to tell you 500dollars was not enough to fuck her and that she required $1,000 instead.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Dick Johnson
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    You don't stand a chance. If she wanted to socialize with you outside the club, it would have been much easier. Move on.
    14 years ago
    Hmmm... the intelligentsia seems to have covered the poster's scenario, so I'll just run with the original question: 1) She stands over you while you're in the chair in VIP, looks into your eyes, and tells you she's "totally single" 2) She asks if she can "keep you" 3) She wants to know when she can "come for a visit" 4) Exchanges phone number and tells her real name while on shift 5) Greets you with a kiss directly on the lips while on shift in front of everyone in the club 6) Says (on the phone) the three "shuddering" orgasms you gave her were good, but she wants four but best of all... 7) Says she'll come to your hotel after her shift is over so you can do "whatever you want with her" and then doesn't show because she's a single mom and there's someone at home more deserving and needy. Course she doesn't tell you this until later (the next day), after you spent an hour waiting in the lobby for her to arrive... at 2:30 in the morning. [Of course none of this really happened...]
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "What are signs that a Stripper may be interested in you personally?" A. You're rich. B. You're famous. C. You're rich & famous.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    6 visits before getting her number? I can easily get the number on my first or second visit.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Dick, If she was interested in you, the OTC price would be 200, not one thousand.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Does this seem like there is an opportunity for more than a club customer once she gets to know me better and feels more comfortable or is she strictly tolerating me because of the money thing." She's playing you for money. $1000 for OTC is waaaaay off the mark.
  • how
    14 years ago
    This is a classic DJ post, as Clubber nailed immediately. But signs that a stripper may be interested in you personally are few. The main one would be that she does not ask for money from you.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Is this a serious post? @clubber: Second time I have see you reference Dick Johnson - mind if I ask what that means?
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    She buys you a video game and a guitar.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    rick, There is a poster here, and at times, puts up funny, but bogus posts. Name is DickJohnson.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    rd: Try "search" function on top of right page, type in "Dick Johnson", put popcorn in microwave, click on "posts" under his profile, enjoy the read. My first thought upon seeing title of thread was Dick Johnson just got a new nickname. bh, er DJ- If I were a toll collector, I'd sell you a bridge- one Benjamin at a time.
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    Corr: "DickJohnson"- One word, no spacing.
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    I'm less cynical than most. If someone will fuck me for only $1000, that's true love.
  • dustyshoes
    14 years ago
    If you are willing to spend $500 on her in one visit, there is no reason for her to leave.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Considering the situation, (if I was in it) I would just do the $1000 OTC fuck instead of making more visits in hopes she will change her ways...you will spend more than $1000 trying to change her mind/heart about you and even if she does "love you" it won't be for long...these strippers are head cases and move around and break up in one year more than you will your entire life.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I would never pay $1k to take an older stripper out for sex. Hell, even the $500 that "brotherhood" paid her ITC in this fantasy scenario would have been a good pickup for her. In many parts of the country I can get a girl to ditch out of the club for less that this old skank made ITC. Things are pretty bad in lots of places and money is hard to come by. In one odd way it makes me hope that the economy never improves - LOL.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    As others have said, if she was interested it would have been easier to see her, and wouldn't have cost you any real money.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    @clubber: Now I get it. I read some of his posts and he is hilarious, though I wish he would post straight rather than using various aliases - now I'm gonna' have to work harder to tell whether a poster like this is truly a dumb newbie. I also now see that I got sucked into a few other threads with blatant cliched SS that were likely posted by him. Damn! ;) @steve: Dead on with you comment. Unless you meet those criteria, assume that she is full of shit. 999 times out of 1000 the assumption will be accurate.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    She does not fuck either otc or itc - your being hustled. I would not offer more than $200. I had a dancer today at motel for $120 and it will be $150 on Friday (bikini modeling). Now I have been seeing her around 2 years and this has got POP down. These are FS sessions which include HJ foreplay then sex. With an entirely new one your starting from square one but don't offer more than $200-$300. If she qoutes you some sky high price instead she simply isn't someone who will play.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Player: I am with you on the principle (and indeed seem to agree with you a lot) but not on the economics in all regions. $$$ that may work in Houston will not get you a HJ in the Northeast or the West Coast. In Manhattan you need $500+ to get it done and in Boston, Chicago, LA: 300-400. In the NYC boroughs $300 will get you there while I agree in many other parts of the country $200 will bring you to payday. The point here is that the economics are regional. Go on to EROS and Craigslist (one being too high and the other a low skank price), add the two average quotes and divide by two, and you will come out with what is reasonable for your area.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    If a dancer really likes you she'll be all over you and won't care if you are spending money on her or not. In fact at that point that she really likes you, it will be next to impossible to hide from her if you're in the same club. I remember hearing a story about one dancer saying she liked this one guy better than all other customers she's met before. Then she said that was really saying something because she's met a lot of guys. Talk about scaring a guy.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Now if a dancer sucks your dick for free on a routine basis, she may like you. If she has sex with you on a routine basis and pays for the hotel room, she really likes you. Either that or your some famous dude.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Rick, We pretty much all got sucked in before we realized it.
  • ulitimate1
    14 years ago
    Yup, hate to say it but these posts help remind me that at the club, I am NOT special like that. Glad this question was brought up, the price wasn't as high but... yeah.... OH for the record, I didn't go for it.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    rickdugan, thanks for the city by city analysis. Just wondering what type of prices have you heard for Columbus, oh? how about dayton?
  • DickJohnson
    14 years ago
    promise its not me/....you guys are playing me now...
  • how
    14 years ago
    DickJohnson, just be honored that your posts are remembered so fondly...
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Hey, welcome back DJ!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    samsung, I've never been there but hope to some day. I also hear good things about Cleveland.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "though I wish he would post straight rather than using various aliases" Ummmm, he really doesn't use "various aliases" when he posts from what I can remember.
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