Before Congress, his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, made this statement, "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
From 1930 to 1940 federal spending TRIPLES. As a percentage of GDP it rose from 3.4% in 1930 to 9.8% in 1940. In 1930 unemployment was at 2.8 million and in 1940, 6.9 million.
Henry Morgenthau also said before Congress, “I say that after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…and an enormous debt to boot.â€
WWII saved us from further FDR “helpâ€.
In early 1963 with unemployment over 7%, JFK said to Congress, “The largest single barrier to full employment of our manpower and resources and to a higher rate of growth is the unrealistically heavy drag of federal income taxes on private purchasing power, initiative, and incentive.†He reduced the top tax rate from 91% (NINETY-ONE PERCENT!!!) to 70%. Unemployment drops to below 5%. Percentage of GDP spending drops sharply and the economy, well it grows 42% (FORTY-TWO PERCENT) between 1961 and 1968.
Before Congress, his Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, made this statement, "We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work."
Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
From 1930 to 1940 federal spending TRIPLES. As a percentage of GDP it rose from 3.4% in 1930 to 9.8% in 1940. In 1930 unemployment was at 2.8 million and in 1940, 6.9 million.
Henry Morgenthau also said before Congress, “I say that after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…and an enormous debt to boot.â€
WWII saved us from further FDR “helpâ€.
In early 1963 with unemployment over 7%, JFK said to Congress, “The largest single barrier to full employment of our manpower and resources and to a higher rate of growth is the unrealistically heavy drag of federal income taxes on private purchasing power, initiative, and incentive.†He reduced the top tax rate from 91% (NINETY-ONE PERCENT!!!) to 70%. Unemployment drops to below 5%. Percentage of GDP spending drops sharply and the economy, well it grows 42% (FORTY-TWO PERCENT) between 1961 and 1968.
In addition to a war, WW II can also be thought of as a giant economic stimulus.
The economy has every thing to do with strip clubs and their patrons. Many SCs are in bad shape now as patrons are fewer and those that do go are spending less money. One strip club in my area has gone out-of-business in the past couple of years and the other one just doesn't have the customers fi it weren't for the bar they would probably shut down.
My ATF called me about an hour ago (10 pm) and said there were 13 dancers and 8 patrons and she had a total of $1 after paying her club fee and paying for the jukebox. Others hadn't even made their fee.
Thing is, if we had more money to spend we would. There is the relevence.
Thanks Clubber for the insightful info.
rob0411, please meet Mr. Ignore button. Embrace him and learn how to click him if you don't like something! Real simple!
You might have a point if history didn't back the above every time either has been tried. Also, please meet Mr. Ignore and embrace!
There is however, empirical evidence that what Morgenthau said is true. Just one bit of evidence is the comparison of the US and France between 1981 and 1989. The US was led by free marketeer Reagan in the first 8 years and France by Mitterand, a socialist. France started out in 1981 at 84% of the US GDP per capita and by 1989 it was down to 74%.
Even if you don't believe that and chose to believe that it may be true that increased spending by FDR didn't create higher unemployment, it certainly didn't bring it down. On the other hand, lowering taxes (JFK) may not have caused lower unemployment but it didn't cause it to go higher.
Why on Earth did you start this political attack thread clubber?? Can't handle the level of discussion on the many, many other sites out there where one can discuss economics, govt. policy, and politics?? That's not surprising given your level of so-called "knowledge" on the subject.
Don't you remember when you've sworn to *not* start threads or post in threads that had *nothing* to do with strippers or strip clubs...waaaaay back in 2008??:
Why did you LIE way back when & break your promise dozens & dozens & dozens of times over the years??
I'll tell you why in this recent case...it's because you're getting increasingly frustrated & desperate...that's why!
"The economy has every thing to do with strip clubs and their patrons."
Bullshit. This is just another pathetic attempt by a Right-wing dolt to try & make some cheap political jabs against their opponents, and it serves NO purpose whatsoever! This is NOT the place for it!
"In other words, you haven't demonstrated that FDR's public spending caused higher unemployment"
...because it simply didn't. U.S. unemployment went DOWN throughout almost FDR's entire term! GDP also went UP during the vast majority of FDR's term!
"Similarly, it's not necessarily the case that JFK lowering income taxes caused unemployment to drop"
JFK was only one of a long-line of Democratic Presidents that have had much better economic track records than their GOP counterparts.
"U.S. GDP Growth Under Different Presidencies":
"Just one bit of evidence is the comparison of the US and France between 1981 and 1989."
France is a MUCH smaller country than the USA, period. Your comparisons are meaningless. Take them elsewhere.
"Even if you don't believe that and chose to believe that it may be true that increased spending by FDR didn't create higher unemployment, it certainly didn't bring it down."
Wrong again...see above.
"On the other hand, lowering taxes (JFK) may not have caused lower unemployment but it didn't cause it to go higher."
LOL...federal taxes went UP (mostly on the rich under Clinton) and unemployment took a nose dive through his entire term!
Give us all a break please...take your nonsense elsewhere!
As we've been over & over again on this very website, Morgenthau was simply WRONG in his assessment. The U.S. economy is now well on its way back to recovery...we've just seen the fastest quarterly GDP growth in 4 years!
"As a percentage of GDP it rose from 3.4% in 1930 to 9.8% in 1940."
Baloney. U.S. government spending as percentage of GDP was basically flat during this time-frame. It only went up wildly as we started to get involved in WWII (even before we were attacked).
"Percentage of GDP spending drops sharply"
Wrong again...as seen above, it only dipped slightly before going back up as we got further involved in Vietnam.
The FACT is that trickle-down/voo-doo economics have been tried out *twice* now, under two different GOP Presidents & with Congress under the control of *either* Party, and all it's done successfully is balloon the federal debt & deficit and widen the gap between the rich & poor, period end of story.
Once again, this is NOT the forum to be discussing these topics!
I'm also not a fan of trickle-up poverty, which is the Maobama way
You ask, "Why did you LIE way back when & break your promise dozens & dozens & dozens of times over the years??"
Simple to explain, I am emulating the president!
mg is a idiot!
As is typical, using those left-wing socialist nutcase sites as "proof".
What a fool you really are clubber...you're just an old fool with NO facts who's a racist & a liar...what a joke! You really can give it up now...
"As is typical, using those left-wing socialist nutcase sites as 'proof'."
LOL...yea, because Wikipedia, currencythoughts.com/about-larry-greenbe…, www.bea.gov, and www.usgovernmentspending.com/about_gs.ph… are "Left-wing sites"...not!
How stupid of me to think that you, the typical left-wing nut, would ever admit that a leftist site would ever be anything but truthful!
How about that global warming stuff?
Ummm...once again moron...they weren't "Left-wing sites", period.
"How about that global warming stuff?"
What about it?? That issue has nothing to do with this attack thread OR anything to to with what this discussion board is all about, which...once again for the feeble-minded...is all about strip clubs!
Give it up old man...the game's over..
Global Warming...
Another colossal left-wing LIE!
And once again, you don't bother to refute the un-refutable about obama, the Lair In Chief!
No, they are not "Left-wing sites" to anyone that bothers to actually go to them & read them, moron. And the spiral into madness continues for our resident old fool clubber...
O f c o u r s e t h e y a r e n o t l e f t - w i n g s i t e s t o a l e f t - w i n g i d i o t, i d i o t!
G l o b a l W a r m i n g . . .
A n o t h e r c o l o s s a l l e f t - w i n g L I E!
A n d o n c e a g a i n, y o u d o n ' t b o t h e r t o r e f u t e t h e u n - r e f u t a b l e a b o u t o b a m a, t h e L a i r I n C h i e f!
Ugh...and the downward spiral continues for this wing-nut...
REFUTED???? Show me where you REFUTED that global warming is a LIE!!!
Should be no answer to this one since you never did so, nor can you do so without once again proving yourself a LIAR!!!
Never said you were! It is a way to point out how your oh so truthful left-wing sites LIE!
"LOL...yea, because Wikipedia, currencythoughts.com/about-larry-greenbe…, www.bea.gov, and www.usgovernmentspending.com/about_gs.ph… are "Left-wing sites"...not! "
Ummmm, no, it really isn't, but I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to understand that.
"Never said you were! It is a way to point out how your oh so truthful left-wing sites LIE!"
LMAO! You do understand, moron, that when one says "...not!" at the end of a phrase that it means that they were being sarcastic.
Time to join the 21st century old man...
urbandictionary??? Most intelligent people prefer to use something along the lines of Webster's, but idiots, especially those that can not think for themselves, tend to be followers and do whatever is trendy at the time.
Showing your ignorance is not flattering, but you are just so DAMN GOOD at that!
Yea, you know...the one that has a lot of the same words & phrases that come up here on this very discussion board??
"but idiots, especially those that can not think for themselves, tend to be followers and do whatever is trendy at the time."
Do you even read aloud what you type here sometimes?? My goodness you're an idiot!
"Showing your ignorance is not flattering, but you are just so DAMN GOOD at that!"
And the ironic posts (that would be the posts that *you* make that actually apply, in fact, to YOU, moron) continue...ugh...
Now let's see...
mg loves to refer to me as a "moron" and always responds to being called an "idiot". Let's look further.
Here is the traditional system of IQ score rankings.
145 or higher- Genius
130 - 144 - Gifted
125 - 129 - Superior
115 - 124 - High Average
100 – 114 - Average/Normal
85 – 99 - Dull Normal
70 – 84 - Borderline
55 – 69 - Moron
40 – 54 - Imbecile
25 – 39 - Severely Challenged
1 – 24 - Idiot
So, at least he admits by HIS OWN STANDARDS that I would be three places higher than himself. Now, I am sure he thinks he is near genius, so that would pt me off the chart at the top end. Good job, idiot mg!
"I say again...turn down the crazy talk! This is a strip club discussion board!"
And another of your lies surfaces! Seems you used that "runaway" line many times on me, but it seems it is YOUR wish to truly "runaway" from your beating!
I will accept this as your surrender and bother no more, unless the need arises (you start your lies again). Enjoy your "life".
...in your own crazy, warped mind that is. I'm reminded now of a an old friend's favorite song, "You're gonna die soon" by Sarah Silverman. LOL...
"And another of your lies surfaces! Seems you used that 'runaway' line many times on me, but it seems it is YOUR wish to truly 'runaway' from your beating!"
Wow, and the delusional crazy talk from this old fool never seems to end...ugh...
"and bother no more"
No you won't, moron...I say "jump" & you say "how high"...get used to be pwned over & over & over again old man...